
Book Description

This title provides accountants with critical "how-to" guidance on planning, performing, and reporting on your audit engagements, including financial reporting and the financial reporting entity, revenue and expense recognition, capital asset accounting, and the elements of net position on audits of state and local governments. It covers newly issued accounting and auditing standards, pension and OPEB standards, going concern, fair value, and Yellow Book updates.

It prepares accountants to

  • Identify the latest principles of auditing and accounting for state and local governments.
  • Identify new GASB standards.
  • Review in detail auditing considerations including risk assessment, materiality, group audits, and performing and concluding the audit.
  • Re-examine significant accounting transactions including financial instruments; revenues and receivables; capital assets; expenses/expenditures and liabilities; net position and financial statement reconciliations.
  • Identify guidance for special-purpose governments like hospitals, schools district, transportation systems, colleges and universities and more.
  • Prepare financial statements in accordance with a special purpose framework through review of illustrative auditor's reports.

Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1 The Governmental Environment and GAAP
    1. Key Environmental Differences Between Government and Business
    2. Overview of the Financial Reporting Model
    3. Summary
    4. Practice Questions
  2. Chapter 2 Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting
    1. Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting
    2. Terminology
    3. Summary
    4. Practice Questions
  3. Chapter 3 Governmental Funds: Revenues and Expenditures
    1. Revenues
    2. Expenditures
    3. Summary
    4. Practice Questions
  4. Chapter 4 Fund Financial Statements and the Reporting Unit
    1. What a Government Reports
    2. Fund Financial Statements
    3. Reporting by Major Funds
    4. Governmental Funds
    5. Proprietary Funds
    6. Fiduciary Funds
    7. The Reporting Entity
    8. Primary Government
    9. Reporting Component Units
    10. Joint Ventures and Other Organizations
    11. Summary
    12. Practice Questions
  5. Chapter 5 Government-Wide Financial Statements and the CAFR
    1. The Government-Wide Statements
    2. Producing Government-Wide Statements
    3. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
    4. Summary
  6. Chapter 6 Special-Purpose Governments and Special Purpose Frameworks
    1. Background
    2. Special-Purpose Frameworks
    3. Practice Questions
  7. Appendix A
  8. Appendix A—Illustrative Auditor's Reports
  9. Appendix B
  10. Appendix B—Overview of Reporting Requirements for Special Purpose Financial Statements
    1. Risk Assessment for a Government
    2. Understanding of the Entity and Its Environment
    3. Understanding Internal Controls
    4. Materiality
    5. Each major component of the reconciliation.
    6. Going Concern Considerations
    7. Summary
  12. Chapter 8 Group Audits
    1. Summary
  13. Chapter 9 Reporting on the Audits of Governmental Financial Statements
    1. Required Supplementary Information, Supplementary Information, and Other Information
    2. Summary
  14. Appendix A
  15. Appendix A—Illustrative Auditor's Report
  16. Chapter 10 Governmental Pensions and OPEB Accounting, and Auditing
    1. Summary
  17. Chapter 11 Federal Government Activities
    1. OMB Compliance Supplement for Single Audits
  18. Glossary
  19. Solutions
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2
    3. Chapter 3
    4. Chapter 4
    5. Chapter 5
    6. Chapter 6
    7. Chapter 7
    8. Chapter 8
    9. Chapter 9
    10. Chapter 10
    11. Chapter 11
  20. EULA