
Book Description

The field of statistics is broad and complex, but this Infoline will help training professionals use statistics to execute their jobs even better. Why statistics? First, they allow you to make better decisions because data can be analyzed using proven mathematical principles and logic. Second, data are generated each moment across all business functions, and statistics allows the trainer quickly relate to business processes. Third, repetition is important for learner comprehension, and incorporating statistics and measures into training delivery helps learners acquire knowledge better and faster. And finally, the judicious use of statistics in presentations is a powerful way to support your case at higher organizational levels

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. The Statistics Field
  6. Descriptive Statistics
  7. Visualizing Data
  8. Margin of Error
  9. Inferential Statistics
  10. Correlation and Regression
  11. Using Statistics in Training
  12. References & Resources
  13. Job Aid
    1. Knowing What Statistics to Use
  14. Back Cover