
Book Description

Want a new job or career? Need to demonstrate more value to customers or employers? Use today’s hottest social media platforms to build the powerful personal brand that gets you what you want! In this completely updated book, Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy help you use social media to and networking to advance your career, grow your business, and land new job opportunities. From LinkedIn to Facebook, now including Instagram and SnapChat, this book is packed with new techniques and ideas that are practical, easy, and effective. Deckers and Lacy show you how to supercharge all your business and personal relationships…demonstrate that you are the best solution to employers’ or partners’ toughest problems…become a recognized thought leader…and turn your online network into outstanding jobs, great projects, and a fulfilling, profitable career!

Discover how to:

  • Choose today’s best social media tools for your personal goals
  • Build an authentic storyline and online identity that gets you the right opportunities
  • Make the most of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter–and leverage new platforms like Snapchat and Instagram
  • Build connections and prove expertise by sharing video on YouTube and Vimeo
  • Find yourself on search engines and then optimize your personal online presence
  • Promote your events, accomplishments, victories…and even defeats and lessons learned
  • Integrate online and offline networking to get more from both
  • Reach people with hiring authority and budgets on LinkedIn
  • Use Twitter to share the ideas and passions that make you uniquely valuable
  • Avoid “killer” social networking mistakes
  • Leverage your online expert status to become a published author or public speaker
  • Measure the success of your social media branding
  • Get new projects or jobs through your online friends and followers

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
    1. 1 Welcome to the Party
      1. What Is Self-Promotion?
        1. Why Is Self-Promotion Important?
        2. What Self-Promotion Is Not
        3. What Can Self-Promotion Do for You and Your Career?
      2. Personal Branding
        1. What Is Personal Branding?
        2. Go Brand Yourself
        3. How to Build Your Brand
      3. Personal Branding Case Study: Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Girl
      4. The Five Universal Objectives of Personal Branding
        1. 1. Discover Your Passion
        2. 2. Be Bold
        3. 3. Tell Your Story
        4. 4. Create Relationships
        5. 5. Take Action
      5. Who Needs Self-Promotion?
      6. Meet Our Heroes
    2. 2 How Do You Fit in the Mix?
      1. The Basics of Building Your Personal Brand Story
        1. Writing Your Personal Brand Story
        2. Prioritize Accomplishments
        3. Writing Your Personal Brand Biography
        4. How Do Our Heroes Use the Personal Brand Biography?
      2. Personal Branding Case Study: Park Howell
      3. Telling Your Complete Brand Story
        1. The Law of Anecdotal Value
        2. Surround Yourself with Passionate People
        3. Sharing Memories and Stories
      4. Ten Do’s and Don’ts of Telling Your Story
        1. 1. Don’t Post Pictures that Would Shock Your Mother
        2. 2. Don’t View Your Personal Brand Story as a Sales Pitch
        3. 3. Don’t Post Something You’ll Regret
        4. 4. Don’t Ask for Things First; Ask for Things Second
        5. 5. Don’t Get Distracted
        6. 6. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Your Network
        7. 7. Do Invest in Yourself
        8. 8. Do Invest in Other People
        9. 9. Do Be Visible and Active
        10. 10. Do Take Some Time for Yourself
    1. 3 Blogging: Telling Your Story
      1. What Is Blogging?
        1. A Clarification of Terms
        2. Why Should You Blog?
      2. Personal Branding Case Study: Jonathan Thomas, Anglotopia.com
      3. Choose Your Blogging Platforms
        1. Blogspot.com/Blogger.com
        2. WordPress.com and WordPress.org
        3. Other Blogging Platforms
        4. Which Platform Is Right for You?
      4. Setting Up a Blog
        1. Purchasing and Hosting a Domain Name
      5. Getting Inspired
        1. What Should You Write About?
        2. Finding Subject Matter
        3. How to Write a Blog Post
      6. Writing for Readers vs. Writing for Search Engines
        1. It’s About the Quality of the Writing
        2. Google Expects You to Write Good Stuff
      7. How Often Should You Post?
      8. How Long Should Your Posts Be?
        1. But My Posts Are Too Long!
      9. SEO Through Blogging
      10. How Does This Apply to Our Four Heroes?
      11. The Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging
        1. Do’s
        2. Don’ts
      12. A Final Note on the Rules of Blogging
    2. 4 LinkedIn: Networking on Steroids
      1. The Basics of LinkedIn
        1. What Are Degrees of Connectedness?
        2. What’s in a LinkedIn Profile?
        3. Cool LinkedIn Features for Personal Branding
        4. Making Contacts on LinkedIn
        5. Transforming Your Contacts into Connections
        6. The Importance of Recommendations
      2. Personal Branding Case Study: Anthony Juliano
      3. Ten Do’s and Don’ts of LinkedIn
        1. 1. Do Upload a Professional Picture
        2. 2. Do Connect to Your Real Friends and Contacts
        3. 3. Do Keep Your Profile Current
        4. 4. Do Delete People Who Spam You
        5. 5. Do Make Your Summary Look Its Best
        6. 6. Don’t Use LinkedIn Like Facebook and Twitter
        7. 7. Don’t Sync LinkedIn with Twitter
        8. 8. Don’t Decline Invitations—Archive Them
        9. 9. Don’t Ask Everyone for Recommendations
        10. 10. Don’t Forget to Use Spelling and Grammar Check
    3. 5 Twitter: Sharing in the Conversation
      1. Why Should You Use Twitter?
      2. What Can Twitter Do for You?
      3. Personal Branding Case Study: @HaggardHawks
      4. How Do You Use Twitter?
        1. Creating a Twitter Profile
        2. Finding Followers
        3. Sending Out Tweets
        4. Retweeting Content
      5. Applications for Twitter Domination
      6. What Should You Tweet (and Not Tweet)?
      7. Personal Branding Case Study: @MuslimIQ
      8. Seven Do’s and Don’ts While Using Twitter
      9. Twitter Tips in 140 Characters or Less
      10. How Should Our Four Heroes Use Twitter?
    4. 6 Facebook: Developing a Community of Friends
      1. Why Should You Use Facebook?
      2. What Can Facebook Do for You?
        1. Reconnect with Old Classmates and Coworkers
        2. Professionally Brand Yourself
        3. Be Philanthropic
        4. Find Local Events
      3. What You Should Know About Facebook
        1. Professional Page vs. Personal Profile
      4. The Basics: Creating a Personal Profile
      5. Stay in Control of Your Profile
        1. Your Personal Page Privacy Settings
        2. Setting Up Your Privacy Settings for Your Personal Account
        3. Working with Your Customized URL
      6. Using a Professional Page for Personal Branding
        1. Using Insights to Track Your Content Growth
        2. Setting Up Your Professional Page
      7. Top Four Tips for Using Facebook
      8. Ten Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook
      9. Facebook Tips in 140 Characters or Less
    5. 7 Say Cheese: Sharing Photos and Videos
      1. Why Video
        1. Where to Put Your Videos
      2. Shooting Video With Regular Digital Cameras
      3. Recording Screen Capture Videos
      4. Personal Branding Case Study: Lynn Ferguson & Mark Tweddle
      5. What Should I Make Videos Of?
      6. Why Post Photos?
        1. Where to Post Your Photos
      7. Copyright: Understanding Creative Commons
        1. Creative Commons
      8. Embedding Videos and Photos in Your Blog
        1. Adding Photos
        2. Adding Videos
      9. SEO for Videos and Photos
        1. YouTube SEO
        2. Photo SEO
      10. The Video Résumé
        1. A Cautionary Note About Video Résumés
      11. Photos and Video Tips in 140 Characters
    6. 8 Other Social Networking Tools
      1. Google+
      2. Quora
      3. Meetup.com
      4. Email Newsletters
      5. Podcasts
        1. Listen to Podcasts
        2. Why Podcast?
        3. What Do You Need?
        4. What Should Your Podcast be About?
        5. Producing the Podcast
      6. Personal Branding Case Study: John J. Wall, Marketing Over Coffee Podcast
      7. How Does This Apply to Our Four Heroes?
    7. 9 Googling Yourself: Finding Yourself on Search Engines
      1. Have You Ever Googled Yourself?
      2. What Do You Want Others to Find?
      3. Search Engine Optimization
      4. What SEO Used To Be
      5. What SEO Looks Like Now
        1. How Can You Influence These Factors?
        2. Add Video
      6. Reverse Search Engine Optimization
      7. What if You Share a Common Name?
      8. Search Engine Tools
        1. Google Alerts
        2. TalkWalker.com
        3. Google Image Search
        4. Bing
        5. Yahoo!
      9. The Value of Reputation Management
        1. Reputation Management Tools
      10. How Do Our Heroes Use SEO?
      11. Reputation Management Tips in 140 Characters
    8. 10 Bringing It All Together: Launching Your Brand
      1. What Is a Personal Brand Campaign?
      2. How Do Our Heroes Build Their P&T Statements?
      3. Why Is a Personal Brand Campaign Important?
      4. Personal Branding Case Study: Sheryl Brown
      5. Building Your Personal Brand Campaign
        1. Developing Your Personal Brand Campaign
        2. Implementing Your Personal Brand Campaign
        3. Automating Your Personal Brand Campaign
      6. Unique Ways to Launch Your Branding Campaign
      7. How Should Our Heroes Launch Their Brands?
      8. Do’s and Don’ts of Launching Your Personal Brand
    9. 11 Measuring Success: You Like Me, You Really Like Me!
      1. Why Should You Measure?
      2. What Should You Measure?
        1. Reach
        2. Engagement
        3. Quality versus Quantity
        4. Visibility
        5. Influence
      3. How Should You Measure?
        1. Measuring Your Blogging Effectiveness
        2. Using Google Analytics for Your Blog
        3. Setting Up a Google Analytics Account
        4. Installing Google Analytics
      4. Getting an Overview of Your Website Performance
        1. Measuring Your Twitter Effectiveness
        2. Measuring Your Facebook Effectiveness
        3. Measuring Your LinkedIn Effectiveness
        4. Measuring Your YouTube Effectiveness
      5. Four More Measurement Tools
      6. Effectively Measuring Your Personal Brand
      7. How Can Our Heroes Use Analytics and Measurement?
      8. Do’s and Don’ts for Analytics and Measurement
      9. Analytics Tips in 140 Characters
    1. 12 How to Network: “Hello, My Name Is…”
      1. Why Should I Bother Networking?
      2. Personal Branding Case Study: Starla West
      3. The Rules of Networking
        1. It’s Not About You
        2. Giver’s Gain Is Not Quid Pro Quo
        3. Be Honest Online and Offline
        4. You’re Just as Good as Everyone Else
        5. Avoid Selfish People
        6. Network with Your Competition
      4. Personal Branding Case Study: Hazel Walker
      5. Three Types of Networking
        1. Networking Groups
        2. Meeting New People
        3. The Networking Dance
        4. What Should You Say?
      6. Networking Faux Pas
        1. Don’t Deal Your Own Cards
        2. Don’t Use Clever Elevator Pitches
        3. Don’t Sign People Up for Your Newsletter
      7. After the Meeting
      8. One-on-One Networking
        1. How to Set Up the One-On-One Networking Meeting
        2. What to Talk About
        3. No One Wants a Sales Pitch
        4. The “Pick-Your-Brain” Meeting
      9. How to Make an Email Introduction
      10. The Follow-Up
        1. Forwarding Articles and Links
        2. Sharing Opportunities
        3. Making Connections
      11. But I Just Don’t Want to Meet the Other Person
        1. Be Honest
        2. What if the Other Person Isn’t Honest?
      12. Personal Branding Case Study: Dave Delaney
      13. Network While You Still Have a Job
      14. Don’t Discount Serendipity
      15. Do’s and Don’ts of Networking
        1. Do
        2. Don’t
      16. How Would Our Heroes Network?
    2. 13 Public Speaking: We Promise You Won’t Die
      1. Should You Speak in Public?
        1. No, Seriously
        2. But You Hate Speaking in Public
      2. Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking
        1. Toastmasters
        2. Classes at Your Local College or University
        3. Seminars and Courses
        4. Speakers Associations
        5. Private or Executive Coaches
      3. Personal Branding Case Study: Lorraine Ball
      4. Finding Your Speaking Niche
      5. How to Launch Your Speaking Career
        1. Identify Speaking Opportunities
        2. Industry Groups
        3. Civic Groups
        4. Conferences, Trade Shows, and Expos
        5. Introducing Yourself
        6. Promoting Your Talk
      6. Personal Branding Case Study: Crystal Washington
      7. Giving Your Talk
      8. Important Technology Tips for Presenters
      9. How Does Public Speaking Apply to Our Four Heroes?
      10. Speaking Tips in 140 Characters
    3. 14 Getting Published: “I’m an Author!”
      1. Why Should I Become a Published Writer?
      2. Personal Branding Case Study: Jackie Bledsoe
      3. Finding Publishing Opportunities
        1. Local Newspapers
        2. Business Newspapers
        3. Specialty Magazines and Newspapers
        4. Hobby Publications
        5. Major Mainstream Magazines
        6. Go Horizontal Instead of Vertical
      4. Build Your Personal Brand with Your Writing
      5. Publication Rights
      6. Create Your Own Articles’ Niche
      7. Getting Started
      8. Getting Paid
        1. Paying Your Dues
        2. The Myth of Exposure
      9. The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing for Publication
      10. How Can Our Heroes Turn to Writing for Publication?
    4. 15 Personal Branding: Using What You’ve Learned to Land Your Dream Job
      1. Using Your Network to Find a Job
        1. Twitter: Connections in 140 Characters
        2. LinkedIn: Professional Connections
      2. Creating a Résumé
        1. Should I Write a Paper Résumé?
      3. How Does Social Media Fit in Your Résumé?
        1. Six Tips for Listing Social Media on Your Résumé
      4. Personal Branding Case Study: Jason Falls
      5. Do’s and Don’ts of Résumé Building
      6. Don’t Rely on the Job Boards
      7. Try the Company Job Boards
      8. Use LinkedIn to Bypass Job Boards
      9. Skip HR Altogether—Work Your Network
      10. Tell Your Friends
      11. The Informational Interview
      12. Start Your Own Company
        1. How Can Our Heroes Find a Job Through Networking?
      13. Job Searching Tips in 140 Characters
  9. Index