
Book Description

What are the best ways to make sure that projects and new ideas move forward smoothly and smartly? This collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review examines the ways to tap employees for their best ideas, encourage them to share their concerns, and use strategy loops to incorporate new information and translate it into effective action.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright
  3. Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. Developing Innovative Solutions Through Internal Crowdsourcing
    1. The Benefits of Internal Crowdsourcing
    2. Roadblocks to Successful Internal Crowdsourcing
    3. Removing the Roadblocks
  6. An Easy Way to Encourage Employees to Follow Company Rules
  7. When Strategy Walks Out the Door
    1. Let Employees Vote With Their Feet
  8. How to Find Answers Within Your Company
  9. How Project Leaders Can Overcome the Crisis of Silence
    1. Crucial Conversation #1: Are We Planning Around Facts?
    2. Crucial Conversation #2: Is the Project Sponsor Providing Support?
    3. Crucial Conversation #3: Are We Faithful to the Process?
    4. Crucial Conversation #4: Are We Honestly Assessing Our Progress and Risks?
    5. Crucial Conversation #5: Are Team Members Pulling Their Weight?
    6. From Silent Crisis to Flawless Execution
    7. An Integrated Approach: The Six Sources of Influence
  10. Closing the Gap Between Strategy and Execution