
Book Description

This book covers the subject of economic damages and its role in insurance claims, lawsuits, and injunctions against businesses.

Businesses exist to provide goods and services to customers, and in doing so, they take risks. Among these risks is the chance of losing money in lawsuits filed by customers, employees, and others negatively impacted by the business. Insurance provides some protection against these liabilities, but lawsuits still take their toll.

This book covers the subject of economic damages and its role in insurance claims, lawsuits, and injunctions against businesses. This book will help the reader to identify economic damages as a component of business liability, describe the business risk posed by economic damages, explain some key determinants of economic damages, and estimate economic damages and business loss in a variety of cases.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Preface to the First Edition
  6. Preface
  7. Chapter 1 Business Liability
  8. Chapter 2 Economic Loss
  9. Chapter 3 Compensation for Loss
  10. Chapter 4 Evidence of Loss
  11. Chapter 5 Loss to Workers and Families
  12. Chapter 6 Antitrust and Harm to Competition
  13. Afterword
  14. Glossary
  15. Bibliography
  16. About the Author
  17. Index