
Book Description

Improving communication is one of the most important – and challenging – issues that management accountants face. In a global survey of CFOs, Ernst & Young said: “Despite two thirds of respondents saying that increasingly they act as the public face of the organization, most point to communication and influencing as the most important area for improvement.”

In this publication you will learn:

  • How do management accountants know if they are effectively communicating?
  • What are the most effective techniques for improving their communication skills?

This book is specifically designed to meet the needs and interests of management accountants. It draws on interviews with finance professionals at every level of corporate accounting, as well as with communication consultants, executive recruiters and educators. It looks at how management accountants communicate inside and outside their organizations, identifies best practices, and gives hands-on strategies that accountants can use right away.

Readers will discover how to:

  • Move their current communication skills to a higher level.
  • Recognize the importance of communication within the context of their financial manager function.
  • Understand the right way to deliver bad news and resolve conflicts.
  • Manage the impact of new technologies on traditional communication channels.
  • Develop the skills to use active listening as the foundation for positive communication tactics.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. Chapter 1: Business Communication: Issues For Management Accountants
    1. The Changing Role of the CFO
    2. CFO Responsibilities
      1. Finding Insights in Data
      2. Budgeting
      3. Measuring Value
      4. Managing Risk
    3. Specific Communication Challenges CFOs Face
      1. Explaining Complex Issues
      2. Communicating With Investors
    4. Core Skills for Management Accountants
      1. Communication
      2. Building Relationships
      3. Participation in Training Programmes
      4. Taking the Initiative to Learn
      5. Meeting Expectations
      6. Managing Change
    5. Chapter Summary
  8. Chapter 2: Developing Communication Competence: From School to CFO
    1. Communication Competencies
    2. Communication in University Accounting Programmes
    3. Career Paths in Accounting
      1. Public Accounting
      2. Management Accounting
      3. Financial Accounting
    4. Retaining the Next Generation of Management Accountants
    5. Chapter Summary
  9. Chapter 3: Communication Skills
    1. Purpose of Communication
    2. Forms of Communication
    3. Using Communication in Business
    4. Measuring Results
    5. Core Skills
      1. Listening
      2. Speaking
      3. Writing
    6. Nonverbal Communication
    7. Metacommunication
    8. Cross-Cultural Communication
    9. Chapter Summary
  10. Chapter 4: Communicating in the Workplace
    1. Face-to-Face Communication
    2. Team Communication
    3. Meetings
    4. Written Communications
      1. E-mails
      2. Instant Messaging and Text Messaging
      3. Memorandums
      4. Letters
    5. Phone
    6. Chapter Summary
  11. Chapter 5: Write From the Start
    1. Preparing to Write
      1. Purpose
      2. Subject
      3. Audience
      4. Delivery
    2. The Write Mindset
    3. Traditional Outlining
    4. Alternatives to Traditional Outlining
      1. Brainstorm Outline (Brainstorming)
      2. Mind Mapping
      3. Questioning
      4. Free Writing
    5. Context
    6. Research
    7. Chapter Summary
  12. Chapter 6: Writing the Report
    1. Writing the First Draft
      1. Writing Your Theme
      2. Building Your Report Paragraph by Paragraph
    2. Sections of a Report
      1. Body
      2. Executive Summary
      3. Introduction
      4. Conclusion
      5. Recommendations
    3. Editing
    4. Chapter Summary
    5. Appendix 6-1: Some Suggestions on How to Tighten and Strengthen Your Sentences
  13. Chapter 7: Presentations: Planning and Preparing
    1. Planning
    2. Outlining Your Presentation
      1. Storyboard: A Visual Outline
      2. Introduction
      3. Transitions
      4. Guidelines for Content
      5. Developing a Content Outline: An Example
      6. The Close
    3. Chapter Summary
  14. Chapter 8: Presentations: Designing and Delivering
    1. Preparing Notes for Your Presentation
    2. Preparing Visuals for Your Presentation
      1. Flip Charts
      2. Whiteboards
      3. Paper Handouts
      4. Projectors
      5. Slides
    3. Designing Your Slide Presentation
      1. Mix of Slides
      2. Number of Slides
      3. Design Elements
      4. Colours
      5. Presentation Design Example
    4. Delivering Your Presentation
      1. Preparation
      2. Presentation Day
    5. Conclusion
    6. Resources
    7. Chapter Summary
  15. Chapter 9: Social Media in Business
    1. Benefits
    2. Risks
    3. Management Accountants and Social Media
    4. Social Media Channels
      1. LinkedIn
      2. Twitter
      3. Facebook
      4. Google+
      5. YouTube
    5. Internet
      1. Company Website
      2. Blogs
      3. Podcasts
      4. Video
      5. Web Conferencing (Webinar)
    6. Mobile Devices
    7. Social Media Policy
    8. Chapter Summary
  16. Bibliography
  17. Appendix A: Interviews
  18. Appendix B: Corporate Accounting Career Paths
  19. Appendix C: Business Proposals
  20. Appendix D: Checklist for Writing Reports
  21. Appendix E: Checklist for Presentations
  22. Appendix F: Resources