
Book Description

With more than 250 million iOS devices sold Apple’s booming mobile platform provides a large and rapidly growing app market for developers, and with the release of the iOS 5 SDK, Apple has provided their richest, most exciting set of development tools yet. In this book, iOS programming expert Richard Warren shows you how to use these powerful tools to begin writing the next generation of iOS apps. Richard provides a complete introduction to iPhone and iPad development, emphasizing the newest technologies and best practices for iOS 5.

After a tour of the inner workings of an iOS project and an invaluable examination of Objective-C, you will hone your app-developing skills by developing a complete, full-featured application. You start by building the app’s user interface. This will cover everything from linking View Controllers in the Storyboard to drawing custom views. Next, you will use iCloud storage and Core data to manage your app’s data model, synchronizing your data across multiple devices. Then you tackle more advanced topics, including Core Animation, Core Motion, Core Location and Core Image. Finally, Richard shows you how to test, polish and prepare your apps for submission to the iTunes App Store.

This book includes:

  • Detailed instruction, ample illustrations, and clear examples

  • Real-world guidance and advice

  • Insight into best practices from an iOS programming expert

  • A solid introduction to the Objective-C language and important Cocoa design patterns

  • Information on key iOS 5 technologies, including Automatic Reference Counting, Storyboards, iCloud storage, Container View Controllers, Custom Control Appearances, Core Image, and integrated Twitter support.

  • Table of Contents

    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Dedications Page
    4. Acknowledgments
    5. Contents
    6. i. Introduction
    7. 1. Hello iPhone
    8. 2. Objective-C
    9. 3. Productivity Application Architecture
    10. 4. Developing Views and View Controllers
    11. 5. Drawing Custom Views
    12. 6. Loading and Saving Data
    13. 7. Core Data
    14. 8. Designing Custom Controls
    15. 9. The Last Mile
    16. Index
    17. Footnotes
      1. Chapter 2