
Book Description

This book, the second of two volumes dedicated to ethics in social networking and business, presents the future and changing paradigms related to ethics, and morality in our interconnected society.

This volume analyzes advanced topics, including new technologies, transhumanism and uberization, to provide a more complex, shared and collective environment into why business ethics is essential for managing risks and uncertainties.

The Ethics in Social Networking and Business series is the result of a cross-integration of real experiences (from IBM, society and the Rotary Club), transdisciplinary works in decision making, and advances at the boundaries of several scientific fields.


Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Foreword
  5. List of Acronyms
  6. Introduction
    1. I.1. Main principles and definitions used in Volume 1
    2. I.2. Main changes and trends in ethics: toward new ways of thinking
    3. I.3. Global ethics
  7. 1 Evolution and Impact of Advanced Technologies on Humankind and Business
    1. 1.1. Introduction
    2. 1.2. Evolution of technologies
    3. 1.3. The United Nations: concerns and recommendations
    4. 1.4. Evolution of production systems
    5. 1.5. Emergence of nanotechnologies
    6. 1.6. Development of biotechnologies
    7. 1.7. 3D printing and the future of manufacturing
    8. 1.8. The future: wedding of transdisciplinary technologies
    9. 1.9. New opportunities: precision and sustainability
    10. 1.10. The current digitization strategy
    11. 1.11. Robotics, how and for which purpose?
    12. 1.12. Cognitive sciences, cognitivism
    13. 1.13. NBIC: innovation business models
    14. 1.14. How to link ethics and innovation
    15. 1.15. Conclusion
  8. 2 Ethics and Transhumanism: Control using Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
    1. 2.1. Introduction to transhumanism
    2. 2.2. Ethics, robotics and artificial intelligence
    3. 2.3. Ethics and robotics
    4. 2.4. Artilects
    5. 2.5. The world: a hybrid planet with robotics and living species
    6. 2.6. Ethics and the elementary rules of Asimov in robotics
    7. 2.7. Conclusions and perspectives: the problems that could arise from robotics
  9. 3 Ethics and the New Business and Labor Organizations
    1. 3.1. Preamble
    2. 3.2. The context: new BDIs of the population, new opportunities
    3. 3.3. Major changes in the shared and collaborative economy
    4. 3.4. Concepts: some definitions and recollections
    5. 3.5. Key factors of the new economic models
    6. 3.6. The P2P management rules
    7. 3.7. Assignments of means and resources
    8. 3.8. Uber: a resources allocation problem
    9. 3.9. Business ethics: a resources allocation problem
    10. 3.10. Ethics in the business: more perspectives
    11. 3.11. Ethics in Web-to-Virtual Store applications
    12. 3.12. GIG economy: are the workers at Uber and Lyft happy?
    13. 3.13. The real price of innovation
    14. 3.14. Conclusion
  10. 4 Ethics and Social Networking
    1. 4.1. Preamble
    2. 4.2. Introduction: social networking
    3. 4.3. Some basic social definitions and principles
    4. 4.4. Emergence and reverse engineering
    5. 4.5. Moving beyond technology-based solutions to complexity
    6. 4.6. How to link ethics and social innovation
    7. 4.7. Ethical frameworks for innovation
    8. 4.8. Collaboration and cooperation
    9. 4.9. Comparison of the different modes of management
    10. 4.10. Ethics and mimicry: a natural approach to social networking
    11. 4.11. Conclusion
  11. 5 Ethics: Misuses and Whistleblowing in Big Data and the Web
    1. 5.1. Introduction
    2. 5.2. Some statistics
    3. 5.3. Problematic situation
    4. 5.4. Accelerating factors
    5. 5.5. Whistleblowing
    6. 5.6. Business ethics: elements of methodology and implementation
    7. 5.7. Whistleblower policies and corporate governance
    8. 5.8. Conclusion
  12. 6 The Underlying Mechanisms to Improve Ethics: Virtues, Laws and Cultures
    1. 6.1. Introduction
    2. 6.2. Examples of unethical behavior in the economy
    3. 6.3. An exclusive or inclusive society: ethics and social relationships
    4. 6.4. Better ethics? Some constitutive elements
    5. 6.5. Ethics and Christian culture
    6. 6.6. Ethics and the evaluation of a corporate culture: application to IBM
    7. 6.7. Ethics and the Rotary culture
  13. 7 Uses of Ethics: Between Virtue, Humanism and Illiteracy
    1. 7.1. Ethics: an attitude between responsibility and conviction
    2. 7.2. Ethics: between the exact requirements and the intents of the letter and spirit of the law
  14. 8 Ethics, Temporality and Spirituality
    1. 8.1. Introduction: problematics
    2. 8.2. Truth: general characteristics of ethics and morals
    3. 8.3. Ethics and morale
    4. 8.4. Ethics and spirituality
    5. 8.5. Application: ethics and bioethics
    6. 8.6. Ethics, spirituality, identity and religion
    7. 8.7. Synthesis: hierarchy of ethics concepts
    8. 8.8. Spirituality out of the religion framework
    9. 8.9. Beyond ethics: the contribution of religious fact to excluded people
    10. 8.10. Conclusion
  15. 9 Ethics: Perspectives and the Future
    1. 9.1. Introduction
    2. 9.2. The crisis is still here
    3. 9.3. Post-modernism in detail: the story never ends
    4. 9.4. Consequences: worldwide governance and hyper-democracies
    5. 9.5. Business ethics: new trends and perspective
    6. 9.6. Ethics of consideration: a new concept
    7. 9.7. Toward a more Sustainable Ethics
    8. 9.8. Ethics: evaluation and measurement
    9. 9.9. A future vision of networking and Business Ethics
    10. 9.10. Main conclusions
  16. Bibliography
  17. Index
  18. End User License Agreement