
Book Description

How do you decide how to decide? What are the best strategies for problem-solving? This collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review explores the critical importance of knowing what problem you are trying to solve, taking the time to thoroughly frame a decision and explore the full scope of options, and recognizing that consensus isn’t always the best policy.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright
  3. Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. The Most Underrated Skill in Management
    1. How Our Minds Solve Problems
    2. The Discipline of Problem Formulation
    3. Four Common Mistakes
    4. Structured Problem-Solving
    5. A Case Study in a Hospital
    6. From Reorganization to Real Learning
  6. Saving Money Through Structured Problem-Solving
  7. Stop Jumping to Solutions!
    1. A Ubiquitous Problem
    2. Where Decisions Go Wrong
    3. Opening Up the Thinking Space
    4. Systematically Expanding the Decision Frame
    5. The Performance Payoff
    6. Engaging Your Team
    7. Generating Internal Buy-In
  8. Learning the Art of Business Improvisation
    1. Improvisation Fundamentals
    2. Improvisation in Innovation Projects
    3. Creating Conditions That Foster Improvisation
  9. Why Our Minds Swap Out Hard Questions For Easy Ones
  10. Toyota’s Secret: The A3 Report
  11. When Consensus Hurts the Company
    1. Two Types of Errors
    2. Applying This Knowledge
    3. Shifting Gears As Needed