
Book Description

Focusing on important information literacy debates, this new book with contributions from many of the main experts in the field highlights important ideas and practical considerations. Information Literacy takes the reader on a journey across the contemporary information landscape, guided by academics and practitioners who are experts in navigating this ever-changing terrain.

  • Diversity of content from authors with national and international reputations
  • Shows professionals how to operate at a strategic level to engender institutional change and have a direct practical application for their teaching and learning practice
  • Many of the chapters are based on empirical research ensuring innovative approaches to information literacy

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. List of figures and tables
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. About the authors
  8. Chapter 1: Introduction
    1. Abstract:
    2. But who were the community of practice?
    3. Change of key: change of outlook
    4. Our call to arms …
  9. Part 1: Collaboration, Curriculum and Courses
    1. Chapter 2: Information literate pedagogy: developing a levels framework for the Open University
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Background
      4. Previous work
      5. The rationale for the IL Levels Framework
      6. Development of the IL Levels Framework
      7. Putting it into practice
      8. What support might people need to use it?
      9. How we will test it: case studies
      10. Possible issues
      11. Future developments
      12. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 3: Information literacy in the workplace and the employability agenda
      1. Abstract:
      2. A background of issues
      3. Information literacy in the workplace and employability defined?
      4. Information literacy and the skills agenda
      5. Organisations and information
      6. Inside the organisation
      7. Information needs and sources used
      8. Training issues
      9. Examples of good practice
    3. Chapter 4: Information literacy in the context of contemporary teaching methods in higher education
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Enquiry based learning and the IL perspective
      4. Dialectic facilitation approaches: an alternative approach to IL development
      5. A new dimension …
      6. Conclusion
  10. Part 2: Development, Dialogue and Design
    1. Chapter 5: ‘Enquiring Minds’ and the role of information literacy in the design, management and assessment of student research tasks
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. The Enquiring Minds (EM) project
      4. IL, the teaching-research nexus and EBL
      5. External standards: QAA
      6. The EM People, Diversity & Work pilot
      7. Bringing IL into the Law curriculum
      8. From theory into practice: implementation
      9. IL competences and ‘standards’
      10. IL and the limitations of ‘learning outcomes’
      11. ‘Competency standards’ in Law skills assessment
      12. Presentation, reward and ‘communication’ aspects
      13. Competency standards for ‘communication’ and the ‘ethical’ dimension
      14. The ‘ethical’ dimension in ‘communication’
      15. Conclusions
    2. Chapter 6: Are we sharing our toys in the sandpit? Issues surrounding the design, creation, reuse re-purposing of learning objects to support information skills teaching
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Literature review
      4. Design of RLOs for information skills
      5. Sharing your content
      6. Conclusion
      7. Appendix Reuse logbook
    3. Chapter 7: Spielberg your way to information literacy: producing educational movies and videos
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Using videos
      4. Pre-production
      5. Planning
      6. Scripting
      7. Filming
      8. Editing
      9. Reviewing and evaluating
      10. Next steps
      11. Final thoughts
      12. Glossary
  11. Part 3: Obesity, Overload and Opportunity
    1. Chapter 8: Information literacy and noöpolitics
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Information abundance and information obesity
      4. From geopolitics to noöpolitics
      5. Competing forms of value
      6. A politically aware information literacy education?
      7. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 9: Contemporary technologies’ influence on learning as a social practice
      1. Abstract:
      2. Contemporary technology
      3. What makes the Internet such a radical and disruptive technology for education?
      4. Social learning is nothing new
      5. The Internet as the modern wireless ‘Penny University’
      6. Knowing stuff: what we now do with information
      7. The cult of the amateur and the rise of the informal learner and expert
      8. Pedagogy 2.0? Opportunities and threats of contemporary social learning
      9. Information literacy
      10. Conclusions
    3. Chapter 10: Understanding the information literacy competencies of UK Higher Education students
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Background and context
      4. Information literacy Testing at MMU – context
      5. Research methods
      6. Results
      7. Conclusions and recommendations
  12. Appendix
  13. Index