
Book Description

Microservices fundamentally change the way you design enterprise software. By adding network dependencies to your application logic, you invite in a host of potential hazards that grow proportionally with the number of connections you make. With the updated edition of this practical ebook, application architects and development team leads will learn how to use the Istio service mesh to connect, manage, and secure microservices in order to create powerful cloud-native applications.

Burr Sutter and his team at Red Hat introduce you to several key microservices capabilities that Istio provides on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift. You’ll learn how your application can offload service discovery, load balancing, resilience, observability, and security to Istio so you can focus on differentiating business logic.

Dive into Istio with detailed examples of:

  • Traffic control: Examine Istio patterns including smarter canaries and dark launches
  • Service resiliency: Discover how Istio provides load balancing, circuit breaking, and pool ejection
  • Chaos testing: Test your system’s ability to withstand turbulent conditions through fault injection
  • Observability: Use tracing and metrics to learn the relationships between individual system components
  • Security: Explore Istio’s security capabilities, such as mTLS, RBAC, and policy enforcement

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Introduction
    1. The Challenge of Going Faster
    2. Meet Istio
    3. Understanding Istio Components
      1. Data Plane
      2. Control Plane
  2. 2. Installation and Getting Started
    1. Command-Line Tools Installation
    2. Kubernetes/OpenShift Installation
    3. Istio Installation
      1. Installing Istio Command-Line Tooling
    4. Example Java Microservices Installation
      1. Navigating the Code Base
      2. Building and Deploying the Customer Service
      3. Building and Deploying the Preference Service
      4. Building and Deploying the Recommendation Service
  3. 3. Traffic Control
    1. Smarter Canaries
    2. Traffic Routing
      1. Routing to Specific Versions of a Deployment
      2. Routing Based on Headers
    3. Dark Launch
    4. Egress
  4. 4. Service Resiliency
    1. Load Balancing
    2. Timeout
    3. Retry
    4. Circuit Breaker
    5. Pool Ejection
    6. Combination: Circuit Breaker + Pool Ejection + Retry
  5. 5. Chaos Testing
    1. HTTP Errors
    2. Delays
  6. 6. Observability
    1. Tracing
    2. Metrics
    3. Service Graph
  7. 7. Security
    1. mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS)
    2. Access Control with Mixer Policy
    3. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
    4. Conclusion