
Book Description

The final instalment in a new series offering straightforward, practical wisdom from a top business guru

John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Amazing Creativity is the second title in a new series of titles from the noted business expert. Focused on concise, practical, and straightforward business wisdom, the series offers the kind of real-world insight that business leaders thrive on.

Short, punchy, and packed with real solutions, this book provides 100 proven and effective ideas for businesspeople in need of fresh new ideas, whether they work for a small firm or a Fortune 100 giant.

  • Proven, practical business wisdom for anyone who must create to succeed

  • The second book in a new series from renowned business authority John Adair

  • Quick bites of business wisdom for everyday business success

For effective tips on creative thinking from a proven expert, John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Amazing Creativity offers everything you need to invent your own success in business.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Author's Note
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. PART ONE: Find Your Own Creative Mind
    1. Six Greatest Ideas for Creativity and Innovation
      1. Idea 1: Four ways of causing something new to exist
      2. Idea 2: Is it new in this context?
      3. Idea 3: What is innovation?
      4. Idea 4: A community of creativity
      5. Idea 5: Six barriers to creative thinking
      6. Idea 6: Checklist for creativity and innovation
    2. Ten Greatest Ideas for How Your Mind Works
      1. Idea 7: Inside your head
      2. Idea 8: The mind at work
      3. Idea 9: Analyzing, synthesizing and valuing
      4. Idea 10: Decision making and problem solving
      5. Idea 11: the depth mind in principle
      6. Idea 12: Checklist for listening to your depth mind
      7. Idea 13: The whole person thinks
      8. Idea 14: Integrity
      9. Idea 15: Why integrity matters in innovation
      10. Idea 16: A clear conscience
    3. Seven Greatest Ideas for Developing Your Mind
      1. Idea 17: Learning to t rust your intuition
      2. Idea 18: How intuitive are you?
      3. Idea 19: Case study – Ludwig van Beethoven
      4. Idea 20: Clear thinking
      5. Idea 21: Imagination
      6. Idea 22: Holistic thinking
      7. Idea 23: Developing your thinking skills
      8. Follow-up test
  8. PART TWO: Developing Creative Intuition
    1. Ten Greatest Ideas for Opening Your Mind
      1. Idea 24: Curiosity
      2. Idea 25: Listen for ideas
      3. Idea 26: Reading to generate ideas
      4. Idea 27: Creative reading
      5. Idea 28: Keep a notebook
      6. Idea 29: A useful tool for creative thinking
      7. Idea 30: Your own ideas bank
      8. Idea 31: Suspend judgement
      9. Idea 32: Choose your thinking companions carefully
      10. Idea 33: Negative capability
    2. Fourteen Greatest Ideas for Thinking Outside the Box
      1. Idea 34: Practise serendipity
      2. Idea 35: The art of making discoveries by accident
      3. Idea 36: Chance favours the prepared mind
      4. Idea 37: Be open-minded and receptive
      5. Idea 38: The untrapped mind
      6. Idea 39: The holistic mind at work
      7. Idea 40: Leaders need imagination
      8. Idea 41: Imaginative thinking
      9. Idea 42: Imaginative abilities of the mind
      10. Idea 43: Exercise your imagination
      11. Idea 44: Imagination in action
      12. Idea 45: Imagination in perspective
      13. Idea 46: Quantity or quality?
      14. Idea 47: Case study – Thomas Edison
      15. Follow-up test
  9. PART THREE: How to Be More Creative
    1. Seventeen Greatest Ideas for Creative Thinking Skills
      1. Idea 48: Four phases of the creative thinking process
      2. Idea 49: The Eureka moment
      3. Idea 50: Use the stepping stones of analogy
      4. Idea 51: Case study – The Buddha's statue
      5. Idea 52: Make the strange familiar
      6. Idea 53: Make the familiar strange
      7. Idea 54: Widen your span of relevance
      8. Idea 55: Keep your eyes open
      9. Idea 56: Observational skills
      10. Idea 57: Test your assumptions
      11. Idea 58: Do not wait for inspiration
      12. Idea 59: Leave a candle in the window
      13. Idea 60: Case study – James Watt
      14. Idea 61: Working it out
      15. Idea 62: Drift, wait and obey
      16. Idea 63: Sleep on the problem
      17. Idea 64: Think creatively about your life
      18. Follow-up test
  10. PART FOUR: Creative Leadership
    1. Nine Greatest Ideas for Your Role as Creative Leader
      1. Idea 65: Your basic role as team leader
      2. Idea 66: Task, team and individual
      3. Idea 67: The three circles interact
      4. Idea 68: Eight functions of leadership
      5. Idea 69: The decision-making continuum
      6. Idea 70: Seven qualities of leadership
      7. Idea 71: Leadership qualities test
      8. Idea 72: Humility in action
      9. Idea 73: Five qualities of creative leadership
    2. Twelve Greatest Ideas for Motivating the Creative Individual
      1. Idea 74: Selecting creative people
      2. Idea 75: Ten things a creative person ought to be
      3. Idea 76: How to recruit and retain creative people
      4. Idea 77: Seven obstacles to creativity
      5. Idea 78: Characteristics of innovators
      6. Idea 79: Team creativity
      7. Idea 80: Brainstorming
      8. Idea 81: How to lead a brainstorming session
      9. Idea 82: Team creativity in action
      10. Idea 83: How to criticize other people's new ideas
      11. Idea 84: Building on ideas
      12. Idea 85: Expectations of creative people
      13. Follow-up test
  11. PART FIVE: Turning Ideas into Improved Products and Services
    1. Eight Greatest Ideas for Building Innovative Organizations
      1. Idea 86: Real commitment from the top
      2. Idea 87: Successful innovation
      3. Idea 88: Harvesting ideas
      4. Idea 89: Suggestion schemes
      5. Idea 90: Quality circles
      6. Idea 91: Success factors for quality circles
      7. Idea 92: Checklist for testing the level of innovation within your organization
      8. Idea 93: The importance of training
    2. Seven Greatest Ideas for Leading and Managing Innovation
      1. Idea 94: Making your organization good at innovation
      2. Idea 95: Plough up the ground
      3. Idea 96: Market your ideas
      4. Idea 97: Have a practice run
      5. Idea 98: Make change incremental
      6. Idea 99: Communicate about innovation
      7. Idea 100: Leadership is essential
      8. Follow-up test
  12. Appendix
    1. The nine dots (Idea 7)
    2. The six matchsticks
    3. The six coins
    4. Solutions to analogy exercises (Idea 50)
    5. Solution to invention/occupation exercise (Idea 54)
    6. Answer to the secret of Japanese success (Idea 88)
    7. Answer to suggestion scheme exercise (Idea 89)
  13. About John Adair
  14. Index