
Book Description

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is the glue that holds together MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows NT. It is a client-server technology -- a way of making programs on two different systems work together like one. The advantage of RPC over other distributing programming techniques is that you can link two systems together using simple C calls, as in a single-system program.

The most common use for client-server is to combine the graphical display capabilities of a desk-top PC with the database and number-crunching power of a large central system. But peer-to-peer programs can run equally well.

Like many aspects of Microsoft programming, RPC forms a small world of its own, with conventions and terms that can be confusing. But once you understand the purpose behind each feature, programming with RPC is not difficult. This book lays out the concepts and the programming tasks so that you can use this powerful API.

Microsoft RPC is a new technology based on the RPC used in the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). This book builds on O'Reilly's successful DCE series. It provides a solid foundation for programmers learning to use Microsoft RPC, including:

  • Controlling communications through the Microsoft Interface Definition Languages (MIDL) and the Attribute Configuration File (ACF)The book contains:
  • How the server advertises itself
  • How a client chooses a server (binding)
  • Types of pointers and arrays
  • Memory management
  • Administration tasks for an RPC server

This edition covers version 2.0 of Microsoft RPC. Four complete examples are included.

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Pages
  3. Back Cover