
Book Description

Design, build, and administer scalable graph database systems for your applications using Neo4j

In Detail

This book provides an insight into working with Neo4j; deployment, configuration, and optimization of the data models; and utilizing storage for better performance.

This book covers all aspects related to working with Neo4j, including querying, indexing, modeling of graph data, testing, and deployment of your Neo4j applications, and also shows you the internal features of the Neo4j graph database. With a sample demonstration and outline of community developed tools, this book will help you develop cutting-edge, high performance, and secure applications for complex data using the Neo4j graph database.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the fundamentals of graphs, NoSQL databases, and graph databases
  • Query Neo4j using Cypher, and optimize your data model and queries to improve Cypher's performance
  • Migrate from existing SQL stores and data import/export techniques
  • Explore the data modeling concepts and techniques associated with graph data in Neo4j
  • Develop applications with Neo4j to handle high volumes of data
  • Define how to develop an efficient architecture and transactions in a scalable way
  • Study the in-built graph algorithms for better traversals and discover Spring-Data-Neo4j
  • Look under the hood of Neo4j, covering concepts from the core classes in the source to the internal storage structure, caching, transactions, and related operations

Table of Contents

  1. Neo4j High Performance
    1. Table of Contents
    2. Neo4j High Performance
    3. Credits
    4. About the Author
    5. About the Reviewers
    6. www.PacktPub.com
      1. Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
        1. Why subscribe?
        2. Free access for Packt account holders
    7. Preface
      1. What this book covers
      2. What you need for this book
      3. Who this book is for
      4. Conventions
      5. Reader feedback
      6. Customer support
        1. Downloading the example code
        2. Errata
        3. Piracy
        4. Questions
    8. 1. Getting Started with Neo4j
      1. Graphs and their utilities
        1. Introducing NoSQL databases
        2. Dynamic schemas
        3. Automatic sharding
        4. Built-in caching
        5. Replication
      2. Types of NoSQL databases
        1. Key-value stores
        2. Column family stores
        3. Document databases
        4. Graph databases
        5. Graph compute engines
      3. The Neo4j graph database
        1. ACID compliance
        2. Characteristics of Neo4j
        3. The basic CRUD operations
      4. The Neo4j setup and configurations
        1. Modes of setup – the embedded mode
        2. Modes of setup – the server mode
        3. Neo4j high availability
          1. Machine #1 – neo4j-01.local
          2. Machine #2 – neo4j-02.local
          3. Machine #3 – neo4j-03.local
      5. Configure Neo4j for Amazon clusters
      6. Cloud deployment with Azure
      7. Summary
    9. 2. Querying and Indexing in Neo4j
      1. The Neo4j interface
        1. Running Cypher queries
        2. Visualization of results
      2. Introduction to Cypher
      3. Cypher graph operations
        1. Cypher clauses
        2. More useful clauses
      4. Advanced Cypher tricks
        1. Query optimizations
        2. Graph model optimizations
      5. Gremlin – an overview
      6. Indexing in Neo4j
        1. Manual and automatic indexing
        2. Schema-based indexing
        3. Indexing benefits and trade-offs
      7. Migration techniques for SQL users
        1. Handling dual data stores
        2. Analyzing the model
        3. Initial import
        4. Keeping data in sync
        5. The result
      8. Useful code snippets
        1. Importing data to Neo4j
        2. Exporting data from Neo4j
      9. Summary
    10. 3. Efficient Data Modeling with Graphs
      1. Data models
        1. The aggregated data model
        2. Connected data models
      2. Property graphs
      3. Design constraints in Neo4j
      4. Graph modeling techniques
        1. Aggregation in graphs
        2. Graphs for adjacency lists
        3. Materialized paths
        4. Modeling with nested sets
        5. Flattening with ordered field names
      5. Schema design patterns
        1. Hyper edges
        2. Implementing linked lists
        3. Complex similarity computations
        4. Route generation algorithms
      6. Modeling across multiple domains
      7. Summary
    11. 4. Neo4j for High-volume Applications
      1. Graph processing
      2. Big data and graphs
      3. Processing with Hadoop or Neo4j
      4. Managing transactions
        1. Deadlock handling
        2. Uniqueness of entities
        3. Events for transactions
      5. The graphalgo package
      6. Introduction to Spring Data Neo4j
      7. Summary
    12. 5. Testing and Scaling Neo4j Applications
      1. Testing Neo4j applications
      2. Unit testing
        1. Using the Java API
        2. GraphUnit-based unit testing
          1. Unit testing an embedded database
          2. Unit testing a Neo4J server
      3. Performance testing
      4. Benchmarking performance with Gatling
      5. Scaling Neo4j applications
      6. Summary
    13. 6. Neo4j Internals
      1. Introduction to Neo4j internals
      2. Working of your code
        1. Node and relationship management
        2. Implementation specifics
      3. Storage for properties
        1. The storage structure
        2. Migrating to the new storage
      4. Caching internals
      5. Cache types
        1. AdaptiveCacheManager
      6. Transactions
        1. The Write Ahead log
        2. Detecting deadlocks
          1. RWLock
          2. RAGManager
          3. LockManager
        3. Commands
      7. High availability
        1. HA and the need for a master
        2. The master election
      8. Summary
    14. 7. Administering Neo4j
      1. Interfacing with the tools and frameworks
        1. Using Neo4j for PHP developers
        2. The JavaScript Neo4j adapter
        3. Neo4j with Python
      2. Admin tricks
        1. Server configuration
        2. JVM configurations
        3. Caches
      3. Memory mapped I/O configuration
        1. Traversal speed optimization example
        2. Batch insert example
      4. Neo4j server logging
        1. Server logging configurations
        2. HTTP logging configurations
        3. Garbage collection logging
        4. Logical logs
        5. Open file size limit on Linux
      5. Neo4j server security
        1. Port and remote connection security
        2. Support for HTTPS
          1. Server authorization rules
            1. Setup server authorization rules enforcement
            2. Security rules targeting with wildcards
          2. Other security options
      6. Summary
    15. 8. Use Case – Similarity-based Recommendation System
      1. The why and how of recommendations
        1. Collaborative filtering
        2. Content-based filtering
        3. The hybrid approach
      2. Building a recommendation system
      3. Recommendations on map data
      4. Visualization of graphs
      5. Summary
    16. Index