
Book Description

The International Journal of Proof-of-Concept or Get The Fuck Out is a celebrated collection of short essays on computer security, reverse engineering and retrocomputing topics by many of the world's most famous hackers. The journal covers topics like reverse engineering, retro-computing, and systems internals. This third volume contains all articles from releases 14 to 18 in the form of an actual, bound bible.

Topics include how to dump the ROM from one of the most secure Sega Genesis games ever created; how to create a PDF that is also a Git repository; how to extract the Game Boy Advance BIOS ROM; how to sniff Bluetooth Low Energy communications with the BCC Micro:Bit; how to conceal ZIP Files in NES Cartridges; how to remotely exploit a TetriNET Server; and more.

The journal exists to remind us of what a clever engineer can build from a box of parts and a bit of free time. Not to showcase what others have done, but to explain how they did it so that readers can do these and other clever things themselves.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. Laphroaig screams high five to the heavens!
    1. 14:02 Z-Ring Phreaking
    2. 14:03 Concerning Desert Studies
    3. 14:04 Texting with Flush+Reload
    4. 14:05 Anti-Keylogging with Noise
    5. 14:06 Random NOPs in ARM
    6. 14:07 Ethernet Over GDB
    7. 14:08 Control Panel Vulnerabilities
    8. 14:09 Hash Function Pseudo-Fixpoints
    9. 14:10 A PDF That Shows Its Own MD5
    10. 14:11 A GIF shows its own MD5!
    11. 14:12 MD5 NES Polyglot
  8. I slipped a little, but Laphroaig was there
    1. 15:02 Pier Solar and the Great Reverser
    2. 15:03 The Alternator Sermon
    3. 15:04 Text2Com
    4. 15:05 RISC-V Shellcode
    5. 15:06 Cracking Gumball
    6. 15:07 A PDF that is a Git Repo
    7. 15:08 Zero Overhead Networking
    8. 15:09 Detecting MIPS16 Emulation
    9. 15:10 Tracing Race Conditions
    10. 15:11 x86 without Data Fetches
    11. 15:12 Java Key Store’s Coffin
    12. 15:13 The PNG Gamma Trick
  9. Laphroaig Races the Runtime Relinker
    1. 16:02 Sapere aude!
    2. 16:03 Emulating my Chevy
    3. 16:04 Wafer Thin Locks
    4. 16:05 Uses for Useless Bugs
    5. 16:06 Fragmented Chunks
    6. 16:07 Executing Unmapped Thumb
    7. 16:08 Naming Network Interfaces
    8. 16:09 Obfuscation via Symbolic Regression
    9. 16:10 Stack Return Addresses from Canaries
    10. 16:11 Rescuing Orphans in Thumb2
    11. 16:12 This PDF Reverse Engineers Itself
  10. It’s damned cold outside, so let’s light ourselves a fire!
    1. 17:02 AES-CBC Shellcode
    2. 17:03 Tall Tales of Science and Fiction
    3. 17:04 Sniffing BTLE with the Micro:Bit
    4. 17:05 Bit-Banging Ethernet
    5. 17:06 The DIP Flip Whixr Trick
    6. 17:07 Injecting Shared Objects on FreeBSD
    7. 17:08 Murder on the USS Table
    8. 17:09 Infect to Protect
  11. Montessory Soldering School
    1. 18:02 An 8 Kilobyte Mode 7 Demo
    2. 18:03 Exploits for Kids with Scratch!
    3. 18:04 Concealing ZIP Files in NES Cartridges
    4. 18:05 House of Fun
    5. 18:06 Read Only Relocations for Static ELF
    6. 18:07 Remotely Exploiting Tetrinet
    7. 18:08 KLEE Internals
    8. 18:09 Reversing DDR3 Scrambling
    9. 18:10 SHA-1 Collisions with PDFLaTeX
  12. Useful Tables
  13. Index
  14. Colophon