
Book Description

Make beautiful apps with beautiful code: use the elegant and concise Ruby programming language with RubyMotion to write truly native iOS apps with less code while having more fun. You'll learn the essentials of creating great apps, and by the end of this book, you'll have built a fully functional API-driven app. Whether you're a newcomer looking for an alternative to Objective-C or a hardened Rails veteran, RubyMotion allows you to create gorgeous apps with no compromise in performance or developer happiness.

Table of Contents

  1.  Foreword
  2.  Ruby on iOS
    1. Hello, RubyMotion
    2. Reading This Book
    3. Online Resources
    4. Acknowledgments
  3. 1. Creating a New App
    1. Creating a New App
    2. Where It Begins: AppDelegate
    3. Showing a Message with UIAlertView
    4. Interactive Debugging
  4. 2. Filling the Screen with Views
    1. All About Views and UIView
    2. Making Shapes and Colors
    3. Adding Interaction with UIButton
    4. Animating Views
    5. Adding Static Text with UILabel
    6. Making Text Dynamic with UITextField
    7. Exploring RubyMotion Libraries
  5. 3. Organizing Apps with Controllers
    1. Adding a New UIViewController
    2. Using Multiple Controllers with UINavigationController
    3. Separating Controllers with UITabBarController
    4. Presenting Modal UIViewControllers
  6. 4. Representing Data with Models
    1. Writing Basic Models
    2. Preparing Scalable Models
    3. Changing Models with Key-Value Observing
    4. Saving Data with NSUserDefaults and NSCoding
  7. 5. Showing Data with Table Views
    1. Starting with Simple Rows
    2. Interacting with UITableViews
    3. Sections and Indexing Tables
    4. Swiping-to-Delete Table Rows
    5. Grouped-Style UITableViews
  8. 6. Testing Your Apps
    1. Constructing Basic Tests
    2. Testing App UI and Controllers
  9. 7. Example: Writing an API-Driven App
    1. Setting Up the Project
    2. Adding Hash-Friendly Models
    3. Making GET Requests and SearchController
    4. POST Requests and ColorController
  10. 8. Uploading to the App Store
    1. Including App Resources
    2. Archiving for Release
    3. What’s Next?
  11.  Bibliography