
Book Description

XML is the de-facto standard for manipulating and sharing data among applications. It is supported by every major programming tool and language, including Java, Microsoft .NET, Oracle, SQL Server, etc. All professional developers and administrators - even those who don't intend to build XML applications - need a basic understanding of it just to read and maintain data they receive and process. Many of them don't have the time for a thick reference book or detailed tutorial. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 10 Minutes quickly covers the basics of XML and its family of related concepts, including basic syntax, DTDs, XML Schema, DOM, SAX, XSL, and XPath. Each topic is illustrated with an example to ensure readers' understanding.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Author
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. We Want to Hear from You!
  5. Introduction
  6. What Is XML?
    1. What Is XML For?
    2. XML Is a Markup Language
    3. XML Is a Meta Language
    4. How Does XML Relate to HTML?
    5. Separating Content from Presentation
    6. How Is XML Written?
    7. Summary
  7. The Structure of an XML Document
    1. An XML Document
    2. Prolog
    3. Document Type Declaration
    4. Document Element
    5. CDATA Sections
    6. Content After the Document Element End Tag
    7. Summary
  8. XML Must Be Well-Formed
    1. Well-Formed XML Documents
    2. XML Names
    3. Elements
    4. Attributes
    5. Other Characteristics of Well-Formedness
    6. Well-Formedness and XML Processor Type
    7. Summary
  9. Valid XML— Document Type Definitions
    1. Shared Documents: Why We Need DTDs
    2. What Is a Valid XML Document?
    3. What a DTD Is
    4. Declaring Elements in DTDs
    5. Declaring Attributes in DTDs
    6. Declaring Entities in the DTD
    7. Summary
  10. XML Entities
    1. What Is an Entity?
    2. Parsed Entities
    3. Unparsed Entities
    4. Summary
  11. Characters in XML
    1. Internationalization
    2. XML and Internationalization
    3. Unicode
    4. Fonts, Characters, and Glyphs
    5. Summary
  12. The Logic Hidden in XML
    1. Modeling Data As XML
    2. W3C XML Data Models
    3. XPath
    4. The XML Information Set
    5. Summary
  13. Namespaces in XML
    1. What Is a Namespace, and Why Do You Need Them?
    2. Using Namespaces in XML
    3. Using Multiple Namespaces in a Document
    4. Summary
  14. The XML Path Language— XPath
    1. How XPath Is Used
    2. Accessing Elements
    3. Accessing Attributes
    4. XPath Functions
    5. Summary
  15. XSLT— Creating HTML from XML
    1. XSLT Basics
    2. Creating a Simple HTML Page
    3. Creating an HTML List
    4. Creating an HTML Table
    5. Summary
  16. XSLT— Transforming XML Structure
    1. Why Change Structure?
    2. Copying Elements
    3. Creating New Elements
    4. Creating New Attributes
    5. Summary
  17. XSLT— Sorting XML
    1. Conditional Processing and Sorting Data
    2. Conditional Processing
    3. The xsl:choose Element
    4. Sorting Output
    5. Multiple Sorts
    6. Summary
  18. Styling XML with CSS
    1. Cascading Style Sheets and XML
    2. Associating a Stylesheet
    3. Using CSS Rules with XML
    4. Some Examples Using CSS Styling
    5. Using CSS with XSLT
    6. Summary
  19. Linking in XML—XLink
    1. The XML Linking Language
    2. XLink Attributes
    3. XLink Examples
    4. Document Fragments and XPointer
    5. XPointer and XPath
    6. Summary
  20. Presenting XML Graphically— SVG
    1. What Is SVG?
    2. Advantages of SVG
    3. Creating SVG
    4. Some SVG Examples
    5. Summary
  21. The Document Object Model
    1. The Document Object Model
    2. DOM Interfaces
    3. DOM Interfaces Properties and Methods
    4. Summary
  22. The Document Object Model—2
    1. Creating a New Element
    2. Retrieving Information from the DOM
    3. Summary
  23. SAX—The Simple API for XML
    1. What SAX Is and How It Differs from DOM
    2. Basics of SAX Programming
    3. Installing a SAX Parser
    4. Simple SAX Example
    5. Summary
  24. Beyond DTDs—W3C XML Schema
    1. W3C XML Schema Basics
    2. Declaring Elements
    3. Defining Complex and Simple Types
    4. Summary
  25. XML Online Resources
    1. Web Sites
    2. Mailing Lists
  26. XML Tools
    1. XML Editors
    2. XSLT Tools
    3. XLink and XPointer Tools
  27. XML Glossary
  28. Index