
Book Description

Essential hiring and team-building lessons from the #1 Podcaster in the world

The Effective Hiring Manager offers an essential guide for managers, team leaders, and HR professionals in organizations large or small. The author’s step-by-step approach makes the strategies easy to implement and help to ensure ongoing success.

Hiring effectively is the single greatest long-term contribution to your organization. The only thing worse than having an open position is filling it with the wrong person. The Effective Hiring Manager offers a proven process for solving these problems and helping teams and organizations thrive.

  • The fundamental principles of hiring and interviewing
  • How to create criteria to hire by
  • How to create excellent interview questions
  • How to review resumes
  • How to conduct phone screens
  • How to structure an interview day
  • How to conduct each interview
  • How to capture interview results
  • How to make an offer
  • How to decline a candidate
  • How to onboard candidates

Written by Mark Horstman, co-founder of Manager Tools and an expert in training managers, The Effective Hiring Manager is an A to Z handbook to the successful hiring process. The book explores, in helpful detail, what it takes to hire the right person, for the right job, and the right team.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Introduction
  3. Section 1: Principles
    1. 1 The First Principle of Effective Hiring—Don’t Hire
      1. How to Solve a Hiring Problem Without Hiring
    2. 2 The Second Principle of Effective Hiring—Set Your Bar High
    3. 3 The First Principle of Effective Interviewing—Say No
  4. Section 2: Preparation
    1. 4 Behavioral Interviewing and Preparing Your Hiring Criteria
      1. Looking Beyond Traits and Characteristics
      2. Knowing the Necessary Behaviors for the Job
    2. 5 Creating Behavioral Interview Questions
      1. How a Simple Behavioral Interview Question SOUNDS
      2. The Three Parts of a Simple Behavioral Interview Question—And Why
      3. Note
    3. 6 Behavioral Interview Question Examples
  5. Section 3: Screening
    1. 7 Screening Résumés
      1. Titles—What to Look For
      2. Dates—What to Look For
      3. Companies—What to Look For
      4. Career Progression—What to Look For
      5. Responsibilities—What to Look For
      6. Accomplishments—What to Look For
      7. Education—What to Look For
      8. Accuracy—What to Look For
      9. Density—What to Look For
      10. How to Decide Whom to Screen Further
    2. 8 Screening Social Media
    3. 9 Conducting Phone Screens
      1. Thirty Minutes Is Enough
      2. You Make the Phone Call
      3. Give Them a Brief Process Overview
      4. Start with “Tell Me About Yourself” (TMAY)
      5. Ask One or Two Behavioral Questions, Time Permitting
      6. No Need to Share Your Decision at the Time
    4. 10 Having Human Resources Conduct Phone Screens
  6. Section 4: Conducting Interviews
    1. 11 Video and Telephone Interviews
    2. 12 Effective Final Interview Process
      1. You Start—(30) Minutes—No Interview—Brief Logistics
      2. (All) of Your Directs Interview
      3. You Interview Last for 90–120 Minutes
    3. 13 Physical Interview Setup
    4. 14 No Panel Interviews
      1. Reason Why Not #1: The Right Way
      2. Reason Why Not #2: Loss of Multiple Effective Perspectives
      3. Reason Why Not #3: Negative Correlation to Effectiveness
      4. Reason Why Not #4: Candidates Hate Them
      5. Reason Why Not #5: They’re Not Safer
    5. 15 How to Conduct Technical Interviews
    6. 16 Each Interviewer Uses the Same Set of Questions
      1. The Importance of Asking the Same Questions
      2. Preparation Makes for a Productive Interview
    7. 17 The Basic Structure of Each Interview
      1. Introductions
      2. Brief Small Talk
      3. Interview Overview
      4. Tell Me About Yourself
      5. Core Behavioral Questions Come Next
      6. Custom/Targeted Questions
      7. Answering Questions
      8. How to Evaluate Candidate Questions
      9. Note
    8. 18 How to Take Notes
      1. Pre-Print the Questions on Your Answer Sheet
      2. Handwritten Notes Only
      3. Write Down as Much as You Can
      4. Write Down Exactly What You Hear
      5. Use Abbreviations
    9. 19 How to Probe Behavioral Interview Answers
      1. All Good Probes Start with an Apology, and Then Ask for Additional Information
      2. Probing for a Critical Behavior: Communication
  7. Section 5: Deciding and Offering
    1. 20 Interview Results Capture Meeting (IRCM)
      1. Meeting Logistics
      2. Use the “What and Why” Method of Reporting
      3. Deciding Whether to Make an Offer
      4. How to Decide When Interviewing Multiple Candidates
    2. 21 How to Check References
      1. 1. Start with an Admission and Factual Questions
      2. 2. “Would you please confirm the dates of employment?”
      3. 3. “Could you confirm the job title for me please?”
      4. 4. “Please comment on the accuracy of the following job description.”
      5. 5. Always Be Thankful to Build Rapport
      6. 6. Then Progress to More Substantive Questions
      7. 7. “I was told about Project X. Can you confirm his involvement?” followed by, “Can you tell me about the results?”
      8. 8. “What was his best contribution?”
      9. 9. “What would you say his areas for improvement are?”
      10. 10. “We are looking at him for ____ role. How would you assess that fit?”
      11. 11. “If you were me/us, any concerns about employing him/her?”
    3. 22 How to Offer
      1. Do Some Prep Work
      2. Consider Increasing Parts of the Offer
      3. Make the Offer the Moment You’re Ready and You Can
      4. Don’t Wait to Make an Offer in Writing
      5. It’s Okay to Leave a Voicemail
      6. Be Upbeat; Don’t Forget Praise and Congratulations
      7. The Five Components of an Offer
      8. Ask for Acceptance
      9. Make Yourself Available for Questions
      10. Make HR Available
      11. Keep Other Candidates on Hold
      12. Call Every Three Days for an Update
    4. 23 How to Decline
      1. You’re Obligated to Notify a Candidate of a “No” Expeditiously
      2. You Can Wait for an Acceptance Before Notifying a Declined Candidate
      3. You Can Rule Candidates Out Before You Make a Hire
      4. Be Direct and Simple When You Inform Them
      5. You Can Offer Feedback, But You Don’t Have To
    5. 24 How to Handle Two Viable Candidates
      1. Communicate Personally and Directly with Both Candidates
      2. Immediately Communicate to Both That the Decision Is Pending
      3. Shortly Thereafter, Offer the Top Candidate
  8. Section 6: Onboarding
    1. 25 Onboarding New Hires
      1. The Phases of Onboarding
      2. Discipline Makes Learning Possible
      3. Switch from Weaknesses to Strengths
      4. Communicate and Report
      5. The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist
  9. Afterword
  10. Acknowledgments
  11. About the Author
  12. Appendix
  13. Index
  14. End User License Agreement