
Book Description

Is your organization prepared for the next paradigm of customer experience, or will you be left behind? This practical book will make you a winner in a market driven by experience, enabling you to develop desirable offerings and standout service to attract loyal customers.

Author Simon Clatworthy shows you how to transform your organization into one that aligns your customers’ experiential journey with platforms, organizational structures, and strategic alliances. Rather than treat customer experience as an add-on to product and service design, you’ll discover how experience-centricity can drive the whole organization.

  • Learn the five steps necessary to transform into an experience-centric organization
  • Explore the underlying structure needed to design and deliver memorable experiences
  • Understand how customers and clients experience products and services
  • Develop experiential DNA as an extension of your brand DNA
  • Be proactive by translating cultural trends into experiences

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: The What and Why
    1. 1. The Experience-Centric Organization
      1. What Is an Experience-Centric Organization and Why Is It Important?
      2. Why Customer Experience Is King
      3. Why This Is a Trajectory You Cannot Ignore
      4. The Inevitable Endpoint of a Long Journey
      5. Why Has It Taken So Long?
      6. The Power of Desirable Experiences
      7. Experience-Centric Goes Far Beyond Customer-Centric
      8. Experience Centricity Challenges Institutional Logics
      9. Wait—Haven’t I Heard This Before?What’s New? Why Should I Read This Book?
      10. Where Do I Look for Best Practices?
      11. Keywords for Experiential Transformation
      12. Endnotes
    2. 2. Five Steps to Becoming Experience-Centric
      1. Both a Sprint and a Marathon
      2. Stage 1: The Customer-Oriented Organization
      3. Stage 2: The Journey-Oriented Organization
      4. Stage 3: The Customer-Centric Organization
      5. Stage 4: The Experience-Oriented Organization
      6. Stage 5: The Experience-Centric Organization
      7. Endnotes
    3. 3. The Structure of the Experience-Centric Organization: The Wheel of Experience Centricity
      1. A Tale of Two Restaurants
      2. From a Linear to a Circular Mode: The Wheel of Experience Centricity
      3. The Wheel: A Short Trip Around
      4. Innovating Your Service Experience Using the Whole Wheel
    4. 4. The Core Behaviors of the Experience-Centric Organization
      1. Both a Roadmap and a Benchmark
      2. Endnotes
    5. 5. Organizing for Experience Centricity
      1. Doing What You Love, and Loving What You Do
      2. Who Owns the Customer Experience
      3. Designing Organizational Logics
      4. Creating Alignment and Empowerment Within the Organization: The Top-Up Approach
      5. The Interaction-Out Approach: Working from the Experience Outward
      6. Rotating Jobs to Develop Experiential Empathy
      7. Infusion as Part of a Design Strategy
      8. Empowerment
      9. Removing Silos
      10. Mind the Gap: Using a Gap Analysis to Map Your Position
      11. Measuring Progress: What Can’t Be Measured Can Be Managed
      12. Prototyping the Organization
      13. Integrating Design Thinking and Design Doing into Your Organization
      14. Endnotes
  3. Part 2: The How
    1. 6. Starting with the Experience
      1. Moving from Function to Experience
      2. What Is an Experience?
      3. So, How Do We Create Memorable Experiences?
      4. Design for Experience, and Why You Cannot Design Experiences
      5. Endnotes
    2. 7. Experiential Translation: From Experiential DNA to Customer Experience
      1. Why Do You Need to Translate?
      2. Moving from a Visual-Identity Brand to an Experiential Organization
      3. Experience First: The Mantra of Experience Centricity
      4. Creating an Experience Platform
      5. Endnotes
    3. 8. Experience Fulfillment: Designing the Experiential Journey
      1. The Whole Made from the Parts
      2. Improving Your Touchpoints
      3. Ways of Innovating Through Touchpoints
      4. The Principle of Frequency, Sequence, and Importance
      5. Tips and Techniques for Experience Fulfillment
      6. Experience Prototyping: Fake It ’til You Break It
      7. The Top Experience Design Principles
      8. Endnotes
  4. Part 3: Going Further
    1. 9. D4Me: Designing for Meaningful Experiences
      1. Meaningful and Memorable Moments
      2. Consuming Meaning
      3. Worshipping at the Temple of WE
      4. You Just Couldn’t Make It Up. Or Could You…
      5. Myths, Rituals, and Symbols
      6. The Design for Meaningful Experiences Method
      7. Conclusion/Reincorporation
      8. Endnotes
    2. 10. Trendslation
      1. Understanding Cultural Trends to Design for More Meaningful Service Experiences
      2. How to Trendslate
      3. Linking Experiential DNA and Culture
      4. The Trendslation Method: Three Steps of Translation
      5. Conclusion
      6. Endnotes
  5. Conclusion
  6. Index