
Book Description

The latest and greatest insights on happiness from around the world

The Little Book of Being Brilliant is a ‘greatest hits’ compilation of the best and the latest information from the science of positive psychology. Top-selling author Andy Cope exercises his PhD in happiness, along with his decades of experience bringing ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’ to rapt audiences around the world, to distill the tips, techniques, facts and ideas you need to know to achieve sustainable wellbeing and happiness in your own life. Andy’s keen for you to know that he wants you to enjoy the experience, hence his ‘laugh ‘n’ learn’ approach.

Inside, you’ll find guidance for taking action in the form of activities and challenges that will help you implement the latest empirical evidence on happiness. You’ll learn why most people are miles away from feeling as great as they could, and what to do about it. Whether you’re motivated to improve your daily life or looking for the insights that will super-charge your career, or in search of inspiration for your students or your team, this little book will set you in motion toward living brilliantly.

  • Develop resilience and embrace positivity by setting goals and taking charge of your life
  • Learn, once and for all, what science says about the connection between money and happiness
  • Overcome road rage and other forms of negativity that are dragging you down in the day-to-day
  • Internalize the latest positivity wisdom for work, sport, parenting, relationships, and more

There’s absolutely no filler in The Little Book of Being Brilliant, and no need to sift through half-baked ideas or wisdom that researchers have already overturned. For the latest proven techniques on getting happy and achieving success, along with the motivation required to put those techniques into practice, pick up this energetic and inspiring book today.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Forword
  3. Thinking Allowed
  4. Part 1 Welcome to the Pleasure Dome
    1. Enough Already!
    2. Begin with the End in Mind
    3. The Shortest Book in the World
    4. Lubed Up and Ready for Action
    5. You Want Fries With That?
    6. Three Horsemen and a Roadrunner
    7. Bearded Wonder
    8. Notes
  5. Part 2 The Human Operating System
    1. Emotion Creates Motion
    2. The Evolution of Negative
    3. Under the Hood
    4. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
    5. Your Happy Place
    6. Chickens and Eggs
    7. The Transformers (‘Science in Disguise’)
    8. The Secret Sauce
    9. If You Go Down to the Woods Today …
    10. Notes
  6. Part 3 The 3 Rs (Relationships, Relationships, and Relationships)
    1. Carry on Loving
    2. Love is All You Need
    3. A Potted History of You
    4. Bus Pass Barbie
    5. Emotional Soup and the Four-Minute Rule
    6. Added Interest
    7. Praise Be
    8. The Matthew Effect
    9. Anti-Social Media
    10. Stop Faking It
    11. Snuggle Up
    12. The Squirts
    13. The Leadership Multiplier Effect
    14. Jimmy’s Diary
    15. Notes
  7. Part 4 What Next for Homo Sapiens?
    1. Mindless Non-Violence
    2. Guru Guff
    3. Tell Me About Yourself …
    4. The Rise of the Machine
    5. 3 P.P.P. Principles
    6. Living a Counterfeit Life
    7. The Big Swim
    8. One Moment Please
    9. Past and Future Tense
    10. Notes
  8. Part 5 Yogi, Boo-Boo, and the Homos
    1. The Worm that Turned
    2. The Rise of the Homo
    3. Notes
  9. Acknowledgements
  10. About the Author