
Book Description

Does the early bird always catch the worm?

Society largely praises early risers while maligning so-called "night owls." However, countless research studies have shown that night owls are more successful and wealthier than early risers.

The Morning Myth proves that indeed, night owls are generally more successful in life than early risers. It restores night owls’ self-confidence, and encourages them to achieve more on their natural schedules.

In The Morning Myth, Frank J. Rumbauskas provides practical tips to help night owls thrive:

• Informs employers about how much productivity they're losing by forcing night owls to be at work bright and early

• Offers advice on how to schedule both early risers and night owls for maximum productivity

• Shows night owls how to achieve maximum happiness at work

• Coaches managers on getting the most out of their night owl employees

Whether you’re a night owl yourself, or employ those who find their work “mojo” later in the day, The Morning Myth breaks down stereotypes and shows you how to increase productivity around the clock. 

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Dedication
  3. Preface
    1. Don’t Try to Change Your Sleep Habits
    2. Why I Did All This Research
    3. How to Use This Book
  4. CHAPTER 1 Confessions of a Stigmatized Night Owl: How Early Rising Nearly Destroyed My Business (and Did Destroy My Education)
    1. A Very Annoyed Five-Year-Old
    2. High School Hell
    3. From High School to College Dropout
    4. The College Dropout Enters the Workforce
    5. Success Found—At Last!
    6. Freedom Found
  5. CHAPTER 2 The Brainwashing: Society Stigmatizes Night Owls—and People Buy It
    1. The Myth of Night Owl “Laziness”
    2. Society’s Negative Attitudes Toward Night Owls
    3. How People Fall into the Morning Trap
    4. The Cult of the Early Riser
  6. CHAPTER 3 The Prison: How Our Society’s Discrimination Harms Night Owls
    1. Morning People Can’t Keep Their Mouths Shut About It
    2. Night Owl Shaming Must Stop—Now
  7. CHAPTER 4 Studies Favoring Morning Larks Are Fatally Flawed: Our Society Is Rigged in Favor of Early Birds
    1. More Morning Garbage from Leading Business Publications
    2. The Problem with Studies Favoring Morning Larks
  8. CHAPTER 5 Fighting Your Internal Clock Is Harmful to Your Health: Getting Up Too Early Can Actually Give You Diabetes
    1. Rotating Shift Work Exacerbates Health Risks
    2. They Call Us Narcissists and Psychopaths
    3. It’s Not Just Diabetes and Heart Disease, It’s Stroke, Too
    4. My Personal Metabolic Morning Disaster
  9. CHAPTER 6 Your Circadian Rhythm—and Why You Can’t Change It: The Internal Clock You’re Born With Is the One You’re Stuck With
    1. Hours a Day—but Not for You
    2. Congratulations! You’ve Won 25 Hours a Day!
    3. You Can’t Change Your Inborn Chronotype— You Can Only Adapt
    4. Medical Treatments for Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder
    5. Can You Really Get Up Earlier—and Live to Tell About It?
  10. CHAPTER 7 Night Owls Are More Successful: The Early Birds Just Don’t Make As Much Money
    1. The Night Owl Experience That Set Me Free
    2. The Proof Is in the Pudding (or, in This Case, the Research)
    3. The BBC Speaks Up
    4. More Science Proving Night Owls Fare Better in Life
  11. CHAPTER 8 Night Owls Are Smarter Than Early Risers: Night Owls Show Overall Higher Intelligence Than Morning People
    1. More Science to Back Night Owls’ Superior Intelligence
    2. Night Owl MBA Students Achieve Higher Test Scores
    3. Want to Get Ahead? Be a Night Owl!
    4. Famous, Intelligent, Successful Night Owls
  12. CHAPTER 9 Night Owls Are More Productive: Want to Get More Done? Stay Up Later!
    1. Chronotypes and the Mind-Body Connection
    2. Natural Sleep Times = Happiness = Massive Productivity
    3. “Sleep Pressure” Gives Night Owls the Productivity Advantage
  13. CHAPTER 10 Night Owls Are More Creative: Creativity Flourishes After the Early Birds Have Crashed
    1. Science Doesn’t Know Why, but Confirms We’re More Creative
    2. The Sales Training Flunkout Who Became a Top Sales Rep
    3. Author Stereotypes versus Author Truths (or Entrepreneurial Truths)
    4. CEOs and the Perpetual Myth of the Early Riser
  14. CHAPTER 11 Night Owls Are More Relaxed: Getting Up Early Is Stressful (but You Already Knew That)
    1. Coffee and Getting Up Too Early: Both Are Major Stressors
    2. Cortisol Keeps Early Risers on Edge
  15. CHAPTER 12 Night Owl Discrimination and Sleep-Shaming: The Time Has Come to End Discrimination Against Night Owls
    1. “Well, It’s Nice of You to Join Us”
    2. The Very Real Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Health
    3. The One-Sided Story That Won’t Go Away
    4. Unintended Sleep-Shaming Is Everywhere
    5. Night Owls Are Tired of Being Discriminated Against
    6. Night Owls, Sleep-Shaming, and Depression
  16. CHAPTER 13 Diet, Nutrition, and Other Secrets to Better, Deeper Sleep
    1. A Look at Drug-Based Sleep Aids
    2. Natural and Herbal Sleep Aids
    3. Good Sleep Hygiene
    4. What to Avoid in Order to Get Great Sleep
  17. CHAPTER 14 Mitigating the Health Risks of Early Rising: Stay Healthy and Let the Early Birds “Sleep When They’re Dead”
    1. Eat Healthy
    2. Relax, Relax, Relax!
    3. Self-hypnosis
    4. Exercise—Within Reason
    5. Use Adaptogens
    6. Spend Enough Time Outdoors
    7. Use Essential Oils
    8. Sleep!
    9. A Word of Caution
  18. CHAPTER 15 How Flexible Work Hours Benefit Employers: Why Employers Who Force Morning Schedules Are Losing Money
    1. Flexible Work Schedules Benefit Employers
  19. Epilogue: Night Owls Have a Huge Advantage over Early Risers
  20. Acknowledgments
  21. About the Author
  22. Index
  23. End User License Agreement