
Book Description

The Relevance of the Humanities to the 21st Century Workplace provides a blueprint for higher education faculty, boards, presidents, senior leaders, parents, students, recent graduates, and other stakeholders.

Upon examining the state of humanities today, it becomes rather obvious that six disconnects exists. Colleges have done a poor job helping people outside the academy understand the terms liberal arts, humanities, liberal education, and liberal arts colleges (The Explanation Disconnect).


Liberal arts and humanities faculty, as well as presidents, boards, and other stakeholders misunderstand the relevance of the humanities to the workplace (The Comprehension Disconnect). Higher education institutions need to improve how humanities majors translate their value to the marketplace (The Translation Disconnect).


Administrators, faculty, and staff need to think differently and provide humanities majors with a modern perspective on career opportunities (The Perception Disconnect). In order for humanities majors to maintain relevance in the 21st century workplace, institutions need to teach students the dynamics involved with pursuing a vocation (The Vocation Disconnect). Finally, institutions need to help humanities majors increase their self-awareness in order for them to engage in self-determination and prepare for life after college accordingly (The Cultivation Disconnect).

Table of Contents

  1. Other Business Experts Press Books by Michael Edmondson
  2. What People Are Saying About Edmondson’s Other Books
  3. Foreword
  4. Preface
  5. Introduction
  6. Chapter 1 Do You Want to Drive the Bus?: Leaders Often Underestimate Leadership
  7. Chapter 2 Start with the Why: Leaders Micromanage and Focus on Details Start with the Why: Leaders Micromanage and Focus on Details
  8. Chapter 3 Let It Go: Some Leaders Take on too Much
  9. Chapter 4 Bee Glasses: Some Leaders Do Not Work Strengths-Oriented
  10. Chapter 5 Out with the Carrot and Stick: Leaders Often Make the Mistake of Only Motivating Extrinsically Out with the Carrot and Stick: Leaders Often Make the Mistake of Only Motivating Extri
  11. Chapter 6 The Rush Hour of My Life: Leaders Underestimate the Real Danger of Work Overload The Rush Hour of My Life: Leaders Underestimate the Real Danger of Work Overload
  12. Conclusion
  13. Recent Humanities Publications
  14. About the Author
  15. Index