
Book Description

Sales and distribution are the lifeblood of any business. But how can a values-driven, socially responsible business compete with those for whom the bottom line is the only measure of success? The answer: get creative!
In this practical and inspiring guide, Nadine Thompson and Angela Soper draw on real-world examples--from Tom's of Maine, Seventh Generation, Honest Tea, and many other innovative companies--to detail concrete steps for designing sales and distribution strategies that fit the needs, interests, and habits of your target customers. They show how to turn your stakeholders into enthusiastic partners by ensuring that all of your relationships--with your salespeople as well as other employees, your customers, and your suppliers--are beneficial and fulfilling on more than just an economic level.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Letter from the Editor of the Social Venture Network Series
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
    1. From Nadine’s heart
  7. 1: Establishing a clear and profitable vision
    1. THE CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Using your vision to solve problems and develop new strategies for increasing sales
    2. VISION STRATEGY NUMBER ONE: Think about how your vision and product combined can improve your customers’ business or personal lives.
    3. VISION STRATEGY NUMBER TWO: Align your vision with your community’s interests.
    4. VISION STRATEGY NUMBER THREE: Be open to adjusting your vision as your business grows.
    5. VISION STRATEGY NUMBER FOUR: Align every aspect of your business with your core values to help drive sales.
  8. 2: Defining your market
    1. THE CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Determining who your customer is and how you can keep focusing on that customer
    2. DEFINING STRATEGY NUMBER ONE: Target a specific segment of the population, but be open to adjusting your strategy as your business grows.
    3. DEFINING STRATEGY NUMBER TWO: Remain true to your original product concept and target customer while broadening your sales efforts.
    4. DEFINING STRATEGY NUMBER THREE: Find out where your potential customers are and go to them.
    5. DEFINING STRATEGY NUMBER FOUR: Don’t be afraid to embrace new customers who seem outside your target market.
    6. DEFINING STRATEGY NUMBER FIVE: Connect with retailers that sell to your end consumer.
  9. 3: Building strong distribution channels
    1. THE CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Finding innovative ways to ensure your products are in the outlets best designed to reach your customers
    2. DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY NUMBER ONE: Know your distribution channels and target your efforts to meet the needs of each.
    3. DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY NUMBER TWO: Make sure your values are aligned with the values of those who are selling your product.
    4. DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY NUMBER THREE: Believe in your product and be bold about promoting it wherever you are.
    5. DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY NUMBER FOUR: Differentiate your product so it will stand out to retailers.
    6. DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY NUMBER FIVE: Make it easy for your customers to buy and receive your product, as well as promote it to others.
    7. DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY NUMBER SIX: Be willing to adapt your business to new distribution opportunities.
  10. 4: Empowering your way to success
    1. THE CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Finding a way to empower those connected to your business to build loyalty, enthusiasm, and a commitment to your values—and sales efforts
    2. EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY NUMBER ONE: Educate your suppliers.
    3. EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY NUMBER TWO: Seek input on how you make or market your product from your entire customer base.
    4. EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY NUMBER THREE: Instill passion—and loyalty—in your employees through education.
    5. EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY NUMBER FOUR: Use financial incentives coupled with a strong sense of belonging to build loyalty and confidence among your sales force.
    6. EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY NUMBER FIVE: Determine your standards early in the game and base your business relationships on these standards.
  11. 5: Educating your partners
    1. THE CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Using education to build awareness of your product and enthusiasm for how it can benefit customers’ lives
    2. SUPPORT STRATEGY NUMBER ONE: Educate the public about your product and mission and what differentiates them in the marketplace.
    3. SUPPORT STRATEGY NUMBER TWO: Be clear about what your brand represents and how you want to present it.
    4. SUPPORT STRATEGY NUMBER THREE: Educate your employees so they can knowledgeably and enthusiastically share your mission and product benefits.
    5. SUPPORT STRATEGY NUMBER FOUR: Educate your distributors so they can better educate your end customer and increase sales.
  12. 6: Creating valuable strategic alliances
    1. THE CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Aligning yourself with like-minded organizations so everyone benefits
    2. PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY NUMBER ONE: Create partnerships that hold value for you as well as those with whom you are in alliance.
    3. PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY NUMBER TWO: Align yourself with companies that share your socially responsible goals and want to attract the same type of customer.
    4. PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY NUMBER THREE: Create partnerships with businesses or individuals that can teach you something and vice versa.
    5. PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY NUMBER FOUR: Invest in a joint venture with a technologically experienced partner.
    6. PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY NUMBER FIVE: Partner with a company that has a product that can enhance your customers’ lives.
  13. 7: Celebrating achievements
    1. THE CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Recognizing those connected with your business so they feel good about their contributions to your organization
    2. RECOGNITION STRATEGY NUMBER ONE: Use the power of the Internet and company intranet to keep in touch with your employees.
    3. RECOGNITION STRATEGY NUMBER TWO: Find innovative ways to recognize and reward your employees by tapping into their personal interests.
    4. RECOGNITION STRATEGY NUMBER THREE: Find small ways to reward your employees.
    5. RECOGNITION STRATEGY NUMBER FOUR: If your company’s revenue depends on a large sales force, create a rewarding recognition program.
  14. 8: Do values really sell?
  15. Notes
  16. Resources
  17. Suggested Reading
  18. Index
  19. About Social Venture Network
  20. About the Authors