
Book Description

Since its release in 2014, Vue.js has seen a meteoric rise to popularity and is is now considered one of the primary front-end frameworks, and not without good reason. Its component-based architecture was designed to be flexible and easy to adopt, making it just as easy to integrate into projects and use alongside non-Vue code as it is to build complex client-side applications.

This book covers a selection of essential tools and skills you'll need while working with Vue. It contains:

  • Setting Up a Vue Development Environment by James Hibbard
  • Five Top Vue Animation Libraries by Maria Antonietta Perna
  • Build Your First Static Site with VuePress by Ivaylo Gerchev
  • Five Vue UI Libraries for Your Next Project by Michiel Mulders
  • Five Handy Tips when Starting Out with Vue by David Bush

Table of Contents

  1. Vue.js: Tools & Skills
  2. Notice of Rights
  3. Notice of Liability
  4. Trademark Notice
  5. About SitePoint
  6. Preface
    1. Who Should Read This Book?
    2. Conventions Used
  7. Chapter 1: Setting Up a Vue Development Environment
    1. Installing and Setting Up Your Editor
    2. An Example Project with Vue CLI
    3. Vue Browser Tools
    4. Conclusion
  8. Chapter 2: Five Top Vue Animation Libraries
    1. Why Animation on the Web?
    2. Vue.js Transition and Animation Systems
    3. #1 Animate.css
    4. #2 Animatelo.js
    5. #3 Pose.js
    6. #4 GreenSock (GSAP)
    7. #5 Anime.js
    8. Conclusion
  9. Chapter 3: Build Your First Static Site with VuePress
    1. What Is VuePress?
    2. The Benefits of a Static Site.
    3. Why Use VuePress?
    4. Getting Started
    5. Building Your Site
    6. Internationalize Your Site
    7. Deploy Your Site to GitHub Pages
    8. Conclusion
  10. Chapter 4: Five Vue UI Libraries for Your Next Project
    1. 1. Ant Design for Vue
    2. 2. Element UI
    3. 3. Vue Material
    4. 4. iView
    5. 5. Mint-UI
    6. The Bottom Line
  11. Chapter 5: Five Handy Tips when Starting Out with Vue
    1. Incremental Adoption
    2. Devtools
    3. Wrapping Up