
Book Description

Enterprises looking to build robust, reliable, and performant applications are increasingly turning to Angular, a cross-platform solution for building mobile, desktop, and web apps. In this instructive guide, Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Love take you through the key benefits that are helping enterprises of all stripes save time and money with Angular.

You’ll explore Angular’s support for common enterprise patterns, its components and tools (including support for code generation, code hinting, and unit testing), and its vibrant ecosystem—all of which mean developers can get up and running immediately. You’ll also learn how Google (the creator of Angular), FedEx, and Capital One are using Angular to meet the needs of their customers, employees, vendors, suppliers, and more.

You’ll discover:

  • How Angular follows familiar patterns, including TypeScript, dependency injection, and Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
  • Angular’s built-in modules for routing, fetching data, animations, and service worker integration for building progressive web applications
  • Angular tools and components, including the Angular CLI, the Angular Console, and Nrwl Extensions
  • The Angular ecosystem: Angular Material, Firebase, Ionic, and more
  • How global organizations use Angular to build reliable, scalable applications

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. 1. Angular Follows Common and Familiar Enterprise Patterns and Conventions
    1. TypeScript
      1. Metadata
      2. Constructor Assignment
      3. Object-Oriented Programming
      4. Interfaces
      5. Field Assignment
    2. Dependency Injection
      1. Composition
      2. Mocking
    3. Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
    4. Summary
  3. 2. Angular Is a “Batteries Included” Framework
    1. Router
    2. HttpClient
    3. Animations
    4. Progressive Web Applications
    5. Summary
  4. 3. Angular Developer Tools
    1. Angular Command-Line Interface
      1. Code Generation
      2. Code Linting
    2. Schematics
    3. Nx: Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos
    4. Angular Console
    5. Tight IDE Integration
      1. Code Hinting
      2. Autocompletion
      3. Well-Defined Style Guide
    6. Free Development Servers and Test Runners
      1. Unit Testing
      2. Live Reload
    7. Powerful Build Options
    8. Summary
  5. 4. Angular’s Rich and Vibrant Ecosystem
    1. Angular Material
    2. PrimeNG
    3. NgRx
    4. Nest
    5. Firebase
    6. ag-Grid
    7. Ionic
    8. NativeScript
    9. Summary
  6. 5. Angular Has a Proven Track Record
    1. Google
    2. FedEx
    3. Capital One
    4. Summary
  7. 6. Conclusion