
Book Description

'Weblogging' or ‘blogging’ has joined e-mail and Internet home pages as one of the most popular uses of the Internet. This book focuses on the British blogosphere, comparing British bloggers to the more researched US. Motivations covered include the desire to connect with others online, the need to express opinions or blow off steam, or to share experiences, and a growing financial motivation in the blogosphere. Other motivations explored include a desire to become a ‘citizen journalist’, a need for validation, the commercial possibilities of blogging and the possibility of turning your blog into a published ‘book’.

  • Expands the discussion of the blogging phenomenon outside the US
  • Focuses on the British blogosphere, comparing British bloggers to the more researched US
  • Includes a discussion of the motivations of women bloggers

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. About the author
  7. Chapter 1: Introduction
    1. What is a blog?
    2. Early research on the blogosphere
    3. Research on the British blogosphere
    4. The aim of this book
  8. Chapter 2: The journal blog: a traditional form mediated by the Internet
    1. The diary genre
    2. The online diary
  9. Chapter 3: The journalism motivation
    1. Letters to the editor
    2. Making your voice heard: citizen journalism
    3. Mainstream media response
    4. Redressing the mainstream media
    5. Blogging politicians
    6. Blogging as creative writing
  10. Chapter 4: Beneficial blogging
    1. The blogging personality
    2. Letting it all out
    3. Positive feedback from readers
    4. Keeping in touch with friends
    5. Finding new friends
  11. Chapter 5: Do privacy concerns impact on blogging motivations?
    1. Secret from friends and family
    2. Secret from employers
  12. Chapter 6: The money motive
    1. Advertising
    2. Blooks
  13. Chapter 7: Blogs as tools
    1. Blogs as tools for teaching and learning
    2. Academic blogs
    3. Information gathering
  14. Chapter 8: Doing it for different reasons I: women’s motivations for blogging
    1. Male dominance
    2. Women’s motivations for blogging
    3. Blogroll differences
  15. Chapter 9: Doing it for different reasons II: Americans and Brits
    1. Demographic differences
    2. Perceptions of blogging
    3. Satisfactions from blogging
    4. Blogroll differences
    5. Note
  16. Conclusions
  17. Bibliography
  18. Index