

Advisory Circulars (AC), 21

Airborne electronic hardware (AEH)

best practices, 213

design integrity, 116

developers, 213

verified item, 201

Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), 28

Amended type certificate (ATC), 21

Analog to digital convertor (ADC), 80, 88, 112

Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 22

Archive integrity checks, 65


Hardware Process Assurance Plan, 58

stage of involvement, 14, 29

sub-tier supplier, 177

transition criteria, 14

work products, 172


Baseline traceability, 184185

configuration index, 185

establishment, 185

goal, 184

Best practices, 1, 2, 13, 213

Block diagrams, 101


CCA; See Circuit card assemblies

Certification review items (CRI), 27

Change control, 190192

authority, 191

change approval, 191

DO-254 objectives, 191

explicit guidance, 191

interdependence, 192

peer review, 190

preventing unauthorized changes, 190

recommendations, 192

tracking, 191

updates, 190

Circuit card assemblies (CCA), 2

Closed box tests, 154

Code of Federal Regulations, 18, 26

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components usage, 199203

complex components, 202

component data sheet, 202

design assurance goals, 203

electronic component management plan, 201

goals, 201

integrated circuits, 202

intellectual property, 199

procurement issues, 202

Complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs), 22

Configuration management, 179196

activities, 182183

alternative applications, 183

applications, 182

definitions, 182

objectives, 182

baselines, 184

hierarchical levels, 184

implementations, 184

baseline traceability, 184185

configuration index, 185

establishment, 185

goals, 184

change control, 190192

authority, 191

change approval, 191

DO-254 objectives, 191

explicit guidance, 191

interdependence, 192

peer review, 190

preventing unauthorized changes, 190

recommendations, 192

tracking, 191

updates, 190

concepts, 180

configuration identification, 183184

dissimilarity in configuration

identification, 183

file management tool, 184

unambiguous identification, 183

unique identifiers, 183

data control categories, 182

data retention, 194195

ancient aircraft, 194

regulations, 194

type certificate, 194

definition, 179

hardware description language files, 179

importance of, 217

media selection, refreshing, duplication, 195196

data retention, 195

duplicate archives, 195

media refreshing, 195

problem reports, 185190

analyses conducted, 189

basic principles, 187

change control activity, 186

closure phase, 188

description, 185

headline, 188

information, 188

integrity, 186

peer reviews, 188

problem description, 187188, 189

resolution, 189

root cause analysis, 187

work flow, 186

protection against unauthorized changes, 195

purpose, 180182

data organization, 181182

definition of configuration management, 180

probability of errors, 180

provisions of configuration management, 181

unrestrained development, 180

release, 192

authorization, 192

data items, 192

examples, 192

retrieval, 192194

archiving, 193

electronic file management system, 193

guidelines, 193

production data systems, 193

COTS components usage; See Commercial off-the-shelf components usage

CPLDs; See Complex programmable logic devices

CRI; See Certification review items


Design assurance level (DAL), 24, 197

DO-254 guidance, 3

failure, 3

hazard classifications, 2, 3

least severe classification, 3

most severe classification, 3

PLD, 141

requisite reliability, 4

semiconductor components, 4

verification-related activities, 3

Design Assurance Through Design Practice (DATDP), 113134

classic design process, 114

Conceptual Design Phase, 115

configuration management supporting process, 116

design execution, 127134

common circuit topologies, 132

examples, 127, 130

logic diagram, 130, 132

Roy’s Rule, 132

shift registers, 127

synthesis tools, 131, 132

system failure, 131

VHDL code, 130

waveforms, 128, 129

design philosophy, 119127

Roy’s Rule 1 (passing the buck), 120

Roy’s Rule 2 (predictability), 121

Roy’s Rule 3 (HDL design), 124

Roy’s Rule 4 (bulletproof circuit), 124

Roy’s Rule 5 (top-down design), 124

Roy’s Rule 6 (failure modes), 125

Roy’s Rule 7 (never assume), 125

Roy’s Rule 8 (avoidance vs. mitigation), 125

Roy’s Rule 9 (DO-254), 125

Roy’s Rule 10 (review now), 126

Roy’s Rule 11 (deal with it), 126

Roy’s Rule 12 (ignore the trees), 126

Roy’s Rule 13 (require requirements), 126

Roy’s Rule 14 (have no faith), 126

Roy’s Rule 15 (there is no hope), 127

Roy’s Rules, 119

Detailed Design Phase, 115

device selection, 117119

data retention in flash devices, 119

device features, 118

lead time, 118

packages, 118

PLD size, 119

power-on performance, 119

power requirements, 117

product support, 118

radiation tolerance, 118

semiconductor technology, 119

service history, 118

service life, 118

single event upset events, 118, 119

speed, 119

system requirements, 117

technical support, 118

errors, 116

FARs, technical goals of, 113

flexibility, 115

front end, 113

Implementation Phase, 115

mapping, 115

peer reviews, 114

phases, 115

presentation, 114

Production Transition Phase, 115

Requirements Capture Phase, 115

theory, 115

DO-254; See also RTCA/DO-254, introduction to

Appendix B (additional verification), 141

attributes, 214

basis for using COTS components, 201

best practices, 2, 13

change control objectives, 191

design assurance level guidance, 3

functional element, 101

hardware verification in, 70

major phases of the standard design process, 77

objectives, 215

overview of, 712

comprehensive combination of tests, 810

firmware, 8

guidance topics, 7

hardware design life cycle, 11

HDL design, 8

previously developed hardware, 12

summary of contents, 9

validation, 11

potential benefit of using, 102

procurement issues, 202

weaknesses, 214


Electronic component management plan (ECMP), 201

Electronic hardware, types of requirements for, 7485, 97101

analog to digital convertor, 80

application requirements, 75

appropriate models, 84

derived requirements, 76

design decisions, 79

Design Document, 77

finding the root functionality, 82

functional requirements, 75

global requirements, 76

implementation requirements, 75

indirect requirements, 76

inputs, requirements for, 75

root function analysis, 80

shortcuts, 76

Spoiler Mode, 84

textual description, 75

writing too many requirements, 83


FAI; See First Article Inspection

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 2

Aircraft Certification Office, 65

approval to modify an aircraft design, 21

conformity, 172

data retention requirements, 194

Issue Papers, 26, 31

Order 8110.105 planning aspects, 4849

certification data, 48

proposed alternative methods, 48

relevant service history, 48

useful content, 49

verification coverage of requirements, 49

submittal document, 40

Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), 2, 113

FHA; See Functional hazard assessment

Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), 22

life cycle data mapping for, 41

programming file for, 179

Firmware, 8

First Article Inspection (FAI), 172, 176

Flash-based PLDs, 119

Flight test, 22

Functional element, 101

Functional failure path analysis, 136141

circuit element, 137

design assurance level, 141

element size, 137

example test plan, 137

fictitious system, 139

functional failure, 141

identification of functional failure paths, 136

Functional hazard assessment (FHA), 22


Global requirements (electronic hardware), 76

Ground test, 22

Guidance materials (regulatory background), 2526

application(s), 25

Code of Federal Regulations, 26

line replaceable units, 25

topics, 25


Hardware configuration index (HCI), 56, 65

Hardware Configuration Management Plan (HCMP), 5458, 176

Hardware design language (HDL), 6, 179

Hardware Design Plan (HDP), 4952

Hardware process assurance (HPA) audits, 173, 174175

Hardware Process Assurance Plan (HPAP), 5861, 177


Information statements, 91

Intellectual property (IP), 45, 63, 199

Issue Papers, 2627

certification review items, 27

process, 27

projects, 27

type certification, 26

Item design assurance level (IDAL), 23


Job Aid, 29


Laboratory test, 22

Laboratory verification tools, 207

Line replaceable unit (LRU), 2, 25, 65, 85

Linux-hosted systems, 151

Logic analyzers, 156, 207


Means of compliance (MoC), 2125

Advisory Circulars, 21, 24

application specific integrated circuits, 22

best practices, 21

complex programmable logic devices, 22

conformity inspection, 22

field programmable gate arrays, 22

flight test, 22

functional hazard assessment, 22

ground test, 22

inspection for demonstration of compliance, 22

item design assurance level, 23

laboratory test, 22

showing compliance, 22

simulation, 22

Media refreshing, 195


National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 194

Normal test cases, 160

Numbering scheme (HCMP), 56


Optimized logic, 208

Oscilloscopes, 156, 207

Outsourcing, 54


Parent hardware, 198

PDH; See Previously developed hardware

Peer review

auditing of, 172

built-in, 13

change control, 190

checklists, 65, 149

DATDP, 114

Hardware Design Plan, 49

Hardware Process Assurance Plan, 58

Hardware Verification Plan, 53

records, identification of, 56

Peripheral component interconnect (PCI), 45

Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification (PHAC), 3845

certification basis, 40

hardware life cycle data, 4243

intellectual property cores, 45

peripheral component interconnect, 45

previously developed hardware, 41

product service experience, 45

reusable data, 44

SOI audits, 41

target audience, 38

transition criteria, 41

writing style, 38

Planning, 3166

alternative methods, 47

approaches, 34

certification programs, 31

electronic hardware development context, 32

FAA Order 8110.105 aspects, 4849

certification data, 48

proposed alternative methods, 48

relevant service history, 48

useful content, 49

verification coverage of requirements, 49

hardware archive standards, 65

archive integrity checks, 65

design review checklist, 65

peer review checklist, 65

Hardware Configuration Management Plan, 5458

baseline traceability, 56

change control, 56

data items, 55

FAA requirement, 57

hardware configuration index, 56

media selection, 58

numbering scheme, 56

peer review records, identification of, 56

problem reporting, 57

process activities, 55

unique identifiers, 55, 56

Hardware Design Plan, 4952

design life cycle, 49

hardware product description, 50

other considerations, 52

requirements capture, 51

transition criteria, 49, 50

Hardware Process Assurance Plan, 5861

auditing, 58

conformance, 58

deviations to project plans, 61

process assurance activities, 5960

hardware standards, 6163

certification, 61

component selection criteria, 63

intellectual property cores, 63

requirements capture, 62

requirements feedback and clarification, 62

scope of tool qualification, 61

tool examples, 61

Hardware Validation Plan, 52

analyses, 52

derived requirements, 52

DO-254 processes, 52

Hardware Verification Plan, 5254

analysis procedures, 53

information, 52

organization responsibilities, 54

outsourcing, 54

verification tools, 53

Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification, 3845

certification basis, 40

hardware life cycle data, 4243

intellectual property cores, 45

peripheral component interconnect, 45

previously developed hardware, 41

product service experience, 45

reusable data, 44

SOI audits, 41

target audience, 38

transition criteria, 41

writing style, 38

production aspects, 33

schedule, 4748

intent, 48

major milestones, 47

SOI audits, 47

type inspection authorization, 47

submittals and coordination, 6566

FAA Aircraft Certification Office, 65

hardware configuration index, 65

hours of work, 66

line replaceable unit, 65

technical standard order, 31

tool assessment and qualification, 4647

documentation, 46

tool assessment example, 47

tool output, 46

verification tools, 46

trade study, 33

transition criteria, 35

validation and verification standards, 64

criteria for circuit and timing analysis, 64

reviews, 64

test case selection, 64

PLDs; See Programmable logic devices

Previously developed hardware (PDH), 12, 41, 197199

commercial off-the-shelf hardware, 197

common items, 197

common uses, 200

data reused, 199, 200

design assurance level, 197

parent hardware, 198

scenarios for reuse, 198

service history, 199

sources, 197

strategy, 198

Problem reports, 185190

analyses conducted, 189

basic principles, 187

change control activity, 186

closure phase, 188

description, 185

headline, 188

information, 188

integrity, 186

peer reviews, 188

problem description, 187188, 189

resolution, 189

root cause analysis, 187

work flow, 186

Process assurance, 171177

audits, 173, 174175

hardware process assurance audits, 173, 174175

life cycle data, 173

spreadsheet, 173

audits of configuration management, 173176

aspects of Hardware Configuration Management Plan, 173

inspection of problem reports, 176

problem reports, 176

process assurance, 176

conformity, 172

certification plans, 172

FAA conformity, 172

in-house conformity, 172

project system level certification plans, 172

deviations, 177

customers, 177

escalation process, 177

recorded, 177

inspections, 176

customers, 176

documentation, 176

First Article Inspection, 176

rubber stamp, 171

sampling, 171172

corrective action, 172

first article inspection, 172

peer reviews, auditing of, 172

trends, 172

work products, audits of, 172

SOI audit dry run, 176

sub-tier supplier oversight, 177

companies having geographic differences, 177

Hardware Process Assurance Plan, 177

process assurance, 177

Product service experience, 203205

assessment data, 204

criteria, 204

failure probability, 205

relevance and acceptability criteria, 203

service experience assessment data, 204205

Programmable logic devices (PLDs), 1

design assurance level for, 141

flash-based, 119

HDL text editor, 208

requirements, 9397

compound conditions, 96

function name, 93

NAND structure 97

readable sentence, 95

requirements structure, 94

requirements template, 93

XNOR structure, 97

XOR structure, 97


Qualifying the tool, 205


Random access memory (RAM), 40

Register-transfer level (RTL), 124

Regulatory background, 1729

amended type certificate, 21

certification basis for a project, 20

guidance materials, 2526

application, 25

Code of Federal Regulations, 26

line replaceable units, 25

topics, 25

Issue Papers, 2627

certification review items, 27

process, 27

projects, 27

type certification, 26

means of compliance, 2125

Advisory Circulars, 21, 24

application specific integrated circuits, 22

best practices, 21

complex programmable logic devices, 22

conformity inspection, 22

field programmable gate arrays, 22

flight test, 22

functional hazard assessment, 22

ground test, 22

inspection for demonstration of compliance, 22

item design assurance level, 23

laboratory test, 22

showing compliance, 22

simulation, 22

orders, 2729

Aircraft Certification Office, 28

FAA involvement, 28

Job Aid, 29

SOI reviews, 28

topics, 27

supplemental type certificate, 21

Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, 18

type certificate, 21

Requirements, 67105

allocation and decomposition, 8588

circuit card requirement, 88

example, 87

flow down of requirements, 85, 86

FPGA, 87

line replaceable unit, 85

best practices, 67

black box perspective, 68

electronic hardware, requirements, 97101

ARINC message 050, 100

ARINC output data requirements, 97

complex functionality, 99

filter, 99

intent, 101

electronic hardware, types of requirements for, 7485

analog to digital convertor, 80

application requirements, 75

appropriate models, 84

derived requirements, 76

design decisions, 79

Design Document, 77

finding the root functionality, 82

functional requirements, 75

global requirements, 76

implementation requirements, 75

indirect requirements, 76

inputs, requirements for, 75

root function analysis, 80

shortcuts, 76

Spoiler Mode, 84

textual description, 75

writing too many requirements, 83

paradigm, 67

PLD requirements, 9397

compound conditions, 96

function name, 93

NAND structure, 97

readable sentence, 95

requirements structure, 94

requirements template, 93

XNOR structure, 97

XOR structure, 97

purpose, 6970

derived requirements, 70

design, requirements describing, 69

hardware verification, 70

requirements allocation, 69

requirements organization, 70

requirements author, 7072

circuit card designs, 71

PLD requirements, 71

requirements capture, 72

requirements capture, start of, 68

requirements organization, 101

block diagrams, 101

document, 101

functional element, 101

system requirements, 7274

availability and integrity, 72

certification regulations, 73

customer requirements, 73

maintenance aspects, 73

operational requirements, 73

performance requirements, 73

redundancy, 74

systems needing redundancy, 74

systems, hardware, and software, 102105

circuit card level tests, 104

decomposed requirements, 103

LRU outputs, 103

signal naming scheme, 103

software functions, 103

unified requirements, 104

unified view of systems, 102

timing and performance specifications, 8889

analog to digital convertor, 88

decomposition of requirement, 89

example, 88

range of acceptable values, 89

traceability efforts, 67

verification, potential for more effective, 67

writing requirements, 8993

defining functionality, 91

information statements, 91

recommendations, 90

techniques, 91

template, 92

timing dependencies, 91

writing skills, 68

Robustness test cases, 161

Root cause analysis, 187

Root function analysis, 80

Roy’s Rules, 119

Roy’s Rule 1 (passing the buck), 120

Roy’s Rule 2 (predictability), 121

Roy’s Rule 3 (HDL design), 124, 132

Roy’s Rule 4 (bulletproof circuit), 124

Roy’s Rule 5 (top-down design), 124

Roy’s Rule 6 (failure modes), 125

Roy’s Rule 7 (never assume), 125

Roy’s Rule 8 (avoidance vs. mitigation), 125

Roy’s Rule 9 (DO-254), 125

Roy’s Rule 10 (review now), 126

Roy’s Rule 11 (deal with it), 126

Roy’s Rule 12 (ignore the trees), 126

Roy’s Rule 13 (require requirements), 126

Roy’s Rule 14 (have no faith), 126

Roy’s Rule 15 (there is no hope), 127

RTCA/DO-254, introduction to, 115

best practices, consensus on, 1

design assurance level, 24

DO-254 guidance, 3

failure, 3

hazard classifications, 2, 3

least severe classification, 3

most severe classification, 3

requisite reliability, 4

semiconductor components, 4

verification-related activities, 3

DO-254, overview of, 712

comprehensive combination of tests, 810

firmware, 8

guidance topics, 7

hardware design life cycle, 11

HDL design, 8

previously developed hardware, 12

summary of contents, 9

validation, 11

DO-254 and DO-178B, 47

comparison, 4, 56

derived requirement, definition of, 7

differences between hardware and software, 5

significant differences, 6

temptation, 4

Federal Aviation Regulations, 2

programmable logic devices, 1

significance, 1315

audits, 14

certification authority, interface with, 14

configuration management infrastructure, 13

cultural changes, 14

discomfort, 15

percentage escalation factor, 14

process assurance role, 14

structured design process, 13

writing of requirements, 13

RTL; See Register-transfer level


Semiconductor components, inherent failure probability of, 4

Single event upset (SEU) events, 118, 119

Stage of involvement (SOI)

audits, 14, 29, 47, 176

reviews, 28

Static random access memory (SRAM) devices, 40

Supplemental type certificate (STC), 21

System requirements, 7274

availability and integrity, 72

certification regulations, 73

customer requirements, 73

maintenance aspects, 73

operational requirements, 73

performance requirements, 73

redundancy, 74

systems needing redundancy, 74


TC; See Type certificate

Technical standard order (TSO), 31

TIA; See Type inspection authorization

Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, 18

Tool assessment and qualification, 205212

advantage of qualifying tool, 206

approaches, 205

automated test stands, 207

basic tool qualification, 210

design tool examples, 206

disadvantage of qualifying tool, 206

DO-254 approach, 205

documentation of information, 208

essentials, 207

example, 211

flow chart, 207

full tool qualification program, 211

HDL text editor, 208

laboratory verification tools, 207

Level A hardware, 205

most common approach, 212

optimized logic, 208

relevant history, criteria of, 210

self-checking testbenches, 208

synthesis tool, 207, 208

tool qualification outcomes, 212

tool types, 206

verification coverage tools, 206

verification tools, 206, 209

TSO; See Technical standard order

Type certificate (TC), 21

Type inspection authorization (TIA), 47


Validation, 107112

creating derived requirements, 109111

arbitrary specifications, 110

decomposed functions, 109

examples, 110

incomplete justification, 110

requirements flow down, 110

validation of requirement, 110

derived requirements, 107109

common characteristic, 107

definition, 107

derived requirements, 109

hardware functionality, 108

objective of validation, 109

parent hardware design features, 108

traceability, 108

methods, 111112

analog to digital converter device, 112

analysis, 112

review criteria, 111

team members, 111

validation through test, 112

Verification, 135170

activities, 135

analysis, 151154

functional simulations, 151

hardware testing, 152

Linux-hosted systems, 151

post-layout simulations, 151

simulation log files, 153

testbenches, creation of, 151

toggle coverage, 152

waveform file, 152

appendix B (additional verification), 141147

code coverage, 144, 145

coverage deficiencies, 147

elemental analysis, 145

metrics, 141

writing requirements, 145

coverage tools, 206

functional failure path analysis, 136141

circuit element, 137

design assurance level, 141

element size, 137

example test plan, 137

fictitious system, 139

functional failure, 141

identification of functional failure paths, 136

independence, 147148

cultural independence, 148

engineering culture, 148

example, 148

team, 147

review, 148151

checklists, 149

hardware design life cycle data, 149

peer review checklists, 149

requirements, 149

test cases, 150

test, 154

closed box tests, 154

hardware testing, 154

procedures, 154

test cases and requirements, 163170

example, 163, 164, 166

improved test cases for example

requirements, 170

inputs, 167

requirements and associated test cases, 168

test cases for AND, 163

test cases for example requirements, 169

test cases for NAND, 165

test cases for NOR, 165

test cases for OR, 164

test cases for XNOR, 166

test cases for XOR, 167

test case selection criteria, 154163

combining tests, 158

formatting of test cases, 155

implementation requirements, 160

logic analyzer, trigger conditions for, 156

normal test cases, 160

requirement identifier, embedding of, 161

requirements template, 157

robustness test cases, 161

summary of test case, 163

test case example, 162

test case strategy, 158

verifiable requirement, 156

timing analysis, 135


Waveform file, 152

Work products, audits of, 172

Written requirements, 8993

defining functionality, 91

information statements, 91

recommendations, 90

techniques, 91

template, 92

timing dependencies, 91

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