
PEOPLE HIRE ME BECAUSE THEY WANT DIFFERENT OUTCOMES and different relationships in their workplaces. My work almost always involves change at some level—individual, team, organization. I’ve worked with dozens of groups to understand underlying patterns and shift them toward something better.

My interest is primarily in complex changes in complex environments, working with people and systems to move toward a better outcome. I tackle problems for which there is no one obvious solution (or the seemingly obvious solution will not improve matters).

These are problems in the complex domain of the Cynefin Framework (Snowden and Boone 2007). Cynefin identifies five domains: obvious (until 2014 referred to as simple), where best practices exist and apply; complicated, where there is at least one right solution and expertise applies; complex, where new approaches must be invented; chaotic, where the best advice is to stabilize quickly; and disorder, which is a state of unclarity, not knowing which domain applies. In the obvious and complicated domains, cause and effect are evident. In the complex and chaotic domains, they can be known only retrospectively.

Snowden and Boone, in their groundbreaking article “A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making” (2007), describe the complex domain in this way:

In a complex context…right answers can’t be ferreted out. It’s like the difference between, say, a Ferrari and the Brazilian rainforest. Ferraris are complicated machines, but an expert mechanic can take one apart and reassemble it without changing a thing. The car is static, and the whole is the sum of its parts. The rainforest, on the other hand, is in constant flux—a species becomes extinct, weather patterns change, an agricultural project reroutes a water source—and the whole is far more than the sum of its parts. This is the realm of “unknown unknowns,” and it is the domain to which much of contemporary business has shifted.

This is where I approach a situation with informed interventions to modify patterns.

I understand the appeal of best practices, prepackaged solutions, tools, methodologies, and programs that promise to solve whatever problem you have. They can be of great help for addressing problems in the simple and complicated domains. If a problem has been solved many times and there is one recognized solution, it doesn’t make sense to spend time inventing something new. My research, observation, and experience tell me that, as often as not, these on-the-face reasonable solutions when applied to complex problems lead to disappointment. The situations I work with cannot be addressed directly by hiring better people, instituting a defined process, or deploying a new tool. They can be worked—I hesitate to say solved—only by addressing multiple and entangled influencing factors and paying attention to learning.

This book is for people like me, people who may not have “change management” in their title or job description but who nonetheless need to make changes in the way people work and the results their organizations achieve. That includes managers, executives, consultants, team leads, team members, and internal and external coaches—anyone who wants a different outcome at work.

This book is also for people who do have “change management” in their title, as an additional approach for organic change in complex environments.

These 7 Rules are a fine-grained addition to systemwide and human-centered large-group interventions. They apply to situations in which there isn’t one right way, when it is beneficial for a group to come to their own solution, and when new solutions need to be discovered. The 7 Rules are not in themselves a process, and they aren’t intended to be used in a stepwise fashion, although it is a good idea to start with Rule 1: Strive for congruence.

How I Got Here

When I started my career, it was not with the ambition to revolutionize the way people approach change for their teams, departments, or entire organizations. I started my career as a programmer. I loved writing code. It was like solving puzzles, with the additional benefit of learning about different industries: light manufacturing, mortgage servicing, medical-imaging financial services, employee assistance provisioning, software as a product, and more. I didn’t think much about change. My code directed a machine to manipulate ones and zeros. What did that have to do with organizational change?

Quite a bit, it turns out. I observed how my work could have a dramatic impact on others. I learned that small adjustments in the environment had the power to change patterns of work. And I witnessed the persistence of systemic patterns despite efforts to change results through incentives, training, and standardizing processes. My early experience sensitized me to notice intentional and unintentional changes and their impacts on humans and systems.

My first job was writing a program to estimate the cost of manufacturing custom decorative striping for automobiles and to generate quotes for customers. It was fun and challenging, with the built-in opportunity to learn new things. I learned about the manufacturing process, adhesive tape stock, and the things people wanted to stick on their cars. Because my job was writing code (and, in my defense, because I was young), I didn’t think much about how my program would change lives.

When the program was about to go live, I overheard the CEO of the company in a heated conversation with the chief estimator. The CEO was insisting that the estimator use the new program. I don’t remember the estimator’s name or what he looked like, but their conversation is still with me.

The estimator did not dispute the fact that the program produced accurate results. He just didn’t want to use it. He enjoyed estimating by hand, tapping his experience and the worksheets he had developed over the years (the very worksheets that we’d used to develop the calculations). He didn’t care that the program was faster and could generate many more quotes per day than he could. He didn’t want to sit in front of a computer, entering data. He wanted to poke around on the manufacturing floor, talk with the people who ran the machines, converse with customers, build relationships, and leverage his years of expertise. From his point of view, what was good for the company was not good for him.

The estimator bent to the CEO’s ultimatum: using the program was not as bad as losing his job. He came to work the next day, turned on his computer, and fired up the program. He worked quietly and diligently—and slowly at first. When it was time for his break, he went down to the factory floor and had a smoke with the guys. He didn’t complain to them about having to use the program (perhaps out of fear of repercussions), but the fact that he had accepted the program did not go unnoticed. His example may have made it easier for other people to suspend judgment and give automation a try. Or they may have seen that if the chief estimator couldn’t stem the tide of automation, they may as well go along with the times.

Two Lessons about Change

That conversation was a turning point for me, and it altered how I thought about my job. It also taught me two important lessons about change.

Images    Any given change may be a positive for some people and a negative for others. I didn’t just write computer code: I changed the way people worked and, potentially, how they viewed their jobs and even their employment. Attending to that fact early and often can both shape an implementation and reduce anguish.

Images    Change is a social process. Change can affect relationships, status, sense of identity, and self-perception of competence and worth. Learning happens through social interaction. How other people respond to an idea influences those around them.

My next programming job was with a large financial services company, which I’ll call Bradley’s. It was quite a career step to go from a small, family-owned manufacturing company in an unfashionable suburb to a Fortune 100 firm with a high-rise headquarters in Manhattan and tens of thousands of employees around the globe. Bradley’s record number of profitable quarters was envied in the industry, and its brand was well known. I joined a group writing code to account for stock and bond holdings. This time the people who used the programs welcomed our automation of hundreds of accounting entries associated with daily purchases, sales, and market price updates. I turned my attention to a different sort of change.

After several months on the job, I developed some definite ideas about how to make our work as programmers more effective. One of my changes involved making data visible. I posted on the wall a big diagram that showed the sequence and dependencies of all the programs that ran every night. When a program crashed or had some problem that required a pager call, I stuck a pin in that program on the diagram. Soon we had data.

I am pretty sure that someone in a different department in a different building already had that data, but it wasn’t available to us. My coworkers and I started paying more attention when changing error-prone programs. We took extra care with testing, and whenever we encountered messy code, we cleaned it up.

Another small change involved adding a printed diagram of each program’s structure to the program listing binder. I didn’t even have to research and diagram the structure myself; I only needed to select the setting to generate the printout. Voilà! This little change made it easier for new hires to grasp the flow of a program, and it made locating bugs easier, too. Plus it took much less time than speed-reading an 8-inch-thick stack of computer code for subroutine headings.

These were changes I could make without permission, budget, or persuading anyone else that it was a good idea. I made small adaptations to the environment and modeled the change I wanted to see. These very small changes often made a significant difference.

Eventually, I changed jobs again, moving to a management role at Bradley’s. I no longer spent my days figuring out how to get a computer to do what needed to be done and making small changes on the side. Adjusting the environment to enable more-productive work became my full-time job (along with budgets, reports, staff meetings, and a host of administrative details). My opportunities to learn about people and change expanded again.

Seeing the Big Picture

As a manager I had a certain amount of control and power. And I very soon realized the limits of that power when it came to change. Telling people to do things differently didn’t work. I needed to provide context and information. I needed to listen and learn. Tweaking the environment wasn’t always sufficient. I needed to learn how to influence and see beyond what was happening in my own group.

One of my no-permission change projects involved working with other development managers on project estimation. We had noticed—it would have been impossible not to notice—that most projects in our information technology (IT) department missed their budget and scheduling commitments. And they were not just a little overbudget but 200 percent or more and well behind schedule. Project results at Bradley’s were even worse than published industry statistics, which were already dismal. On some level these failures were entirely predictable, given that so few projects achieved their targets. Yet each failure produced a mini-drama with recriminations and admonitions that it must not happen again.

We analyzed as much of the data as we could find and discovered some interesting patterns. The larger the project, the more likely it was to bust the budget and blow through deadlines and the larger the discrepancy was likely to be. Projects that involved a new technology, teams who didn’t have domain knowledge, and developing new products—all were guaranteed to exceed original estimates. The projects that came closer to their original projections were either small or not very complicated, even when they involved lots of work. It wasn’t the project managers who made a difference; it was the type and size of the project.

This pattern persisted across the entire department and over several years. We established categories and confidence factors based on the data. Our idea was to provide a range estimate rather than a point estimate and include a confidence factor. Our theory was that the range and confidence factor would communicate the uncertainty involved.

Our experiment was a step in the right direction, based on our knowledge and thinking at the time. We did find peers who were interested in our ideas, but we didn’t get very far. Neither the budgeting process nor those who owned it would accommodate a range estimate. The finance people wanted a precise commitment, and the budgeting system could accommodate only one number.

Given our sphere of influence and lack of official standing, we recognized that we weren’t likely to succeed with the budget director. Nor would we gain funding to modify the budget system to accept a range. So, we continued using the categories to manage expectations locally, and we looked for other ways to make the inevitable overruns less surprising to those who weren’t close to the work.

Meanwhile our IT executives were attacking this very issue of budget and project overruns. They had access to traditional levers of power—incentives, hiring and firing, policy, process, money—and they used them. Their efforts to change project outcomes unfolded over several years. As a development manager, I was in a position to observe and experience both the implementation and the results.

Like most executives, ours cared about the prudent expenditure of company funds, so of course they were concerned that many—in truth, most—internal projects were overbudget and behind schedule. The executives weren’t involved in the day-to-day work and relied on status reports to assess projects. All too often the projects looked good until the delivery date loomed, then the status reports told of delays and vendor problems and technology issues. Worse, with every slip the project managers asked for more money, more people, and more time.

The executives soon announced a new set of incentives for project managers. No more hand wringing; this year there would be consequences! In January when it came time to set performance goals, they added an attractive bonus to focus the project managers’ attention on meeting budget and schedule expectations. They acknowledged that meeting targets down to the penny and the day was unreasonable, so they set a range. Only project managers who delivered their project with no more than a 5 percent variance would be eligible for a bonus.

As the spring flowers started blooming and the fiscal year was well under way, the executives held their first-quarter review. Most projects appeared to be on track, and the executives attributed it to the incentives. But as summer waned and the leaves started to turn, project spending surged. There were signs that schedules were going to slip—and slip they did. After a promising start, the old pattern played out again. When winter arrived, so did the requests for funding and calendar extensions.

That year there were consequences. Several project managers found themselves shunted into other jobs, and Bradley’s got serious about professionalizing project management. New hiring criteria for managers emphasized project management certification by a nationally recognized body. Human Resources pushed people in project roles to attend project management courses and gain certification. But at year-end there would be no reason to cheer. Once again projects were over budget and once again project managers requested additional money, people, and time.

Rumor had it that the executives were worried their own careers were on the line if they didn’t solve the problem. They chartered a task force to evaluate and recommend a full–life cycle development methodology.

At the recommendation of the task force, the executives invested in a name-brand methodology marketed by a well-known national firm. Every staff-level employee assigned to a project, every team lead, and all project managers attended training. Adherence to the methodology became mandatory. Recognizing that this was a major change to the way people worked, the executives chartered an installation team to support the initiative.

The installation team audited projects to ensure compliance with the required work products, job aids, and templates, as specified on a grid at the back of the (very large) methodology binder.

Project managers grumbled, and their teams grumbled. The installation team grumbled about all the grumbling from “change resisters.” Eventually, however, people stopped grumbling and filled out their job aids and templates, generated work products and reports, checked the checkboxes, and generally complied. The installation team’s metrics looked great.

I have a very clear memory of an announcement from the senior vice president. The new methodology was “business as usual,” he declared. He continued extolling the methodology as the new normal and that the effort was a success.

Is he blind? I wondered. Nothing had really changed.

He wasn’t blind, but he was looking at the installation team metrics—different indicators from what I was observing. After three years, from my vantage point closer to the actual work, I saw only superficial changes. People adapted their language to the new methodology and went through the motions, but the dynamics of large software projects had not changed at all, and neither had the results. In that sense, in spite of all the training, the mandates, the efforts of the installation team, and the enormous expenditure, it truly was business as usual.

Further Lessons Learned

I learned a lot about change (or the lack thereof) while working at Bradley’s.

Images    Skill and will aren’t always the problem. When they are not, focusing there can prolong an undesirable pattern. The first two interventions hinged on individual motivation and ability. The first assumed the issue was will (requiring an incentive), and the second assumed skill (emphasizing certification). There may have been project managers who didn’t fear repercussions or who lacked the skills and experience to manage huge software projects. The fact that the pattern persisted across all aspects of the department and over time indicates a system problem rather than a people problem. Neither offering a bonus nor replacing project managers made a significant difference.

Images    Training may be useful and necessary, but it’s not sufficient. Training everyone in a standard methodology resulted in superficial behavior modifications but didn’t change how people thought about project dynamics. Nor did it change the underlying system of how projects were planned and budgeted or the dynamics of software development.

Images    Standardizing nonstandard work may make matters worse. The standard methodology made it more difficult to address the unique characteristics of each project. Project managers lost discretion, as rigid requirements for plans and documents constrained their ability to respond in nuanced ways to the challenges they faced.

Images    Long feedback loops delay learning and improvement. The learning cycle for these interventions was a year or more. The intermediate metrics (status and budget reports) weren’t reliable indicators early in the cycle. Adjusting the approach was an annual event. Lagging measurements come too late for course correction.

Images    Observed patterns result from many underlying influences. Patterns are a symptom, not a cause, and there is seldom only one cause. Many factors contributed to budget and schedule overruns at Bradley’s. The only way to solve that was to work on those influencing factors. A proposed solution that starts with If we just… is probably headed down the wrong path.

Bradley’s change story is neither unique nor relegated to the past. Many companies with intelligent and accomplished executives have similar stories, both small and large scale. Many such stories are unfolding today, which indicates that the issue is not about skill, will, or intelligence. Rather it has to do with the match between the nature of complex change and how people approach change.

This slow-moving attempt to change outcomes was not a turning point for Bradley’s, but it was for me. I entered a master’s program and studied organizational leadership and organizational change. I started my own company, and over the past two decades I have helped many organizations improve their outcomes using the methods described in this book. Before we get to those, I want to say a bit about how people think and talk about change, which can make change easier or damned difficult. That’s the subject of chapter 1.


In the examples in this book, all the names are fictitious. No company or individual in the case studies is referred to by their true name. In a few instances, I have tweaked the details of the industry in the interest of confidentiality. All the stories, however, are true. Most of the examples are from my own experience. I have noted when I use an example that was shared with me by a colleague.

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