Chapter 2. Understanding Resource and Service Oriented Architectures

Software architecture refers to the overall structure of a system and the interrelationships of entities and components that make up the system. There are various architectural styles like Object Oriented Architecture, Service Oriented Architecture, Cloud Oriented Architecture and Resource Oriented Architecture.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA) are architectural design patterns that provide the concepts and the necessary development tools and technologies for implementing distributed application architectures. Distributed architectures comprises services that can be used by the clients over a network by using well-defined interfaces. These components that are used by the clients are named resources in ROA and services in SOA.

In this chapter, we will discuss the basics of Resource Oriented Architectures and how they differ from Service Oriented and Object Oriented Architectures. We will also explore the best practices in designing and implementing ROAs.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • SOA
  • ROA
  • What is resource orientation?
    • Resource orientation concepts
    • Addressability
    • Statelessness
    • Representations
  • Resource Oriented Services and REST
  • Resource Oriented Services and web services
  • Read-only and Read/Write Resource Oriented Services
  • Guidelines and best practices

Understanding SOA

SOA is an architectural paradigm where you have a collection of loosely coupled and extensible services, each service having the capability to be modified independent of another in such a way that the integration of the services remain intact. SOA is composed of a collection of discrete software modules known as services. These services can exchange data and information with other services.

Note that the SOA architectural paradigm is based on functional decomposition of the business architecture of an enterprise. In doing so, it introduces two distinct high-level abstractions, that is, business services for the enterprise and business processes for the enterprise. While the business services represent the business functions of the enterprise, the business processes define the functioning of the business of the enterprise.

SOA can be implemented using one of the following technologies:

  • Web services
  • Windows Communication Foundation
  • DCOM
  • JINI
  • EJB

SOA enables an excellent integration of loosely coupled distributed applications and services over a network. SOA is essentially a collection of services that can communicate. Note that web services, J2EE, CORBA, and so on, are actually the implementations of SOA. The most important benefits of a service-oriented design include the following:

  • Platform and language independence
  • Loose coupling
  • Location transparency and reduced cost of maintenance
  • Support for seamless updates over time
  • Easier maintenance and seamless deployment
  • An SOA design is comprises a number of elements, including the following:
    • Service
    • Service provider
    • Service consumer
    • Service registry
    • Service contract

Let's look at each of these in more detail.


A service may be defined as an implementation of a well-defined, self-contained, and independent business functionality that has the capability of accepting one or multiple requests, and returning one or multiple responses using a well-defined standard interface. A service is independent of the technology on which it is implemented; so the interface to the service should be platform independent. A service should also have the capability to be discovered dynamically and called at runtime. A service provides business functions as service operations to the service consumer.

A service is a unit of design, implementation, and deployment artifact that is used for implementation of enterprise architectures. A service is defined using a verb. For example, validate a customer's credentials; this describes the business function it implements. A service implementation defines a service interface in either an RPC style or a messaging style. Although the former uses service invocation techniques, the latter executes a service operation as defined in the service semantics.

Service provider

The service provider is a network-addressable entity that provides the service. Note that in SOA, a service provider can also be a service consumer.

Service consumer

The service consumer is the entity that consumes (or uses) the services provided by the service provider by locating the service in the service registry, binding to the service, and then executing the service methods. A service consumer is also known as the service client or simply the client.

Service registry

The service registry is a network-based repository of published services. At runtime, this registry is used by the service consumers to locate a service and bind to it. The advantages of using a service registry includes:

  • Scalability
  • Loose coupling
  • Hot updates
  • Dynamic service lookup

Service contract

The service contract is a specification that denotes how the service consumer would interact with the service provider for a particular service. The following figure illustrates the relationship between service contract and its implementation

Service contract

Relationship between service contract and service implementation

Service proxy

The service proxy is a reference to the service at the service consumer's end—it is provided by the service provider to facilitate the service method calls. A service consumer or service client uses this proxy to invoke one or more service methods.

Service lease

The service lease is a predefined duration that denotes the lifetime of a service. This implies a time after which the service would no longer be valid. Note that, as and when this time period elapses, the service consumer should request the service registry to grant a fresh, new service lease so that the service consumer can regain access to the service and execute the service methods.


Service providers and service consumers communicate through messages. So, messages are the medium of communication between service providers (that is, the providers of the services) and service consumers (that is, the consumers of the services). Note that such messages are essentially made available in a predefined XML format. In addition to the XML format, it can also be in the JSON format or any other format upon which both the service provider and consumer mutually agreed upon. The figure given below shows that a service communicates with another through the usage of messages


Services communicate with one another using message exchanges

Service description

The service description is a specification that contains the information that is necessary to invoke a service. Such information may include the parameters, the constraints, and the policies that define how the service should be invoked.

Advertising and discovery

Advertising and discovery are two of the most essential properties in SOA. Although the former relates to the capability of a service to publish its description so as to be located by the service consumers, the latter relates to the capability of the service consumers to discover the published services from the service registry and then invoke them as (and when) necessary.

From object orientation to SOA to ROA to REST

Call-based distributed systems have one of the following architectural styles:

  • Object Oriented Architectures
  • SOAs
  • ROAs

Object Oriented Architectures deal with object instances, and communications are implicitly stateful. State information is stored on the server side. Each access to an object instance involves a round trip communication.

SOAs revolve around a service and the endpoint it exposes. SOAs are stateless and scalable easily because of their stateless nature. The REST architectural paradigm treats all entities in the world as connected resources and re-uses the existing HTTP infrastructure. The ability to cache requests, ability to perform stateless interactions, scalability, simplicity, agility, and flexibility are some of the benefits of this architecture. However, lack of references, lack of tools support, and lack of a proper standardization are the disadvantages of this architecture.

A service does have an interface, and can be referenced during its lifetime. It doesn't necessarily have a state. Each service has an interface description that defines the message and payload formats. A service can be discovered and dynamically bound. It is modular, self-contained, interoperable, addressable, and locatable via a network. A service can also be composed of other services. The following figure illustrates the relationship between service consumer, service provider, and a service broker.

From object orientation to SOA to ROA to REST

Relation between service provider, service consumer, and service broker

Services are made available to the clients (service consumers) by publishing the services in a repository named Service Broker (Registry). The Service Consumer (service client) locates the service, uses a service proxy, and then invokes one or more service methods using the service proxy instance The following figure shows how a service consumer talks to the service registry.

From object orientation to SOA to ROA to REST

The service consumer talks to the service registry and the service provider using a service proxy

ROAs are stateless, and revolve around a resource. Each resource is identified using a URI. You can always have multiple copies of the same resource. In Resource Oriented Architecture, requests are usually stateless: there is no link among one request and the next. Resource lifecycle is managed using verbs, that is, HTTP, PUT, HTTP, DELETE, and so on.

REST services are easier to implement than SOAP-based SOA. Also, REST services provide a support for better caching, lightweight requests and responses, and reduced network traffic.

REST constraints are design rules applied to the REST architectural style. We will explore more on these design constraints in the next chapter.

These REST constraints are:

  • Client-server
  • Stateless
  • Cache
  • Interface / Uniform Contract
  • Layered system
  • Code-On-Demand

SOA and ROA are two distinctly different architectural paradigms. In the former, a service is what is given importance. However, in the latter, resources are given importance. So, verbs are given importance in SOA, while nouns are given importance in ROA. In ROA, the common verbs used for resource life cycle management include PUT and DELETE. We will explore this later in this book.

The key REST principles are given as follows:

  • A resource should have an ID
  • Link related resources
  • Use standard methods
  • Resources can have multiple representations
  • Communicate statelessly
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