
%ALcons (Articulation Loss; consonants), 393, 404, 415

5.1 surround systems, 367


“A” weighting, 95, 96, 105

Absolute category-rating (ACR) test, 391


effects on early reflections, 285286

Helmholtz absorbers, 343, 344

materials, 339

porous absorbers, 339341

resonant absorbers, 341342

reverberant sound, 286295, 297

room mode decay, 322

sound, 44

wideband absorbers, 343, 344, 345

Acoustic bass, 273

Acoustic cues, 242, 244252

Acoustic foldback, 319, 320

Acoustic impedance, 20

Acoustic models, 167229

Acoustic pressure waveforms, 71, 123, 132, 236

Acoustic reflex, 79, 106

Acoustic spatial filtering, 465466

Acoustically large rooms, 336

Acoustically small rooms, 336

Active noise cancellation, 416, 417

Acuity, loss, 101102

Adaptive inverse filtering, 422

Adaptive quantization, 428

Adaptive quantizer, 430

Adiabatic gas law equation, 6

Aging, presbycusis, 89

Air absorption, effect of, 321322

Air columns, see Bores

Air effects, sound, 57, 183, 321322

Airflow, instruments, 203204

All-pass filter, 67

Ambience speakers, 367

American National Standards Institute, 131, 232

Amplitude, 20, 23, 34, 92, 93, 191, 193, 234, 348351

Amplitude reflection gratings, 348351

Anatomy, human, 7483

Anechoic rooms, 169, 334

Anvil, 76

Aperiodic sound waves, 6364, 131

Applications, of acoustics and psychoacoustics, 365

audio coding systems, 418

archetypical audio coder, 419420

entropy coding, 427428

entropy coding stage, 424

information, carrying, 420421

information measurement, 424425

psychoacoustic noise shaping, 431432

psychoacoustic quantization, 432433

psychoacoustic quantization stage, 428

quantization and adaptive quantization, 429431

signal redundancy removal stage, 421424

total information measurement, 425427

critical listening room design, 367

diffuse reflection room, 376381

energy-time considerations, 369370

IEC listening room, 368369

loudspeaker arrangements, 367368

non-environment rooms, 375376

reflection-controlled rooms, 370373

reflection-free zones, absorption level required for, 373

reflection-free zones, absorption position for, 373375

filtering and equalization, 394

altering the sound balance in mixes, 400401

correcting frequency response faults, 398399

timbre modification, of sound sources, 399400

mosquito units, 417418

noise-reducing headphones, 415

psychoacoustic testing, 388

experimental design issues, 389390

psychoacoustic rating scales, 390392

speech intelligibility, 392393

public address systems, 402

design example, 409413

good speech intelligibility, requirements for, 407

intelligibility, loudspeaker effect on, 404405

intelligibility, noise effect on, 405407

intelligibility, reverberation effect on, 403404

more than one loudspeaker and delays, 413415

reverberation, 402403

speech quality measurement, methods for, 415

speaker directivity, achieving, 408409

pure-tone and speech audiometry, 381388

teen buzz, 417418

Arithmetic Coding, 428

Array loudspeakers, 408, 465

acoustic spatial filtering, 465466

Articulation index (AI), 415

Artificial reverberation, 321

Audio coding systems, 418

archetypical audio coder, 419420

entropy coding, 427428

entropy coding stage, 424

information, carrying, 420421

information measurement, 424425

psychoacoustic noise shaping, 431432

psychoacoustic quantization, 432433

psychoacoustic quantization stage, 428

quantization and adaptive quantization, 429431

signal redundancy removal stage, 421424

total information measurement, 425427

Audio compact disc, track listing for, 473478

Audiogram, 382

Audiometric notch, 103

Auditory filter, 85, 87, 248

Auditory nerve, 83

Axial modes, 322324


Backward adaptive predictor, 423

Backward adaptive quantizers, 430

Backward masking, 263

Band-pass filter, 64, 65, 67, 68

Band-reject filter, 64


and panels, waves in, 10

bending (flexural) waves, 1214

quasi-longitudinal waves, 1011

transverse shear waves, 1112

percussion, 209

Basilar membrane, 8182

Bass drum, 213

Bending waves, 1214

Bernoulli effect, 203204, 217

Binary Amplitude Diffuser, 350, 464

Binaural stereo, 118

“Black Box” model, of musical instruments, 168169

Blank audiogram, 382

Bone conduction audiometry, 384

Bonello criteria, 327328

Bores (air columns), 198

Boundary effects:

inverse square law, 3640


bound-unbound boundaries, 4647

hard boundaries, 4446

refraction, 4244

standing waves, 4955

Bounded to unbounded boundaries, sound reflection from, 4647

Bowed string, sound source from, 176178

Brass instruments, 203208

BS EN ISO 8253-1, 383


“C” weighting, 95

Capella singing, tuning in, 225229

CD, see Compact disc

Center dialog speaker, 367

Central cluster, 405

Cents, 159, 164, 449450

Chiff, 185

Chords, two-note, 150, 226

Chorus effects, electronic, 245

Circum-aural headphones, 384

Clarinet, 198, 199, 201, 202, 237, 239, 243, 246

Clinical audiometer, 382

Close miking, 398399

Cochlea, 7980

Coding, perceptual, 264

Comb filtering, 48

Combination tones, 258

Comma free, 427

Compact disc (CD), 473

Comparison category-rating (CCR) test, 392

Complex Fourier series, 440441

Complex sounds, loudness of, 99100

Complex waveforms, 59

Compression, 3, 185188

Concert halls, 317318

Concha, 75

Conical resonators, 198, 199

Consonance, 151153, 154, 157

Constant beamwidth theory (CBT) arrays, 467

Constant directivity horns, 408, 467468

Constructive interference, 48, 50

Contemporary pitch perception, theory of, 146148

Continuous spectrum, 131

Controlled experimentation, 389

Controlled reflection technique, 371

Convolution theorem, 442443, 461, 464

Correlated sound sources, 27, 2830

CQ, see Larynx closed quotient

Critical bands:

complex sounds, 99100

consonance and dissonance, 151153

definition, 74

ERB quadratic equation, 447

hearing system, 8389

timbre, 242244

Critical bands and timbre, 242244

Critical distance, 295297

Critical frequency, 334336, 337

calculation, 336339

Critical listening room design, 367

diffuse reflection room, 376381

energy-time considerations, 369370

IEC listening room, 368369

loudspeaker arrangements, 367368

non-environment rooms, 375376

reflection-controlled rooms, 370373

reflection-free zones, absorption level required for, 373

reflection-free zones, absorption position for, 373375

Cues and timbre perception, 244252

Cut-off frequencies, 397398

Cut-off region, 334335

Cut-up, adjustment, 184

Cutting/rough tone, 247

Cymbal plates, 211


Damaged hearing, 101104

Damping, 352

DBHL, 382

DCC, see Digital compact cassette

Dead room, 299

Decay, 69, 70, 175, 306, 316317

Decibels, 3436

Degradation category-rating (DCT) test, 391392

Degradation mean opinion score (DMOS), 391, 392

Delay, 2728, 114, 116117, 279, 413

Delay stereo, 116117

Dependent variable, 392

Design, room acoustics, 367381

Destructive interference, 48, 50

Deutsch, Diana, 264

DFT, see Discrete Fourier transform

Diagnostic rhyme test (DRT), 393

Difference limen, see Just noticeable difference

Difference tone, 258, 259

Diffraction, 5558, 358362

Diffuse field region, 335336

Diffuse reflection room, 369, 376381

Diffuser design, 464

Diffusion materials, 345

amplitude reflection gratings, 348351

diffusers, working, 346347

discussion, 347348

Digital compact cassette (DCC), 264

Direct sound, 279281

Direct Stream Transfer (DST), 419

Direction perception, 107118

Directivity, reverberant sound, 297299

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 445446

Displacement antinodes, see Velocity antinodes

Displacement nodes, see Velocity nodes

Dissonance, 151153, 153158

DMOS, see Degradation mean opinion score

Dolby AC3, 419

Domain representations, 61, 62, 64

Double bass, 81, 131, 170, 180, 267

Double-glazing, 353, 355

DRT, see Diagnostic rhyme test

Drum heads, 212

DST, see Direct Stream Transfer

DTS, 419

Duration of sound, 100, 149


Ear anatomy, 7583

Ear canal insert earphones, 384

Eardrum, 75

Early decay time (EDT), 316317

Early reflections, 281285

absorption effects on, 285286

and performer support, 318320

Edgetone, 183

EDT, see Early decay time

Electronic filters, 142

Ellis, Alexander, 248

Enclosed spaces, acoustics of, 279

absorptions effects, 285286

air absorption, effect of, 321322

critical distance, 295297

direct sound, 279281

early decay time, 316317

early reflections, 281285

lateral reflections, 317318

reverberant sound, 286295

source directivity effects on, 297299

reverberation faults, 305308

reverberation time, 299

calculation and prediction, 300302

characteristics, 315316

design, 312315

equation, 304305

room size effects on, 302303

variation with frequency, 308309

with mixed surface, 310312

sound isolation, 351355

standing waves, 322

Enclosure diffraction effects, 358362

Energy-time considerations, 369370

Enharmonics, 159

Entropy coding, 427428

Entropy coding stage, 420, 424

Equal loudness contour, 93, 94

Equal-tempered tuning, 163165, 175, 206, 225

Equalisation, 394, 397398

Equivalent open window area, 310

Equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), 85, 248

ERB equation, solving, 447

ERB, see Equivalent rectangular bandwidth

Errors listeners, 393

Even function, 439

Expander/gates, 383385

Experimental design issues, 389390

Exposure times, noise, 104105


f0, see Fundamental frequency

Far-field assumptions, 460

Fan-shaped hall, 317

“Ff” sound, 183, 231

Filter time responses, 64, 6568

time and frequency representations, 6972

time responses, 69

Filtering and equalization, 394

altering the sound balance in mixes, 400401

correcting frequency response faults, 398399

timbre modification, of sound sources, 399400

Filters, 64

band-pass, 64, 65, 67, 68

band-reject, 64

centre frequency, 86, 447

electronic, 142

equalisation/tone control, 397398

filter banks, 147

frequency response, 6465

high-pass, 64

low-pass, 64, 397, 398, 442

masking, 86, 260

time responses, 64, 6568

types, 6465

Finger holes, 192

Fingering instruments, 193

First order mode, 55

Flanking paths, 354355

Fletcher–Munson curves, 94

Flexural waves, see Bending waves

Floating room, 354

Flow-controlled valve, 192, 197

Flue pipes, 182191

Flute, 123, 125, 192, 194, 237, 239, 243

Flutter echoes, 307, 308

Focusing surfaces, 282

Foldback, 318, 319

Formants, 220225

Forward adaptive predictor, 423

Forward adaptive quantizers, 430

Forward masking, 263

Four-part harmony, 158, 226

Fourier theory, 5960

Fourier transform, 437438

complex Fourier series, 440441

convolution theorem, 442443

discrete Fourier transform, 445446

example, 443445

Fourier analysis, 439440

Fourier’s theorem, 437438

frequency spectrum, 439

odd and even functions, 439

non-periodic signals, frequency analysis of, 441442

Fourier transform pair, 60, 442

Free field, see Free space

Free space, 47, 169

French horn, 238, 240, 243


air absorption, 321322

analysis, 81

of non-periodic signals, 441443

Bonello criteria, 327328

definition, 15

diffraction, 56, 57

domain representations, 61, 62, 64

filter responses, 86, 87

interference, 48

and pressure sensitivity ranges, 8991

proximity grouping, 265

ratios, 128, 129, 159, 163, 164, 449

relative loudness, 94

response, 64, 398399

reverberation time variation, 308309

sine waves, 1415, 59

see also Critical frequencyFundamental frequencyModal frequencyMode frequency

Frequency domain processing, 423

Frequency ratios, 449450

Fundamental frequency, 122124


Gases, sound velocity, 68

Gedackt 8’ ship, 191, 192, 238, 243

Glottal airflow, 218

Glottis, 218

Golf ball and spring model, 35

Golomb Rice Codes, 428

Graphic equalizer, 398


by good continuation, 265

by proximity, 265

by similarity, 265

Grouping illusion, notes, 264270

Guitar, 180181


Haas effect, 115116

Hair cells, 83, 133

Hammer, 76

Hard boundaries, 4446, 4953

Hard reed, 195, 196

Harmonic number, 125


consonance/dissonance, 151153

definition, 127

frequency ratios, 127129

musical notes between, 127131

square wave, 61

timbre perception, 236, 242, 244

and Western harmony, 150151


hearing notes, 150158

hearing pitch, 131150

musical notes, 122131

tuning systems, 158165

Hautbois, 237, 238

Head, sound localization, 112

Headphones, 114, 384

noise-reducing headphones, 415416

Hearing acuity, loss of, 101102

Hearing sensitivity, loss of, 101

Hearing system:

anatomy, 74

inner ear function, 7983

middle ear function, 7679

outer ear function, 7576

critical bands, 8389

frequency and pressure sensitivity ranges, 8991

loudness perception, 9194

of complex sounds, 99100

measurement, 9596

of simple sounds, 9698

noise-induced hearing loss, 101104

integrated noise dose, 104106

protection, 106107

sound source direction, perception of, 107

Haas effect, 115116

interaural intensity difference, 111113

interaural time difference, 107111

ITD and IID trading, 114115

pinnae and head movement effects, 111114

stereophonic listening, 116119

Helmholtz absorbers, 343, 344

High-pass filter, 64, 394

Huffman code, 427, 428


Idiophones, 209

IEC listening room, 368369

IID, see Interaural intensity difference

Illusions, 264274

Impedance, 1821, 76

Impulse, 208

Incus, 76, 77

Independent partitions, 353354

In-ear monitoring, 319

Inharmonicity, 174, 175

Inner ear function, 7983

Input/system/output model, 168, 169, 171, 222

Instruments, see Musical instruments

Integrated noise dose, 104106


direct sound, 279281

early reflections, 281285

interaural difference, 111113

sound intensity level, 2122

Intensity stereo, 117

Interaural intensity difference (IID), 111113

and ITD trading, 114115

Interaural time difference (ITD), 107111

and IID trading, 114115

Interference, 4749

Internet, 264, 418

Inter-spike interval histograms, 145, 146

Intervals, musical, 127131, 153158

Inverse square law, 3640

Isolation, of sound, 351355

ITD, see Interaural time difference


JND, see Just noticeable difference

Just diatonic scale, 161163

Just noticeable difference (JND), 137


Kettledrum, 214, 215

Keyboards, 158, 163, 170, 175


Leq measurement, 96

Lab, The, 376

Languid, 182, 183, 185

Larynx, 217

Larynx closed quotient (CQ), 218

Lateral reflections, 317318

Leaky bucket model, 291

LEDE, see Live end dead end

LFE, see Low-frequency effects

Linear superposition, 42, 49

Linearity and superposition, 461

Lips, embouchure, 194

Live end dead end (LEDE), 370

Localization, sound, 75

Logarithms, 34, 179

Logatom testing, 393

Long-term average spectra (LTAS), 233

Longitudinal wave, 3

Lossless audio coding systems, 418419

Lossy audio coding systems, 419

Loud sounds, 106, 107

Loudness, 231

Loudness perception, 9194

of complex sounds, 99100

measurement, 9596

of simple sounds, 9698

Loudspeakers, 49, 50, 52, 367368

Low-frequency effects (LFE), 368

Low-pass filter, 64, 67

LTAS, see Long-term average spectra

Lute, 171, 180, 181


Malleus, 76, 77

Maskee, 260, 261, 263

Masking, 86, 260264

Mastoid prominence, 384

Mean free path, 300, 302

Mean opinion score (MOS), 391

Membranophones, 209

Meridian Lossless Packing, 419

Microphones, 117, 398399

Middle ear function, 7679

Millington-Sette equation, 311, 457

Minimum beamwidth frequency, 470

Mixed surfaces, 310312

Mixes, sound balance in, 400401

Mixture organ stop names, 256

Mixtures, 253

Modal frequency, 322

Modal length, 330, 331

Modal region, 335

Mode frequency, 199, 200, 209210, 214, 216

Moderate hearing loss, 386

Modified rhyme test (MRT), 393

MOS, see Mean opinion score

Mosquito units, 417418

MP3 systems, 264

MRT, see Modified rhyme test

Music hearing, in different environments, 277

absorption materials, 339

Helmholtz absorbers, 343, 344

porous absorbers, 339341

resonant absorbers, 341342

wideband absorbers, 343, 344, 345

diffusion materials, 345

amplitude reflection gratings, 348351

diffusers, working, 346347

discussion, 347348

enclosed spaces, acoustics of, 279

air absorption, effect of, 321322

critical distance calculation, 295297

direct sound, 279281

early decay time, 316317

early reflections, 281285

early reflections and performer support, 318320

early reflections, absorption effect on, 285286

lateral reflections, 317318

reverberant sound, 286295, 297299

reverberation faults, 305308

reverberation time, 299304, 308316

reverberation time equation, 304305

enclosure diffraction effects, 358362

loudspeaker output, room boundaries effect on, 356358

room modes and standing waves, 322

acoustically large rooms, 336

acoustically small rooms, 336

axial modes, 322324

Bonello criteria, 327328

critical frequency, 334339

decay time, 329334

modes, behavior of, 329

oblique modes, 325326

tangential modes, 324325

universal modal frequency equation, 326327

sound isolation, 351

achieving ways, 352353

flanking paths, 354355

independent partitions, 353354

Musical instruments, 167

“black box” model, 168169

brass, 203208

fundamental frequency ranges, 169, 170

percussion, 208

sound modifiers in, 209216

sound source in, 208209

speaking and singing voice, 216

sound modifiers, in singing, 219225

sound source, in singing, 217219

tuning in capella singing, 225229

stringed, 170

bowed string, sound source from, 176178

plucked string, sound source from, 172173

sound modifiers in, 178181

struck string, sound source from, 173176

timbre, 231257

wind, 181

brass instruments, 203208

organ flue pipes, 182191

organ reed pipes, 194197

woodwind flue instruments, 192194

woodwind reed instruments, 197202

Musical intervals, 127131, 153158

Musical tones, 247

acoustic pressure waveforms, 122, 123, 124125

fundamental frequency, 122124

grouping illusions, 264270

and harmonics, 127131

hearing, 150

consonance and dissonance, 151153

harmonics and development of Western harmony, 150151

musical intervals, 153158

Mutation stops, 254, 256257


Nasal harmonics, 243

National Physical Laboratory (NPL), 417

Nerve firing, 83, 144, 145

Nicking, flue organ pipes, 184185

Noise shaping, 428, 431

Noise-induced hearing loss, 101104

integrated noise dose, 104106

protection, 106107

Noise-reducing headphones, 415417

Non-environment rooms, 369, 375376

Non-harmonic sounds, 136

Non-linear quantization, see Non-uniform quantization

Non-periodic signals, frequency analysis of, 441442

Non-periodic sound waves, spectrum of, 6364

Non-simultaneous masking, 263

Non-uniform quantization, 431

Norris–Eyring reverberation formula, 301, 304305, 310, 453

Norris–Eyring reverberation time equation, 456, 457

Notch Filters, 394

Note envelope, 234237

Note grouping illusions, 264270

Note offset phase, 236

Note onset phase, 236, 237242

NPL, see National Physical Laboratory


On the Sensations of Tone, 247

Oblique modes, 325326

Oblique modes, 325326

decay time of, 330334

Oboe, 196, 198, 237, 239, 243

Octave illusion, 264, 265

Odd function, 439

Offset phase, 235, 236

Ohm’s second (acoustical) law, 135

Onset phase, 234, 235, 236

Open pipes, 191, 253

Organ flue pipes:

sound modifiers in, 185191

sound source in, 182185

Organ of Corti, 83

Organ pipes, 182, 185, 191

Organ reed pipes:

sound modifiers in, 196197

sound source in, 194196

Organum, 151

Orgelbuchlein, 274

Ossicles, 76, 77

Outer ear function, 7576

Output, 168169, 179, 181, 191, 215, 218, 222, 224

Overblown mode, 184, 191, 193, 194, 198, 199

Overtone, 126


Pain, threshold of, 24, 89, 90, 91

Parametric equalizer, 398

Partials of the waveform, 61

Partitions, sound isolation, 353354

Passive noise cancellation, 416, 417

Pedal mixtur, 257

Perceptual coding systems, 264

Percussion instruments, 208

sound modifiers in, 209216

sound source in, 208209

Performer support, 318320

Perilymph fluid, 80

Periodic sound waves, spectrum of, 6062

Periodic waveform, 122

Perturbation theory, 221

Phase locking, 144

Phase velocity, 12

Phon scale, 94

Piano, 169, 170, 173176

Piccolo, 194

Pinnae, 111114

Pipe organ, 245, 253, 256

Pitch illusions, 270274

Pitch perception:

basilar membrane, 133, 141, 142, 144, 146147

contemporary theory, 146148

duration effect, 149

fundamental frequency, 149

illusions, 270274

non-harmonic sounds, 136

place theory, 133142

secondary aspects, 148150

temporal theory, 142146

timbre, 231232

Place theory of pitch perception, 133137, 142

problems with, 137142

Plucked instruments, 180

Plucked string, sound source from, 172173

Point sources, array of, 459461

progressive phase shift, effect of, 464

sampling, effect of, 461463

visible region, 461

Polar pattern, surface size and illumination effect on, 459

array loudspeakers, 465

acoustic spatial filtering, 465466

beamwidth, mouth/array, size effect on, 468470

minimum beamwidth frequency as size function, 470

constant directivity horns, 467468

diffuser design, 464

point sources, array of, 459461

progressive phase shift, effect of, 464

sampling, effect of, 461463

visible region, 461

Pop concert effect, 43

Popping frequency, 205

Porous absorbers, 339341

Precedence effect, see Haas effect

Preludio, 266

Presbyacusis, 89, 91

Presbycusis, 89


sound wave nature, 3

standing wave components, 51

see also CompressionSound pressure level

Pressure antinodes, 52

Pressure node, 52

Pressure waves and sound transmission, 2

bars and panels, waves in, 1014

sound velocity in air, 58

sound waves, 3

relationship between pressure, velocity and impedance in, 1821

velocity, 35

wavelength and frequency of, 1417

wavenumber of, 1718

transverse wave, 9

velocity, 910

Pressure-controlled valves, 197, 203

Protection of hearing, 106107

proximity grouping, 265

Pseudo-lateral diffuse reflections, 318

Psychoacoustic models, 432

Psychoacoustic noise shaping, 431432

Psychoacoustic quantization stage, 420, 428, 432433

Psychoacoustic rating scales, 390392

Psychoacoustic testing, 388

experimental design issues, 389390

psychoacoustic rating scales, 390392

speech intelligibility, 392393

Psychoacoustics, definition of, 74

Public address systems, 402

design example, 409413


loudspeakers effect on, 404405

noise effect on, 405407

reverberation effect on, 403404

good speech intelligibility, requirements for, 407

measuring speech quality, methods for, 415

more than one loudspeaker and delays, 413415

reverberation, 402403

speaker directivity, achieving, 408409

Pure-tone audiometry, 382, 386

Pure tones:

and speech audiometry, 381388

perception of, 258260

Pythagoras’ theorem, 50

Pythagorean tuning, 158161


Quadratic residue diffuser, 348

Quantization and adaptive quantization, 429431

Quasi-longitudinal waves, 1011


R, see Room constant

Radiation, sound, 181

Rarefaction, 3, 186, 187, 188

Recorders, 192, 193, 197, 198


bounded to unbounded boundaries, 4647

hard boundaries, 4446

standing waves, 4953, 186

Reflection controlled rooms, 369, 370373

Reflection-free zones (RFZ), 370

absorption level required for, 373

absorption position for, 373375

Refraction, 4244

Regal, 237, 238

Register holes, recorder, 194

Reissner’s membrane, 80, 81

Relative loudness, 94

Repetition pitch, 149

Resonant absorbers, 341342

Resultant bass, 273

Reverberant sound, 286295

balance to direct sound, 289290

behavior, 288289

level in steady state, 290295

Reverberation faults, 305308

Reverberation time, 299

calculation and prediction, 300302

characteristics, 315316

design, 312315

equation, 304305

room size effects on, 302303

variation with frequency, 308309

with mixed surface, 310312

Reverberation time equation, derivation of, 451454

for different frequencies and surfaces, 455457

RFZ, see Reflection free zone

Room boundaries, on loudspeaker output, 356358

Room constant, 292, 294

Room modes and standing waves, 322

acoustically large rooms, 336

acoustically small rooms, 336

axial modes, 322324

decay time of, 329330, 333, 334

Bonello criteria, 327328

critical frequency, 334336

calculation, 336339

modes, behavior of, 329

oblique modes, 325326

decay time of, 330334

tangential modes, 324325

decay time of, 330334

universal modal frequency equation, 326327


Sabine equation, 455

Sabine formula, 304, 305

Sabine, Wallace Clement, 300, 304

Scattering, of sound, 58

Schroeder frequency, 336

SDS, see Speech Discrimination Score

Second action limit, 103104

“Sensorineural hearing loss”, 384

Septième, 243

Sesquialtera, 257

Shear modulus, 11

Shepherd tone, 270

Shift theorem, 461

Shoebox hall, 317

Side information, 420, 423, 430

Signal information, 420

Signal redundancy removal stage, 419, 421424

Signal to masking ratio (SMR), 433

SII, see Speech intelligibility index

SIL, see Sound intensity level

Simple sounds, loudness of, 9698

Simple tones, 247

Simultaneous masking, 263

Sine waves, 1415, 16, 19

Singer’s formant, 224

Singing voice, 169, 216229

Single glazing, 353

Sinusoidal excitation, 14

SMR, see Signal to masking ratio

Snare drum, 213

Soft reed, 195, 198

Sony Super Bit Mapping, 432

Sony-SDDS, 419

Sound intensity, definition of, 37

Sound intensity level (SIL), 2122

Sound interactions, 4041

absorption, 44

diffraction, 5558

hard boundaries, reflection from, 4446

interference, 4749

refraction, 4244

scattering, 58

standing waves, 4955

superposition, 4142

unbounded boundaries, reflection from, 4647

Sound isolation, 351

flanking paths, 354355

independent partitions, 353354

ways of achieving, 352353

Sound modifiers, 168

in organ flue pipes, 185191

in organ reed pipes, 196197

in percussion instruments, 209216

in singing, 219225

in stringed instruments, 178181

Sound power level (SWL), 23

Sound pressure, 24

Sound pressure level (SPL), 2326, 410, 411, 412, 414

Sound source, 168

from bowed string, 176178

in organ flue pipes, 182185

in organ reed pipes, 194196

in percussion instruments, 208209

from plucked string, 172173

in singing, 217219

from struck string, 173176

Sound source direction, perception of, 107

Haas effect, 115116

interaural intensity difference, 111113

interaural time difference, 107111

ITD and IID trading, 114115

pinnae and head movement effects, 111114

stereophonic listening, 116119

Sound waves:

nature, 3, 4

relationship between pressure, velocity and impedance in, 1821

velocity, 35

wavelength and frequency of, 1417

wavenumber of, 1718

Speaking and singing voice, 216

sound modifiers, in singing, 219225

sound source, in singing, 217219

tuning in capella singing, 225229

Spectra, analyzing, 64

filter time responses, 6568

filters, 6465

time and frequency representations, 6972

time responses, 69

Spectrogram, 69, 234

Speech audiometry, 388

Speech Discrimination Score (SDS), 388

Speech intelligibility, 392393

Speech intelligibility index (SII), 415

Speech quality measurement, methods for, 415

Speech Reception Threshold (SRT), 388

Speech transmission index (STI), 415

SPL, see Sound pressure level

Spring-loaded output key, 383

SRT, see Speech Reception Threshold

Standing waves, 4955

Stapes, 76

Steady-state phase, 235, 236

Stereophonic listening, 116119

STI, see Speech transmission index

Stiffness-controlled isolation region, 352

Stirrup, 76

Streaming, see Grouping

Striations, 249

Stringed instruments, 170

bowed string, sound source from, 176178

plucked string, sound source from, 172173

sound modifiers in, 178181

struck string, sound source from, 173176

Struck string, sound source from, 173176

Subjective testing, 393

Summation, 34

Superposition, 4142, 60, 187

Supra-aural headphones, 384

Surround speakers, 367368

SWL, see Sound power level

Synthetic sounds, 216


Tangential modes, 324325

decay time of, 330334

Tap resonances, 179

Tchaikovsky’s 6th symphony, 266

Teen buzz, 417418

Teen deterrents, 417

Temaperature, 78, 4243

Temporal theory of pitch perception, 142146

problems with, 146

Tenor saxophone, 237, 239, 243

Ternary diffuser, 464

Third order mode, 55

Threshold of hearing, 24, 91, 97, 382, 431

Tierce, 243

Timbre, 124, 231, 232

and acoustic cues, 244252

acoustics of, 233

note envelope, 234237

note onset, 237242

and critical bands, 242244

deceiving the ear, 258

masking, one sound by another, 260264

note grouping illusion, 264270

pitch illusions, 270274

pure tones, perception of, 258260

modification, 399400

pipe organ, 253257


critical bands and timbre, 242244

cues and timbre perception, 244252

sound source modification, 399400

synthesizer as pipe organ, 253257


frequency domains, 5859

fourier theory, 5960

non-periodic sound waves, spectrum of, 6364

periodic sound waves, spectrum of, 6062

phase, effect of, 62

see also Reverberation time

Time domain effects, 396

Time domain prediction, 422

Timpani, 214

Tinnitus, noise-induced, 102

Tom-toms, 213, 214

Tone-hole lattices, 199

Tosca, 240

Track listing, for audio compact disc, 473478

Transverse modes, 209210

Transverse shear waves, 1112

Transverse wave, 9

velocity, 910

Tristimulus diagram, 245

Trombone, 207, 240, 241

Trompette, 237, 238

Trumpet, 238, 240, 246

Tuba, 207

Tuba, 239, 240, 243

Tuning systems, 158

equal tempered tuning, 163165

just tuning, 161163

Pythagorean tuning, 158161

Turbulent airflow, 183

Two note chords, 131, 155, 157

Two-dimensional standing wave, 56

Tympanic membrane, 7576, 78


Unbounded boundaries, 4647

Uncorrelated sound sources, 2728, 3034

Universal modal frequency equation, 326327


Velocity antinodes, 172

Velocity components, 19, 53

Velocity nodes, 171172


strings, 9, 171

vocal Folds, 217219, 222, 226

Vibrato, 219

Viola, 170, 179180, 246

Violin, 124, 170, 178179, 181, 239, 241

Virtual pitch, 137

Visible region, of array of points, 461, 462, 463

Vittoria, 240, 241

Vocal tract, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224

cross-section of, 217

Voice, see Singing voice

Voicing, 185, 191, 194, 199

Volley firing principle, 144

Vowels, 220, 221, 222, 223


Wavelength, 1417

clarinet, 201

guitar, 180

lute, 180181

reed organ pipes, 182

sawtooth, 178

saxophone, 201202

trombone, 207208

Wavenumber, of sound waves, 1718

Western harmony and harmonics, 150151

Western music, 127, 151, 158, 228

White noise, 262, 423

Wideband absorbers, 343, 344, 345

Wiener–Khinchin theorem, 461, 464

Wind instruments, 181

brass instruments, 203208

organ flue pipes:

sound modifiers in, 185191

sound source in, 182185

organ reed pipes:

sound modifiers in, 196197

sound source in, 194196

woodwind flue instruments, 192194

woodwind reed instruments, 197202

Woodwind flue instruments, 192194

Woodwind instruments, 198, 199, 237

Woodwind reed instruments, 197202


Xylophone, 209, 211


Young’s modulus, 5, 8

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