Activity: Transforming a Text File Using an Async Function

Before You Begin

You should have already gone through the previous activities.


Read the file (using fs.readFile), in-file.txt, properly case format the names (using the lodash function, startCase), then sort the names in alphabetical order and write them out to a separate file out-file.txt (using fs.writeFile).


We have a file, in-file.txt, containing a list of peoples' names. Some of the names have not been properly case formatted, for example, john doe should be changed to John Doe.

Steps for Completion

  1. In Lesson-1, create another folder called activity-c.

  2. On the Terminal, change directory to activity-c and run the following command:
npm init
  1. Just like in the previous activity, this will take you to an interactive prompt; just press Enter all the way, leaving the answers as suggested defaults. The aim here is for us to get a package.json file, which will help us organize our installed packages.
  2. Since we will be using lodash here too, let's install it. Run, npm install lodash --save.
  3. Copy the in-file.txt file provided in the student-files directory into your activity-c directory.
  4. In your activity-c directory, create a file called index.js, where you will write your code.
  5. Now, go ahead and implement an async function transformFile, which will take the path to a file as an argument, transform it as described previously (under Aim), and write the output to an output file provided as a second parameter.
  6. On the Terminal, you should indicate when you are reading, writing, and done, for example:
    • reading file: in-file.txt
    • writing file: out-file.txt
    • done
You should read the quick reference documentation on fs.writeFile since we haven't used it yet. However, you should be able to see its similarity with fs.readFile, and convert it into a promise function, as we did previously.

The solution files are placed at Code/Lesson-1/activitysolutions/activity-c.

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