
56k dial-up connection, 7–8, 10, 13, 25–26, 31–32, 116–117, 126


abstract, 46–47

acknowledgment, 28, 39, 65, 96–97, 102, 179

action, call for, 57–58, 63–64, 67, 176

active listening, 90, 95–96

Actualizations, 90–91

advertising, 123

agenda slide, 54, 67, 176

agreement frame, 99–100

Ailes, Roger, 69, 70, 72, 74, 103

algorithm, 179, 193

alpha dog, being the, 69–70, 73–75, 80–81, 103–104, 110, 163

analogies, 62, 66, 179

anchored broadband connection, 2, 5, 15, 72–73

annihilation, risk of, 25–27, 29, 34

anxiety, 118, 180

apologizing, 107–108

appropriateness, 180–181

assertiveness, 72

assumptions, avoiding, 143

atmosphere, controlling the, 69–81

attack, 181–182. see also resistance

attention, audience paying

and asking questions, 64, 138, 140–141

    breaking through the firewall, 30–43

    and developing the purpose, 50

    and enrollment in presentation, 54, 162

    to PowerPoint presentations, 175

    tips on, 78–79

    and visual aids, 63, 167–168

    when using eye contact, 133

    and wireless packet delivery, 6, 9, 12, 17


    being in present time with, 12–13, 19

    connection to, diagram of, 10

    conscious awareness of, 113–133

    creating space packets for the, 8, 11–17, 19, 72, 132, 164, 174

    as a database, 9

    deferring to the, 95, 104

    definition of, 182

    developing credibility with, 61

    and developing the purpose, 48–53, 97

    and enrollment in presentation, 53–55

    keeping interested with trial close, 57–58

    key points for, 55–57, 62–65

    knowledge of, 171–172

    managing the conversation with, 69–81, 103, 159–165

    nuking the, 9, 115

    participation, 42, 152–157

    paying attention. see attention, audience paying

    presenter understanding the, 50

    questioning the, 135–157

    as receivers of communication, 1–4

    relationship, building with, 38–39, 41–42, 58–59, 65–66

    remembering data, 3–5, 8, 33, 38, 45, 51

    and removing psychological firewall, 30–43

    resistance from, managing, 83–112

    taking care of logistics for, 36, 59–61

    as threat to presenter’s survival, 24–27, 30

    understanding data. see understanding data

auditory noise, 72

authority on subject matter, being an, 41


    conscious, 113–133

    conversation expanding, 52

    keeping during presentations, 72, 164

    lack of behind firewall, 27

    and managing resistance, 84, 94

    of self, 29

    state of, 23


Bailey, Alice, 11

bandwidth, 182, 185


    and the art of questioning, 150

    breaking through the firewall, 21–43

    definition of, 182–183

    and managing resistance, 95

    and use of mass, 2, 95

    and visual aids, 172

baud rate, 12, 183

being, 7, 87, 183


    and brain as a database, 22–24

    breaking through the firewall, 36

    and conscious awareness, 119–120, 122–123, 125, 128

    definition of, 183–184

    and managing resistance, 89

    and owning the room, 80

blame, 97, 184, 209

block, 26–27, 30, 109, 133, 172, 185


    checks, 15–17, 72, 185

    conscious awareness of, 114

    and owning the room, 71–72, 76–79

    relaxing during presentation, 13, 15–16, 164

    and resistance, 84

    and wireless packet delivery, 3–6, 8–9

body of a presentation, 62–64, 67, 176

bombs, dropping data, 9

bore/boring, 5, 46, 172, 185

brain, evolution of, 22

brainwashing, 129

breathing during presentation, 16, 80, 103

broadband connection

    to audience, 5, 8, 12–13, 163

    body as tool for, 72

    confidence as, 25–26

    conscious awareness as, 7, 113–133

    definition of, 185

    giving space to the moment, 106

    grounded/anchored, 2, 5, 15, 72–73

    IT presentation compared to, 2

    pauses creating, 16–17

    preference from audience, 31

business cards, collecting, 38, 109


call for action, 57–58, 63–64, 67, 176

Carnegie, Dale, 74

Carroll, Alan, 27, 29

cheerleader, being for audience, 163

clear, 7, 185

closed questions, 136–137, 139, 149

collision, 186

commitment, 4, 8–9, 27, 77, 107, 186–187


    and the art of questioning, 135–157

    and building rapport, 161. see also relationship

    conscious awareness of, 113–133

    creating space for, 79–80

    definition of, 187

    delivering wholeheartedly, 9

    and eye contact. see eye contact

    firewalls as barriers to, 27, 31–32

    IT presentation as, 1–2

    and managing resistance, 89–91, 95–96, 98–104, 106–110, 112

    and managing the conversation, 159–165

    in present time, 12–13, 19

    and presentation as a conversation, 45–67

    strategies, 35–43

    two-way, maintaining, 45, 159

    undelivered, 106, 156, 214

    use of body in, 3–6

communication packets

    and body checks, 16, 72

    creating space packets in between, 8, 13–17, 19, 72, 132, 164, 174

    data in, 9

    definition of, 187

    effectiveness in firing, 33

    IT presentation as, 1–4

    lack of voice in, 6, 8

    and Point of Focus, 73, 130–131

    and resistance, 83–86

    sending keep-alives with, 79

    tennis ball representing a, 156

    wireless process, 11–12

communion, 187. see also sharing

compassion, 85–86, 108, 157, 187–188

complete, 59, 122, 188

complex, 46

conclusion of a presentation, 64, 67, 176

confidence, 25–30, 41, 71–73, 81

congestion, 12, 188


    awareness of, 113–133

    and body checks, 16

    and brain as a database, 23–24

    and connection with audience, 8, 27, 42

    content, 12–13, 19, 115, 121, 188

    developing, 29–31

    levels of, 7

    and managing resistance, 112

    universal, 86

conversation. see also presentation

    and the art of questioning, 135–157

    creating space in the, 104

    definition of, 189

    leading the, 69–81, 103, 159–165

    and managing resistance, 105, 107, 109

    presentation as a, 35–43

    purpose to, establishing, 97–98

    structure of, 45–67

Copernicus, 93, 121, 128

corporate, deferring to, 102

courage, 25–30, 32–35, 189

Covey, Stephen, 90, 97

creation, 189. see also re-creating communication

credibility, 33, 40, 47, 50, 56, 61



    addiction, 13, 132

    additional in handouts, 65

    audience remembering, 3–5, 8, 33, 45, 51

    and brain as a database, 26

    commitment to, 4, 8–9, 77

    communication of, 4

    conscious awareness of, 115–116, 119

    delivering with confidence, 41–42

    and developing the purpose, 47–49, 53

    dropping into space, 19

    dumpers, 2, 9, 11, 27, 33–34, 57, 115, 119

    firewalls as barriers to, 31, 33–35

    focusing too much on, 70, 132, 144, 164

    generation of, 16

    ideal percentage in communication packet, 3

    IT presentation as, 2

    in PowerPoint presentations, 171–172, 176

    quantity vs. quality of, 56–57, 115

    resistance based on, 84, 86

    understanding. see understanding data

    use of in presentations, 2–4, 9, 11–13

Data Land

    and the art of questioning, 153

    avoiding by using pauses, 132

    being in when hiding behind firewalls, 27

    and conscious awareness, 119, 164

    definition of, 189

    focus on content as being in, 115–116, 163

    as lowest level of consciousness, 7, 13

    and no awareness in body, 72

    no concern for audience while in, 57

    and Point of Focus, 131


    of audience members, 9, 138, 140–141, 143, 146

    based on past, 120–122

    brains as, 22–23, 26, 46, 129, 157

    connection to, 10

    in Data Land, 115

    external, 9, 11

    group, 40

    internal, 3, 9, 16, 26, 157

    of knowledge, 129

    and managing resistance, 91, 93, 96

    self as contents of, 86

    and truth, 84

deception, 189, 190


    breaking through the firewall, 32, 39–41

    and conscious awareness, 119, 126

    definition of, 190

    and managing resistance, 85, 96, 98–99, 106, 108

deferring issues, 94–95, 102, 104, 108

delay, 24, 190

demonstrations, 62, 77, 79

dense thoughts, 7

destination router, 1, 79, 115

destruction, 169, 191

dignity, 191

direct questions, 137–139, 154

discipline, 191

dissolution, 30, 192

distinctions in managing resistance, 88–112

distractions, avoiding, 107, 109

drink, taking a, 104

Dual Monitor Display, 173–175, 176


education, 156, 192


    and the art of questioning, 146

    audience as threat reducing, 24–27

    consciousness ensuring, 42, 113–116, 127, 130

    definition of, 192

    in managing the conversation, 159–163

    of presentation, 1, 3–6, 8–9, 11–13, 16

    presentation as a conversation raising, 45–47, 51

    and removing psychological firewall, 30–34

    of visual aids, 167–168, 172


    and brain as a database, 22

    and conditioning of the mind, 129

    on display, 25

    freedom from, 29, 31, 36

    getting in data’s way, 49

    as lowest level of consciousness, 7

    and resistance, 86–87

Einstein, Albert, 23, 122


    and the art of questioning, 138–139, 145, 152

    breaking through the firewall, 25, 28

    definition of, 192–193

    and developing the purpose, 49

    and managing the conversation, 160

    and owning the room, 71

Emery, Stewart, 91

emotion, expression of, 73–75, 85–86, 98, 107–108, 110, 163

encryption, 193

energy levels

    and the art of questioning, 135, 142

    breaking through the firewall, 26, 31, 39, 41

    conscious awareness of, 119

    and developing the purpose, 47, 52

    flow easier during relaxation, 15, 164

    and managing resistance, 90, 112

    and owning the room, 72, 74–75, 78

enlistment, 193

enrollment, 53–55, 66–67, 162, 171, 175–176, 193–194

entanglement, 121, 194

entertainment, 14, 168, 194

enthusiasm, 73–75, 194. see also

emotion, expression of


    and the art of questioning, 153

    and brain as a database, 22

    breaking through the firewall, 31, 41

    and conscious awareness, 124–125, 128

    definition of, 195

    and logistics, 60

    and managing the conversation, 160

    and visual aids, 168

    and wireless packet delivery, 5

Erhard, Werner, 25, 126, 135, 209–210

exaggeration, 195

excitement, 74–75, 163, 195

exercise, use of, 78


    and the art of questioning, 137, 146, 156

    breaking through the firewall, 25

    and conscious awareness, 113

    definition of, 195

    and developing the purpose, 52

    and managing resistance, 104

    and visual aids, 170, 175


    and the art of questioning, 151

    breaking through the firewall, 35–36

    and conscious awareness, 124

    definition of, 183, 195

    and developing the purpose, 50

    and logistics, 60

    and managing resistance, 106, 111

experience, 88–89, 97–98, 115, 121–122, 128–129

expertise, level of, 40–41, 50, 56–57, 109–110, 140

external database, 9, 11

eye contact

    breaking through the firewall, 42

    and building rapport, 58

    and conscious awareness, 116, 118

    and facing the audience, 173

    and managing resistance, 104–105, 111

    and managing the conversation, 163

    and owning the room, 73, 75, 79

    as point of focus, 131–133

    while asking questions, 140


failure, 12, 41, 140, 152, 181, 195

faith, 28, 183–184, 187, 196–197, 202

fear, 25–27, 30, 34, 70–71, 78, 163, 197

field of now, 84

fill-in-the-blank questions, 142, 153, 154


    and the art of questioning, 135, 138, 142, 152, 156

    breaking through the, 21–43

    and creating a safe space, 160

    definition of, 197–198

    and encouraging participation, 160–161

    and energy level, 39, 41, 75

    lowering with physical contact, 110

    psychological, 21–22, 25, 27, 28, 30–43, 96

    raising by taking offense, 112

    sharing to break down, 98

    as a shield, 9

flip charts

    and breaking through the firewall, 40

    and developing the purpose, 51

    and managing resistance, 95, 102

    and owning the room, 70, 75, 77–78

    and structure of presentation, 66–67

    varying media tools using, 63

    as visual aids, 169–170

    in wireless packet delivery, 2

focal point, 73, 76, 130–133, 140, 198

foggy, 7

following up, 43

food, use of, 39

fool, 28–30, 34, 49, 71, 181, 198

forgive, 140, 198

frames, 3, 12, 99–100, 106, 198, 202, 206

freedom, 7, 28–30, 121, 128, 130, 198

future. see time


Galileo, 84, 121, 128

generalities, avoiding, 100

gestures, use of, 4–6, 71–72, 76–79

Golas, Thaddeus, 125

grace, 198

grounded broadband connection, 2, 5, 15, 72–73

guests, 36, 59, 160, 194, 198–199


handouts, use of, 65

happiness, finding, 105–106, 123–127

heavy, 7

hello packet, 38, 199

high-definition video images, 71

hop, 199

hospitable, 36, 194, 199, 211

host (hostess), 36, 39, 59, 81, 160, 199

Huxley, Aldous, 122


identity, 86–88, 120–121, 129

images, creating video, 3–6, 8, 11, 71–72, 76–79, 143

importance to audience, solution, 101

impression, making on audience

    breaking through the firewall, 42

    and managing resistance, 104

    staying in control, 102

    urgency, use of, 100

    and wireless packet delivery, 3–6, 8, 14

    with your voice, 73

informal atmosphere, creating a, 39

inhibition, 26, 31, 34, 199

inspiration, 5, 49, 69, 74, 194, 199–200

integrity, 59–60, 200

intention, 52, 106, 200–201

interface, 201

interframe gap (IFG), 2, 132, 201

internal database, 3, 9, 26, 157

Internet Protocol (IP), 2. see also Voice over IP

interpacket gap (IPG). see interframe gap (IFG)

interpreting events, 96–97

introduction of a presentation, 47–62, 66–67, 97, 139, 164, 174–175

intrusion detection, 202

involvement, 201. see also participation, encouraging

Island, 122


judgment, 80, 91, 93, 97, 120, 129


keep-alives, 38, 79, 162, 201–202

key points, 55–57, 62–66, 175–176

Kingsley, Ben, 14


    of audience members, 40, 41, 50, 61, 138–139, 145–146, 156, 172

    brain as database of, 22–23, 26, 46

    and conditioning of the mind, 129

    in Data Land, 115

    and managing resistance, 93–94, 103

    of self, 120–122

Krishnamurti, 127


labels, 22–24, 34, 84, 93, 120, 128

language, 22–23, 42

latency, 202

The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment, 125

level of expertise, 40–41, 50, 56–57, 109–110, 140

light, 7

Linver, Sandy, 73, 80


    active, 90, 95–96

    and the art of questioning, 143, 148

    of the audience, 50, 118

    to the audience, 79–80, 164

    breaking through the firewall, 37, 41

    and creating a safe space, 160

    definition of, 202

    and managing resistance, 91–94, 100

    negative, 61

    without judgment, 80, 91, 93, 129

local area network (LAN), 1

logistics, 36, 59–61, 66, 165, 202

love, 85–86, 107–108, 125–127, 157

loyalty, 41, 61, 196, 202


manager, deferring to the, 94–95

Markham, Edwin, 83


    and the art of questioning, 143, 150, 152, 157

    and managing resistance, 108

    re-creating using, 80, 95–96, 103

    use of in presentations, 2, 70

The Matrix, 119

Media Access Control (MAC), 155

memory, 3–5, 8, 14, 16, 33, 38, 45, 51

metaphors, 72, 202


    being trapped by the, 27, 30, 34–35

    and brain as a database, 22, 24

    conditioning of the, 127–130

    creating time, 114, 117–127

    on display, 25

    getting in data’s way, 49

    and managing resistance, 86, 91, 94, 98

mindfulness, 80, 202–203. see also present time

miracle, 203

“more” virus, 122–124

multiple-choice questions, 142, 153, 155

multi-tasking, avoiding, 80

music, use of, 39, 78


names, use of people’s, 38, 79, 108–109, 138–140

need, identifying customer’s, 48–50, 54–55

negativity, eliminating, 106


    eye contact as private, 131

    firewalls as barriers between, 21, 31

    gaining access to audience’s, 37

    OSI explaining, 115–116

    use of keep-alives, 79

    virtual local area, 175

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), 99, 111

New Age, 126

Next Generation Networks (NGN), 104

nodes, 155, 186, 199, 203, 213

noise, 72

notes, writing on slides, 173

now. see present time

nuking the audience, 9, 115


observer, self as, 23

offense, avoiding by audience, 112

open questions, 136–137

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), 115, 154–155, 203–204

overhead questions, 141–144, 153–155


pacing presentation correctly, 70–71

paradox, 204

participation, encouraging, 107–109, 135–157, 160–161. see also sharing

passion, 8, 47, 49, 74, 204–205

past. see time

pauses, value of. see also space packets

    and conscious awareness, 114, 132

    and managing resistance, 104

    and managing the conversation, 163

    and owning the room, 70, 72, 75

    in PowerPoint presentations, 174

    while asking questions, 138–141

personal, avoiding making things, 90–91, 107–108

philosophy, 205

physics, 89

planning presentations, 66

Point of Focus, 73, 75–76, 130–133

point of view, 91–92, 98–100, 103, 106, 108, 164

port connection, 73

possibility, listening for, 93–94, 100


    definition of, 205–206

    and developing the purpose, 47

    increasing with Point of Focus, 73

    on offense, 26

    and removing psychological firewall, 30–31, 41

The Power of Now, 97, 105

PowerPoint presentations

    additional tools for, 62–63, 66, 95

    avoiding facing slides, 75

    breaking through the firewall, 34

    challenge of, 171–177

    and controlling physical space, 70

    and developing the purpose, 51–52

    as exterior data, 115

    introduction of, 53–54

    making interesting, 59

    not exciting, 163

    structure of, 66–67

    use of sound in, 78

    and wireless packet delivery, 2, 9, 16

praise, 97, 206, 209

preframing slides, 173–174

presence, state of, 23, 114

present time. see also time

    avoiding purposeless movement in the, 71–72

    confidence as being in the, 25–26, 29, 31–32

    conscious awareness during, 114–128

    definition of, 206–207

    and enrollment in presentation, 53

    and level of consciousness, 7

    and managing resistance, 97, 106

    practicing skill of staying in the, 80

    staying in with audience, 12–13, 19, 57, 163–164

presentation. see also conversation

    after the, 42–43, 65

    before the day of the, 35–36

    body of the, 62–64, 67, 176

    conclusion of the, 64, 67, 176

    conscious awareness during the, 113–133

    during the, 39–42

    as a conversation, 45–67, 159

    day of the, 36–39

    during the, 39–42

    introduction of, 47–62, 66–67, 97–98, 139, 164, 174–175

    as a team sport, 136, 146

prison, 7

Private Branch Exchange (PBX), 141–142

protocol, 22, 182, 207

provoke, 195, 207

psychological firewall, 21–22, 25–28, 30–43, 96

psychology, 90, 114, 117–130, 140


    and the art of questioning, 147

    definition of, 47, 207–208

    developing the, 47–53, 55, 59, 63–64, 66–67, 175–176

    of knowledge, 121, 127

    and managing resistance, 97–98

    and managing the conversation, 162–164

    modulating voice with, 73–75

    moving body with, 72



    and answer sessions, 63–64, 67, 81, 176

    art of asking, 135–137

    breaking through the firewall, 42

    closed, 136–137, 139, 149

    direct, 137–139, 154

    distinguishing between statements and, 110

    fill-in-the-blank, 142, 153, 154

    multiple-choice, 142, 153, 155

    open questions, 136–137

    overhead, 141–144, 153–155

    promoting participation, 152–157

    relay, 143–146

    responding to, 102–105

    reverse, 146–151

    rhetorical, 151–152

    time bomb, 139–141, 144, 154–155

QuickTime® movies, 168


rapport, 161, 208. see also relationship


    and conditioning of the mind, 128, 130

    conscious awareness of, 120

    creating your own, 22–24

    and managing resistance, 84, 91, 97–99

    sharing your own, 32

    understanding audience’s, 41

re-creating communication

    and the art of questioning, 143–145, 148–151, 157

    as integrity in the space, 59

    listening for purpose of, 164

    and managing resistance, 90, 92, 95, 101–103, 105, 110, 112

    and owning the room, 79–80

regret, 181, 208

rejection, 27–28, 208


    and the art of questioning, 135, 138, 141–142, 145, 148, 152–153, 156–157

    building with audience, 38–39, 41–42, 58–59, 65–66

    definition of, 208

    and encouraging participation, 160–161

    and managing resistance, 91, 96, 102, 104, 106–108, 110, 112


    of the audience, 39–40, 151

    definition of, 209

    as highest level of consciousness, 7

    labeling causing, 24

    with physical contact, 110

    during presentation, 13, 15–16, 164

    taking a drink, 104

    through deep breathing, 16, 80, 103

relay questions, 143–146

remote, using PC, 174

resentment, 198, 209


    definition of, 209

    and level of consciousness, 7

    managing, 83–112, 138, 145

    of present time, 126

responsibility, 96–97, 139, 152, 209–210

results, 66, 95, 150, 172, 185–186, 191–193, 210

Return on Investment (ROI), 116

reverse questions, 146–151

rhetorical questions, 151–152

Rinpoche, Sogyal, 90

Robbins, Tony, 99, 139

room, owning the, 69–81, 103, 163

routers, 1, 79, 115, 153, 156, 210

rules of engagement, 162


sacrifice, 210

safe space, 31, 35, 135, 142, 152–153, 157, 160


    and the art of questioning, 153

    breaking through the firewall, 31–32

    and conscious awareness, 122–124

    definition of, 194, 210–211

    and enrollment in presentation, 55

    and managing resistance, 88–89, 94, 106

    trial close, use of, 58

    and visual aids, 175–176

    and wireless packet delivery, 18

Schweitzer, Albert, 45

service, 34, 36, 48–49, 211

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, 90, 97

shaking hands, 37, 81, 96, 109–110

shame, 181

sharing. see also participation, encouraging

    and the art of questioning, 136

    definition of, 211

    and managing resistance, 96

    removing psychological firewall by, 28, 32–33

    stories, 40–41, 58, 66, 81, 98, 161

Shaw, George Bernard, 26

shepherd, being for audience, 78, 162

silence, avoiding fear of, 70–71, 79, 111, 163

smell, remembering, 3–4

Socrates, 146, 149

Socratic Method, 146

sound effects, use of, 78–79

source router, 1, 79, 115


    of being, 87

    and conditioning of the mind, 129–130

    conscious awareness of, 115–118, 120–122

    consciousness, 12–13, 89, 211

    controlling physical, 70, 76–79

    creating for communication, 79–80, 156

    giving to the moment, 106

    increasing circulation of communication in, 159, 161

    making for questions, 141, 143

    and managing resistance, 85–86, 89–90, 96, 103–104, 106, 109–112

    oversaturating with data, 172

    and point of focus, 130–131

    safety in, 31, 35, 135, 142, 152–153, 157, 160

    staying present in the, 163–164

space packets

    and body checks, 16, 72

    creating, 8, 13–17, 19, 72, 132, 164, 174. see also pauses, value of

    definition of, 212

    failure to deliver, 12–13

    gaining control of body during a, 16, 72

    IT presentation containing, 1–3, 5, 10, 11–14

Speak Easy, 73

specifics, use of, 100

speech process, 11

Star Trek, 33

stillness, 7, 23, 212

stories, sharing, 40–41, 58, 66, 81, 98, 161

structure, 46, 174–177

subtle, 212

Sufi, 87

suppress, 212

surrender, 105, 112, 123, 126–127, 212–213


    and conditioning of the mind, 128

    and creating a safe space, 160

    definition of, 213

    and expression of emotion, 74

    firewalls as means of, 22, 24–25, 31

    and managing resistance, 84, 91

    and mind creating time, 119, 121, 127

synchronization, 213


thoughts, 7

throughput, 12, 24, 30–32, 116, 213

thwarted intentions, 106, 213

time, 52, 114, 117–127, 141, 147. see also present time

time bomb questions, 139–142, 144, 154–155

token, 213

Tolle, Eckhart

    breaking through the firewall, 24

    and managing resistance, 86, 95, 97, 105

    mind creating time, 117, 120, 126–127

    stillness, 212

    and wireless packet delivery, 12

tone of voice, 73–75, 79, 84, 143

touch, use of, 37, 76–77, 79

tour guide, being for audience, 46, 62, 162

transition statement, 62, 67

trial close, 57–58, 64, 175

truth, recognizing your own, 24, 84, 88, 128


undelivered communication, 106, 156, 214

understanding data

    and amount in presentation, 56–57

    and the art of questioning, 64, 140, 146

    conditioning of the mind, 127

    and developing the purpose, 51–52

    and enrollment in presentation, 55

    helping the audience with, 161–162

    and managing resistance, 90, 95–96, 104

    others’ point of view, 164

    PowerPoint abuse, 172

    and re-creating communication, see re-creating communication

    router analogy, 1, 79, 115

    of self, 120–122

    and wireless packet delivery, 4–5, 8–9, 11–12, 14, 17–19

unfulfillment, 106, 214

upset, 106–107, 214

urgency, use of, 100


value, 53–57, 70, 78, 110–111

vibrancy, 47

video, 2–6, 8, 11, 71–72, 76–79, 143

view, point of, 91–92, 98–100, 103, 106, 108, 164

Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN), 175

Virtual Private Network (VPN), 42, 73, 131, 139

visual aids, 167–177

visual noise, 72


    tone of, 73–75, 79, 84, 143

    use of in presentations, 2–3, 5–6, 8–9, 11

Voice over IP, 52, 55, 61, 137, 141–142, 153, 175. see also Internet Protocol (IP)

vulnerability, 25–26, 29, 31–33, 41, 74, 98, 214


The Way of Transformation, 25

weaknesses in solution, preparing for, 101–102


    and logistics, 60

    and managing resistance, 95, 102

    and owning the room, 70, 75

    and structure of presentation, 66–67

    varying media tools using, 63

    as visual aids, 170–171

    in wireless packet delivery, 2

WIIIFM (What Is In It For Me)

    and audience paying attention, 78, 162

    in conclusion, 64

    and enrollment in presentation, 53–54

    key points, use of, 56

    and managing resistance, 111

    and PowerPoint presentations, 66–67, 171

    purpose, developing the, 66–67

wireless packet delivery, 1–19

witness, self as, 23–24

word symbols, 18

writing down questions, 102


You Are the Message, 69, 103


Zen, 30, 117

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