Chapter 8. Dynamic Selection with Filters and Prompts

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Restricting rows – compare an attribute to another attribute
  • Restricting rows – evaluate on moving dates
  • Changing the level of a metric filter
  • Adding interactivity to filters using prompts
  • Using prompts as object selectors


Filters and prompts are two types of objects used to restrict the result dataset; we already learned how to create filters, we also created conditional metrics (metrics with a filter embedded). In this chapter, we'll focus on advanced filtering techniques and on how to get input from the users.

Prompts are, in my opinion, underestimated objects. When used in reports or documents they can save a lot of work on the development side. We will see in this chapter how to leverage them in filters and reports. We'll also try the dynamic dates feature to create moving date ranges.

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