The Four Styles


The Dominant D Style


Like Dorian the eagle, D’s focus on achieving results. They favor action over planning and are typically guided by a long-term, big-picture vision of what can be accomplished. D’s seek challenges and take risks that will yield big rewards. They can quickly size up a situation and decisively determine a course of action.

D’s are assertive, direct, and competitive. They don’t like to waste time, and their bottom-line nature drives how they communicate. They want straight answers and “call it like it is.”

D’s are self-starters who challenge the status quo. They thrive in positions of power and seek to control their own destinies. Their tenacity and natural confidence enable them to accomplish even the most demanding objectives.

The Interactive I Style


Like the parrots, Indy and Ivy, I’s have active minds, seek constant stimulation, and enjoy interacting with people and the world around them. This allows them to thrive in social environments and drives their thirst for adventure.

With their boundless optimism and innate people skills, I’s are highly persuasive and inspirational. They have fun wherever they go and infuse play and positive energy into all aspects of their lives.

The I’s intuition and free-spirited nature enable them to create “out of the box” ideas. They don’t get bogged down in minutiae, as details would only restrict their imagination. I’s are future-focused and live in the realm of possibility, where everything is exciting and achievable.

The Supportive S Style


Just as doves Samuel and Sarah sought to restore harmony to Home, S’s seek to minimize conflict and create calm, safe environments. S’s are friendly, compassionate people who patiently listen with empathy. They build deep, loyal relationships and are steadfast friends and partners.

S’s favor practical, tried-and-true procedures that ensure stability. They like familiar, predictable patterns that produce consistent and reliable outcomes. They often work behind the scenes and prefer to support, rather than to lead.

The Conscientious C Style


As with owls Clark and Crystal, C’s focus on achieving complete accuracy in everything they do. They constantly question processes and ideas to ensure that things are done properly. C’s are systematic, detail-oriented, and efficient.

Rather than being guided by the emotion of a situation, C’s make practical decisions based on logical analysis of observable, quantifiable information. Although C’s often prefer to work independently, their even-tempered nature enables them to remain objective and diplomatic when dealing with others.

Style Combinations Available in the Appendix

It’s important to recognize that each of us has a blend of all the styles. In addition to our strongest or primary style, many people also have a prominent secondary style. Check out the Appendix to learn how the DISC styles combine to paint a more holistic picture of your overall personality.

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