
This chapter took you through the process of building a Windows Store application that uses a third party API to access information over the Internet. The asynchronous programming features of the language make it very easy to implement these features.

Here are some ideas on how you can take the application you have built here further:

  • Make the application navigate to a larger version of the image when you tap on one of the thumbnails (Hint: Look at the CreateUrl method in ApiPhoto)
  • Find out what happens when the application cannot access the Internet (Hint: Review the Error handling with asynchronous methods section in Chapter 3, Asynchrony in Action)
  • Add the ability to look at different kinds of images (Hint: Experiment with the Grid App project template and look at different Flickr API methods, such as
  • Think about adding paging to the list of photos (Hint: Look at the data in ApiPhotos and the ISupportIncrementalLoading interface)

Creating native applications that run on your local machine lets you optimize for hardware that is getting more powerful with every technology cycle. Using the new asynchronous programming functionality available to you in C# 5 will ensure that you can take advantage of that hardware. In the next chapter, we look to the cloud and build a web application using the ASP.NET MVC.

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