Chapter 2: Showing Some Class

In This Chapter

check.png Introducing the C# class

check.png Storing data in an object

check.png Assigning and using object references

check.png Examining classes that contain classes

check.png Identifying static and instance class members

check.png Using constants in C#

You can freely declare and use all the intrinsic data types — such as int, double, and bool — to store the information necessary to make your program the best it can be. For some programs, these simple variables are enough. However, most programs need a way to bundle related data into a neat package.

As shown in Book I, C# provides arrays and other collections for gathering into one structure groups of like-typed variables, such as strings or ints. A hypothetical college, for example, might track its students by using an array. But a student is much more than just a name — how should this type of program represent a student?

Some programs need to bundle pieces of data that logically belong together but aren’t of the same type. A college enrollment application handles students, each with her own name, rank (grade-point average), and serial number. Logically, the student’s name may be a string; the grade-point average, a double; and the serial number, a long. That type of program needs a way to bundle these three different types of variables into a single structure named Student. Fortunately, C# provides a structure known as the class for accommodating groupings of unlike-typed variables.

Defining a Class and an Object

A class is a bundling of unlike data and functions that logically belong together into one tidy package. C# gives you the freedom to foul up your classes any way you want, but good classes are designed to represent concepts.

Computer science models the world via structures that represent concepts or things in the world, such as bank accounts, tic-tac-toe games, customers, game boards, documents, and products. Analysts say that “a class maps concepts from the problem into the program.” For example, your problem might be to build a traffic simulator that models traffic patterns for the purpose of building streets, intersections, and highways. (I really want you to build traffic simulators that can fix the intersection in front of my house.)

Any description of a problem concerning traffic would include the term vehicle in its solution. Vehicles have a top speed that must be figured into the equation. They also have a weight, and some of them are clunkers. In addition, vehicles stop and vehicles go. Thus, as a concept, vehicle is part of the problem domain.

A good C# traffic-simulator program would necessarily include the class Vehicle, which describes the relevant properties of a vehicle. The C# Vehicle class would have properties such as topSpeed, weight, and isClunker.

Because the class is central to C# programming, the rest of Book II spelunks the ins and outs of classes in much more detail. This chapter gets you started.

Defining a class

An example of the class Vehicle may appear this way:

public class Vehicle


  public string model;         // Name of the model

  public string manufacturer;  // Name of the manufacturer

  public int numOfDoors;       // The number of doors on the vehicle

  public int numOfWheels;      // You get the idea.


A class definition begins with the words public class, followed by the name of the class — in this case, Vehicle.

warning_bomb.eps Like all names in C#, the name of the class is case sensitive. C# doesn’t enforce any rules concerning class names, but an unofficial rule holds that the name of a class starts with a capital letter.

The class name is followed by a pair of open and closed braces. Within the braces, you have zero or more members. The members of a class are variables that make up the parts of the class. In this example, class Vehicle starts with the member string model, which contains the name of the model of the vehicle. If the vehicle were a car, its model name could be Trooper II. (Have you ever seen or heard of a Trooper I?) The second member of this Vehicle class example is string manufacturer. The other two properties are the number of doors and the number of wheels on the vehicle.

tip.eps As with any variable, make the names of the members as descriptive as possible. Although I added comments to the data members, it isn’t necessary. A good variable name says it all.

The public modifier in front of the class name makes the class universally accessible throughout the program. Similarly, the public modifier in front of the member names makes them accessible to everything else in the program. Other modifiers are possible. (Chapter 5 in this minibook covers the topic of accessibility in more detail and shows how you can hide some members.)

The class definition should describe the properties of the object that are salient to the problem at hand. That’s a little hard to do right now because you don’t know what the problem is, but you can see where I’m headed.

What’s the object?

Defining a Vehicle design isn’t the same task as building a car. Someone has to cut some sheet metal and turn some bolts before anyone can drive an actual vehicle. A class object is declared in a similar (but not identical) fashion to declaring an intrinsic object such as an int.

remember.eps The term object is used universally to mean a “thing.” Okay, that isn’t helpful. An int variable is an int object. A vehicle is a Vehicle object. You are a reader object. I am an author object — okay, forget that one.

The following code segment creates a car of class Vehicle:

Vehicle myCar;

myCar = new Vehicle();

The first line declares a variable myCar of type Vehicle, just like you can declare a somethingOrOther of class int. (Yes, a class is a type, and all C# objects are defined as classes.) The new Vehicle() command creates a specific object of type Vehicle and stores the location into the variable myCar. The new has nothing to do with the age of myCar. (My car could qualify for an antique license plate if it weren’t so ugly.) The new operator creates a new block of memory in which your program can store the properties of myCar.

remember.eps In C# terms, you say that myCar is an object of class Vehicle. You also say that myCar is an instance of Vehicle. In this context, instance means “an example of” or “one of.” You can also use the word instance as a verb, as in instantiating Vehicle. That’s what new does.

Compare the declaration of myCar with that of an int variable named num:

int num;

num = 1;

The first line declares the variable num, and the second line assigns an already created constant of type int into the location of the variable num.

technicalstuff.eps The intrinsic num and the object myCar are stored differently in memory. The constant 1 doesn’t occupy memory because both the CPU and the C# compiler already know what 1 is. Your CPU doesn’t have the concept of Vehicle. The new Vehicle expression allocates the memory necessary to describe a vehicle to the CPU, to C#, to the world, and yes, to the universe!

Accessing the Members of an Object

Each object of class Vehicle has its own set of members. The following expression stores the number 1 into the numberOfDoors member of the object referenced by myCar:

myCar.numberOfDoors = 1;

technicalstuff.eps Every C# operation must be evaluated by type as well as by value. The object myCar is an object of type Vehicle. The variable Vehicle.numberOfDoors is of type int. (Look again at the definition of the Vehicle class.) The constant 5 is also of type int, so the type of the variable on the right side of the assignment operator matches the type of the variable on the left.

Similarly, the following code stores a reference to the strings describing the model and manufacturer name of myCar:

myCar.manufacturer = “BMW”;       // Don’t get your hopes up.

myCar.model = “Isetta”;           // The Urkel-mobile

The Isetta was a small car built during the 1950s with a single door that opened the entire front of the car. I leave Urkel to you and your favorite search engine.

An Object-Based Program Example

The simple VehicleDataOnly program performs these tasks:

check.pngDefine the class Vehicle.

check.pngCreate an object myCar.

check.pngAssign properties to myCar.

check.pngRetrieve those values from the object for display.

Here’s the code for the VehicleDataOnly program:


// VehicleDataOnly -- Create a Vehicle object, populate its

//    members from the keyboard, and then write it back out.

using System;

namespace VehicleDataOnly


  public class Vehicle


    public string model;         // Name of the model

    public string manufacturer;  // Ditto

    public int numOfDoors;       // The number of doors on the vehicle

    public int numOfWheels;      // You get the idea.


  public class Program


    // This is where the program starts.

    static void Main(string[] args)


      // Prompt user to enter her name.

      Console.WriteLine(“Enter the properties of your vehicle”);

      // Create an instance of Vehicle.

      Vehicle myCar = new Vehicle();

      // Populate a data member via a temporary variable.

      Console.Write(“Model name = “);

      string s = Console.ReadLine();

      myCar.model = s;

      // Or you can populate the data member directly.

      Console.Write(“Manufacturer name = “);

      myCar.manufacturer = Console.ReadLine();

      // Enter the remainder of the data.

      // A temp is useful for reading ints.

      Console.Write(“Number of doors = “);

      s = Console.ReadLine();

      myCar.numOfDoors = Convert.ToInt32(s);

      Console.Write(“Number of wheels = “);

      s = Console.ReadLine();

      myCar.numOfWheels = Convert.ToInt32(s);

      // Now display the results.

      Console.WriteLine(“ Your vehicle is a “);

      Console.WriteLine(myCar.manufacturer + “ “ + myCar.model);

      Console.WriteLine(“with “ + myCar.numOfDoors + “ doors, “

                      + “riding on “ + myCar.numOfWheels

                      + “ wheels.”);

      // Wait for user to acknowledge the results.

      Console.WriteLine(“Press Enter to terminate...”);





The program listing begins with a definition of the Vehicle class.

remember.eps The definition of a class can appear either before or after class Program — it doesn’t matter. However, you should, unlike me, adopt a style and stick with it. Book IV, which talks about Visual Studio, shows the more conventional technique of creating a separate .cs file to contain each class, but just put the extra class in your Program.cs file for now.

The program creates an object myCar of class Vehicle and then populates each field by reading the appropriate data from the keyboard. (The input data isn’t — but should be — checked for legality.) The program then writes myCar’s properties in a slightly different format.

The output from executing this program appears this way:

Enter the properties of your vehicle

Model name = Metropolitan

Manufacturer name = Nash

Number of doors = 2

Number of wheels = 4


Your vehicle is a

Nash Metropolitan

with 2 doors, riding on 4 wheels

Press Enter to terminate...

tip.eps The calls to Read() as opposed to ReadLine() leave the cursor directly after the output string, which makes the user’s input appear on the same line as the prompt. In addition, inserting the newline character ‘ ’ in a write generates a blank line without the need to execute WriteLine() separately.

Discriminating between Objects

Detroit car manufacturers can track every car they make without getting the cars confused. Similarly, a program can create numerous objects of the same class, as shown in this example:

Vehicle car1 = new Vehicle();

car1.manufacturer = “Studebaker”;

car1.model = “Avanti”;

// The following has no effect on car1.

Vehicle car2 = new Vehicle();

car2.manufacturer = “Hudson”;

car2.model = “Hornet”;

Creating an object car2 and assigning it the manufacturer name Hudson has no effect on the car1 object (with the manufacturer name Studebaker).

In part, the ability to discriminate between objects is the real power of the class construct. The object associated with the Hudson Hornet can be created, manipulated, and dispensed with as a single entity, separate from other objects, including the Avanti. (Both are classic automobiles, especially the latter.)

Can You Give Me References?

The dot operator and the assignment operator are the only two operators defined on reference types:

// Create a null reference.

Vehicle yourCar;

// Assign the reference a value.

yourCar = new Vehicle();

// Use dot to access a member.

yourCar.manufacturer = “Rambler”;

// Create a new reference and point it to the same object.

Vehicle yourSpousalCar = yourCar;

The first line creates an object yourCar without assigning it a value. A reference that hasn’t been initialized is said to point to the null object. Any attempt to use an uninitialized (null) reference generates an immediate error that terminates the program.

technicalstuff.eps The C# compiler can catch most attempts to use an uninitialized reference and generate a warning at build-time. If you somehow slip one past the compiler, accessing an uninitialized reference terminates the program immediately.

The second statement creates a new Vehicle object and assigns it to yourCar. The last statement in this code snippet assigns the reference yourSpousalCar to the reference yourCar. This action causes yourSpousalCar to refer to the same object as yourCar. This relationship is shown in Figure 2-1.


Figure 2-1: Two references to the same object.

The following two calls have the same effect:

// Build your car.

Vehicle yourCar = new Vehicle();

yourCar.model = “Kaiser”;

// It also belongs to your spouse.

Vehicle yourSpousalCar = yourCar;

// Changing one changes the other.

yourSpousalCar.model = “Henry J”;

Console.WriteLine(“Your car is a “ + yourCar.model);

Executing this program would output Henry J and not Kaiser. Notice that yourSpousalCar doesn’t point to yourCar; rather, both yourCar and yourSpousalCar refer to the same vehicle.

In addition, the reference yourSpousalCar would still be valid, even if the variable yourCar were somehow “lost” (if it went out of scope, for example), as shown in this chunk of code:

// Build your car.

Vehicle yourCar = new Vehicle();

yourCar.model = “Kaiser”;

// It also belongs to your spouse.

Vehicle yourSpousalCar = yourCar;

// When your spouse takes your car away . . .

yourCar = null;            // yourCar now references the “null object.”

//  . . .yourSpousalCar still references the same vehicle

Console.WriteLine(“your car was a “ + yourSpousalCar.model);

Executing this program generates the output Your car was a Kaiser, even though the reference yourCar is no longer valid.

technicalstuff.eps The object is no longer reachable from the reference yourCar. The object doesn’t become completely unreachable until both yourCar and yourSpousalCar are “lost” or nulled out.

At that point — well, at some unpredictable later point, anyway — the C# garbage collector steps in and returns the space formerly used by that particular Vehicle object to the pool of space available for allocating more Vehicles (or Students, for that matter). (I say a little more about garbage collection in a sidebar at the end of Chapter 6 in this minibook.)

tip.eps Making one object variable (a variable of a reference type, such as Vehicle or Student, rather than one of a simple type such as int or double) point to a different object — as I did here — makes storing and manipulating reference objects in arrays and collections quite efficient. Each element of the array stores a reference to an object, and when you swap elements within the array, you’re just moving references, not the objects themselves. References have a fixed size in memory, unlike the objects they refer to.

Classes That Contain Classes Are theHappiest Classes in the World

The members of a class can themselves be references to other classes. For example, vehicles have motors, which have power and efficiency factors, including displacement. You could throw these factors directly into the class this way:

public class Vehicle


  public string model;          // Name of the model

  public string manufacturer;   // Ditto

  public int numOfDoors;        // The number of doors on the vehicle

  public int numOfWheels;       // You get the idea.

  // New stuff:

  public int power;             // Power of the motor [horsepower]

  public double displacement;   // Engine displacement [liter]


However, power and engine displacement aren’t properties of the car. For example, your friend’s Jeep might be supplied with two different motor options that have drastically different levels of horsepower. The 2.4-liter Jeep is a snail, and the same car outfitted with the 4.0-liter engine is quite peppy.

The motor is a concept of its own and deserves its own class:

public class Motor


  public int power;             // Power [horsepower]

  public double displacement;   // Engine displacement [liter]


You can combine this class into the Vehicle (see boldfaced text):

public class Vehicle


  public string model;          // Name of the model

  public string manufacturer;   // Ditto

  public int numOfDoors;        // The number of doors on the vehicle

  public int numOfWheels;       // You get the idea.

  public Motor motor;


Creating myCar now appears this way:

// First create a Motor.

Motor largerMotor = new Motor();

largerMotor.power = 230;

largerMotor.displacement = 4.0;

// Now create the car.

Vehicle friendsCar = new Vehicle();

friendsCar.model = “Cherokee Sport”;

friendsCar.manfacturer = “Jeep”;

friendsCar.numOfDoors = 2;

friendsCar.numOfWheels = 4;

// Attach the motor to the car.

friendsCar.motor = largerMotor;

From Vehicle, you can access the motor displacement in two stages. You can take one step at a time, as this bit of code shows:

Motor m = friendsCar.motor;

Console.WriteLine(“The motor displacement is “ + m.displacement);

Or, you can access it directly, as shown here:

Console.Writeline(“The motor displacement is “ + friendsCar.motor.displacement);

Either way, you can access the displacement only through the Motor.

ontheweb_modern.eps This example is bundled into the simple program VehicleAndMotor on this book’s website, not shown in full here.

Generating Static in Class Members

Most data members of a class are specific to their containing object, not to any other objects. Consider the Car class:

public class Car


  public string licensePlate;     // The license plate ID


Because the license plate ID is an object property, it describes each object of class Car uniquely. For example, thank goodness that my car has a license plate that’s different from yours; otherwise, you may not make it out of your driveway, as shown in this bit of code:

Car myCar = new Car();

myCar.licensePlate = “XYZ123”;


Car yourCar = new Car();

yourCar.licensePlate = “ABC789”;

However, some properties exist that all cars share. For example, the number of cars built is a property of the class Car but not of any single object. These class properties are flagged in C# with the keyword static:

public class Car


  public static int numberOfCars; // The number of cars built

  public string licensePlate;     // The license plate ID


remember.eps Static members aren’t accessed through the object. Instead, you access them by way of the class itself, as this code snippet demonstrates:

// Create a new object of class Car.

Car newCar = new Car();

newCar.licensePlate = “ABC123”;

// Now increment the count of cars to reflect the new one.


The object member newCar.licensePlate is accessed through the object newCar, and the class (static) member Car.numberOfCars is accessed through the class Car. All Cars share the same numberOfCars member, so each car contains exactly the same value as all other cars.

remember.eps Class members are static members. Nonstatic members are specific to each “instance” (each individual object) and are instance members. The italicized phrases you see here are the generic way to refer to these types of members.

Defining const and readonly Data Members

One special type of static member is the const data member, which represents a constant. You must establish the value of a const variable in the declaration, and you cannot change it anywhere within the program, as shown here:

class Program


  // Number of days in the year (including leap day)

  public const int daysInYear = 366;  // Must have initializer.

  public static void Main(string[] args)


    // This is an array, covered later in this chapter.

    int[] maxTemperatures = new int[daysInYear];

    for(int index = 0; index < daysInYear; index++)


      //  . . .accumulate the maximum temperature for each

      // day of the year . . .




You can use the constant daysInYear in place of the value 366 anywhere within your program. The const variable is useful because it can replace a mysterious number such as 366 with the descriptive name daysInYear to enhance the readability of your program.

technicalstuff.eps C# provides another way to declare constants — you can preface a variable declaration with the readonly modifier, like so:

public readonly int daysInYear = 366;  // This could also be static.

As with const, after you assign the initial value, it can’t be changed. Although the reasons are too technical for this book, the readonly approach to declaring constants is usually preferable to const.

You can use const with class data members like those you might have seen in this chapter and inside class methods. But readonly isn’t allowed in a method. Chapter 3 of this minibook dives into methods.

An alternative convention also exists for naming constants. Rather than name them like variables (as in daysInYear), many programmers prefer to use uppercase letters separated by underscores, as in DAYS_IN_YEAR. This convention separates constants clearly from ordinary read-write variables.

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