quality attributes, in software and system development, 793–794

questionnaires, for assessing effectiveness of awareness program, 662


reassignment, of roles and responsibilities, 429


of awareness activities, 661–662

identify vital organizational, 837–839

of maintenance operations, 895

of monitoring information, 591–592

of training activities, 669–670

recovery plans, service continuity and, 839

recovery point objectives (RPOs)

availability of technology assets and, 892–893

defined, 981

recovery time objectives (RTOs)

availability of technology assets and, 892–893

defined, 981


availability of technology assets and, 891

establish for vital staff, 694–695

succession planning and, 695–697

reference resources, for information in this book, 993–995

references, process area

defined, 47–48

typographical and structural conventions, 51

registration, of identities, 450–451


defined, 981

documenting events and, 481–482

electric power industry and, 101–103

establish scope of improvement, 84

managing. See Compliance (COMP)

stress of managing operational risk, 23

related process areas section, 45, 48


establish enterprise specifications, 353–354

establish formal agreements, 360–362

establish resilience specifications, 355–357

evaluate/select external entities, 358–359

identify internal and external dependencies and interdependencies, 837

model view. See model view

objective view. See objective views, for assets

overview of, 53–54, 352–353

between process elements, 610

release builds, 981

release management

defined, 981

technical solutions released into production, 812–813

for technology assets, 889–890


of information assets, 529–530

resilience and, 100–101


of areas of non-compliance, 223–225

identifying areas needing compliance, 223

repeatability, of measures, 557


on communications effectiveness, 194

on compliance obligation satisfaction, 222–223

on corrective actions, 326

on event status, 483

external dependencies management, 362

in incident management, 478–479, 486

on incident status, 491

logged events and, 481

post-incident review, 494

on resilience oversight, 325


for compliance data, 220–221

identity repository, 452, 974

for processes and work products, 955

for skills, 985

for vulnerability information, 922–923, 925, 987

required components

defined, 981

overview of, 43–44

summary of, 48


guidelines for Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 800–801

validate service continuity plans against, 845–846

requirements, for Monitoring

analyze and prioritize, 585–587

establishing, 583–585

requirements, resilience

developing. See Resilience Requirements Development (RRD)

managing. See Resilience Requirements Management (RRM)

operational. See operational resilience requirements

Requirements Development, CMMI process area, 795

residual risk, 981


configuration management and, 884–885

defined, 981, xv

establish resilience-focused technology assets, 873–874

identifying vital resilience functions of staff, 689

inserting obligations in job descriptions, 423

management. See operational resilience management

reliability and resilience in, 100–101

requirements. See operational resilience requirements

resilience-aware culture, 319–320

resilience-focused assets, 275

scope, 89–90

of service, 14

staff and training, 982

using goals and objectives to support, 423–424

resilience budgets

defined, 982

establishing, 388–389

funding resilience activities, 391

resolving funding gaps, 388–389

Resilience Requirements Development (RRD)

achieve specific goals, 756

analyze resilience requirements, 755

assign enterprise resilience requirements to services, 753–754

assign responsibility for, 760–761

Cloud Computing and, 962

collect improvement information, 769

define required functionality, 754–755

defined, 982

develop service requirements, 752

developing resilient software across life cycle with, 107

as Engineering process area, 56

establish asset resilience requirements, 752–753

establish defined process for, 768–769

establish process governance, 757–758

for facility asset resilience requirements, 276–277

FISMA compliance, 960

identify and involve relevant stakeholders, 763–764

identify enterprise requirements, 750–752

introductory notes, 747–750

manage work product configurations, 763

monitor and control process of, 765–766

objectively evaluate adherence, 767

plan the process, 758–759

provide resources for, 759–760

purpose of, 747

related process areas, 750

review status with higher-level managers, 768

summary of specific goals and practices, 750

train people for, 761–763

validate resilience requirements, 756

Resilience Requirements Management (RRM)

achieve specific goals, 778

assign responsibility for, 782–783

Cloud Computing and, 962

collect improvement information, 791–792

defined, 982

developing resilient software across life cycle, 107

as Engineering process area, 56

establish defined process for, 791

establish process governance, 779–780

identify and involve relevant stakeholders, 786–787

identify inconsistencies in meeting resilience requirements, 778

introductory notes, 771–772

maintain traceability of resilience requirements, 776–777

manage changes to resilience requirements, 775–776

manage work product configurations, 785–786

managing change to resilience requirements, 131

monitor and control the process, 787–789

objectively evaluate adherence, 789–790

obtain commitment to resilience requirements, 774–775

plan the process, 780–781

provide resources for, 781–782

purpose of, 771

related process areas, 772

review status with higher-level managers, 790–791

summary of specific goals and practices, 772

train people for, 783–785

understanding resilience requirements, 773–774

resilience specifications

defined, 982

evaluating/selecting external entities based on, 358–359

for external dependencies, 355–357

external dependencies management, 361

resilience training

delivery of, 668–669

establish training needs, 664–665

establish training plan, 665

materials, 666–667

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering (RTSE)

achieve specific goals, 813

assign responsibility for, 818–819

collect improvement information, 828–829

create development plans for resilient technical solutions, 807–808

defined, 982

developing resilient software across life cycle, 106–107

as Engineering process area, 56

establish defined process for, 827–828

establish process governance, 814–815

identify and involve relevant stakeholders, 822–823

identify architecture and design guidelines, 801–802

identify assembly and integration guidelines, 805–807

identify general guidelines, 798–800

identify implementation guidelines, 802–805

identify requirements guidelines, 800–801

influenced by CMMI process areas, 108

integrating selected guidelines with software and system development process, 809–810

introductory notes, 793–796

manage work product configurations, 821–822

monitor and control the process, 823–826

monitoring execution of development plan, 810–812

objectively evaluate adherence, 826–827

plan the process, 816

provide resources for, 816–818

purpose of, 793

related process areas, 796

release solutions into production, 812–813

review status with higher-level managers, 827

select and tailor guidelines, 808–809

summary of specific goals and practices, 796

train people for, 820–821

resource needs, establishing

address skill deficiencies, 416–418

establish baseline competencies, 414–415

inventory skills and identify gaps, 415–416

overview of, 413

resources, providing. See also Financial Resource Management (FRM)

Access Management, 163–165

Asset Definition and Management, 137–138

Communications, 197

Compliance, 213, 229–231

Controls Management, 259–260

Enterprise Focus, 328–330

Environmental Control, 293–295

External Dependencies Management, 368–370

Financial Resource Management, 400–402

generic goals and practices, 948

Human Resource Management, 436–437

Identity Management, 462–464

Incident Management and Control, 499–500

Knowledge and Information Management, 536–538

Measurement and Analysis, 567–569

Monitoring, 596–597

Organizational Process Definition, 619–620

Organizational Process Focus, 643–645

Organizational Training and Awareness, 674–675

People Management, 704–706

Resilience Requirements Development, 759–760

Resilience Requirements Management, 781–782

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 816–818

Risk Management, 736–737

Service Continuity, 856–857

Technology Management, 902–904

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 931–932

responding to incidents

declare events for response planning, 483–484

limiting organizational impact of incidents, 488–490

recovery and, 487

response and recovery, responding to incidents, 487

responsibilities. See also roles

incident management plan and, 477–478

linking to identity. See Identity Management (IM)

in organizational identity, 448

periodic review to identify invalid identities, 457

roles vs., 453

responsibilities, assigning

Access Management, 165–166

Asset Definition and Management, 138–139

Communications, 199–200

Compliance, 231–232

Controls Management, 261–262

Enterprise Focus, 330–331

Environmental Control, 296–297

External Dependencies Management, 370–371

Financial Resource Management, 402–403

generic goals and practices, 948–949

Human Resource Management, 437–438

Identity Management, 464–465

Incident Management and Control, 501–502

Knowledge and Information Management, 538–539

managing changes to employment status, 429

Measurement and Analysis, 569–570

Monitoring, 597–598

Organizational Process Definition, 620–621

Organizational Process Focus, 645–646

Organizational Training and Awareness, 676–677

People Management (PM), 706–707

Resilience Requirements Development, 760–761

Resilience Requirements Management, 782–783

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 818–819

Risk Management, 737–738

Service Continuity, 857–858

Technology Management, 904–905

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 933

restoration plans

incident response and, 489

service continuity and, 839

restrictions. See access privileges

retention, of information assets, 531–532

retirement, develop plan for facility, 289–290

retrieval, of compliance data, 220

return on resilience investment (RORI)

calculation, 396–397

defined, 983

review status with higher-level managers, generic goals and practices, 953


with high-level managers. See higher-level managers, reviewing with

monitoring and controlling and, 952

of monitoring processes, 602–603

in objective evaluation of adherence, 953

periodic of environmental control process, 302

periodic of identities, 456–457

post-execution review of service continuity plans, 851

sources of vulnerability, 921

revision history, in change management, 888

RISK. See Risk Management (RISK)


assessing controls for, 253, 257

assessment of facility asset, 280–281

availability of technology assets and, 892

controlling operational environment, 282–283

defined, 983

defining controls for, 248–250

due to external dependencies, 349–350

governance, xvi

identifying and assessing external, 350–351

identifying related to involuntary terminations, 432

mitigation strategies for external dependencies, 352

mitigation strategies for facility assets, 281–282

of non-compliance, 222

protecting information assets and, 518–519

service continuity planning and, 832

risk analysis, 983

risk appetite, 983

risk category, 983

risk disposition

assigning, 727–729

defined, 983

risk management

focus on high-value services, 836

incident management and, 475

interoperability and, 898–899

risk management, for information assets

identify and assess risks, 522

mitigate risks, 523

overview of, 521

prioritization and, 515–517

risk management, for technology assets

identify and assess risks, 879–880

mitigate risks, 880–881

overview of, 878–879

prioritization of technology assets, 871

risk management, of staff risk

identify and assess staff risks, 691–692

mitigate staff risks, 692–693

overview of, 691

Risk Management (RISK)

achieve specific goals, 733

apply risk information to operational resilience management, 731–732

assign responsibility for, 737–738

assign risk disposition, 727–729

categorize and prioritize risks, 727

Cloud Computing and, 962

collect improvement information, 745–746

define risk parameters, 721–722

defined, 983

determine sources and categories of risk, 719–720

develop risk mitigation plans, 729–731

Enterprise Management, 54–55

establish defined process for, 744–745

establish operational risk management strategy, 720–721

establish process governance, 734–735

establish relationship between assets and services, 130

establish risk measurement criteria, 722–723

evaluate risks, 726–727

FISMA compliance, 960

identify and involve relevant stakeholders, 740–741

identify asset-level risks, 723–725

identify service-level risks, 725–726

implement risk strategies, 731

insider threats and, 964

introductory notes, 717–718

manage work product configurations, 740

mitigate risks, 729

monitor and control the process, 741–743

objectively evaluate adherence, 743–744

plan the process, 735

preparing for, 719

provide resources for, 736–737

purpose of, 717

related process areas, 718

relationships driving threat/incident management, 58

review and adjust risk-related strategies, 732–733

review status with higher-level managers, 744

summary of specific goals and practices, 718

train people for, 738–739

risk measurement criteria, 983

risk mitigation

defined, 983

for external dependencies, 352

for facility assets, 281–282

of general risks, 729

implementing process action plans, 731

risk mitigation plans, 729–731, 983

of staff risks, 692–693

of technology asset risks, 880–881

risk parameters, 984

risk statements

defined, 984

developing, 725

staff risks and, 692

risk taxonomy, 984

risk threshold, 984

risk tolerance

defined, 984

overview of, 721–722

vulnerability analysis and resolution strategy and, 918–919

roles. See also responsibilities

access privileges and, 155–156

assign for knowledge and information management, 539

assign to identities, 453–454

identifying vital staff and, 688

incident management plan and, 477–478

linking to organizational identity. See Identity Management (IM)

managing changes to employment status, 429

organizational process definition process, 621

periodic review to identify invalid identities, 457

root-cause analysis

applying to vulnerabilities, 927–928

defined, 984

in post-incident review, 494

RORI (return on resilience investment)

calculation, 396–397

defined, 983

RPOs (recovery point objectives)

availability of technology assets and, 892–893

defined, 981

RRD. See Resilience Requirements Development (RRD)

RRM. See Resilience Requirements Management (RRM)

RTOs (recovery time objectives)

availability of technology assets and, 892–893

defined, 981

RTSE. See Resilient Technical Solution Engineering (RTSE)

rules, establish for integrated teams, 615–616


safety, work environment standards, 615

SC. See Service Continuity (SC)

scalability, of CERT-RMM, 15

SCAMPI (Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement), 92


of assets and environments, 917–918

basing improvement objectives on, 84–85

capability appraisal and, 93–94


of control assessment, 255–256

defined, 984

model scope, 87–90, 976

organizational scope, 84–87, 978

of risk assessment, 281

RORI calculation, 396–397

scorecard, governance, 324

screening, pre-employment, 418–419

secure design pattern, 984


benefits of CERT-RMM, 5

evolution of CERT-RMM, 10–11

protection of information assets, 518–519

protection of technology assets, 874–875

protection strategy, 35–36

service continuity plans, 843–844

work environment standards, 615

SEI (Software Engineering Institute), 8, 9–12


asset disposal and, 526

attributes of information assets, 514

categorize information assets by, 517–518

defined, 984

identifying staff responsible for sensitive assets, 690

organizational sensitivity, 978

service continuity plans

assign staff to, 842–843

availability of technology assets and, 891–893

defined, 985

develop and document, 840–842

develop testing program and standards for, 847–848

develop training for, 844

establish change criteria for, 852

evaluate test results, 849–850

execute, 850–851

exercise tests of, 849

identify and resolve conflicts in, 846

identify required plans, 840

identify vital staff, 688

maintain, 851–853

measure effectiveness of, 851

prepare for staff redeployment, 697–698

return-to-work plan, 700

risk mitigation and, 733

store and secure, 843–844

support of staff during disruptive events, 699

technology assets in, 873

validation of, 845–846

Service Continuity (SC)

achieve specific goals, 853

assign responsibility for, 857–858

assign staff to plans, 842–843

Cloud Computing and, 963

collect improvement information, 866–867

controls management using, 243

defined, 984

develop and document plans, 840–842

develop and document test plans, 848

develop operational resilience management plan, 315–316

develop resilient software across life cycle with, 108

develop testing program and standards, 847–848

develop training, 844

as Engineering process area, 56

establish change criteria, 852

establish defined process for, 865–866

establish process governance, 853–855

establish resilience-focused facility assets, 275

establish standards and guidelines for, 835

evaluate test results, 849–850

execute plans, 850–851

FISMA compliance, 960

identify and involve relevant stakeholders, 860–862

identify and resolve conflicts in plans, 846

identify communications requirements with, 180–181

identify high-value services, 835–836

identify internal and external dependencies and interdependencies, 837

identify required plans, 840

identify vital organizational records and databases, 837–839

incident response and, 489

introductory notes, 831–832

maintain changes to plans, 852–853

maintain plans, 851

manage work product configurations, 860

measure effectiveness of plans, 851

monitor and control the process, 862–864

objectively evaluate adherence, 864–865

plan the process, 855

prepare and plan for, 833–835

protect and sustain services and assets, 131

provide resources for, 856–857

purpose of, 831

related process areas, 832–833

relationships driving threat/incident management, 58

review status with higher-level managers, 865

store and secure plans, 843–844

summary of specific goals and practices, 833

test (exercise) plans, 849

train people for, 858–859

validate plans, 845–846

service disruption, 915

service level agreements (SLAs), 985

service profiles, 985

service-level controls

assessing effectiveness of, 253–254

defining, 248–250

service-level resilience requirements

analyze and validate, 754

assigning enterprise resilience requirements to services, 753–754

defined, 985

developing, 752

overview of, 748

service-level risks

identifying, 725–726

review and adjust strategies for, 732–733


in CERT-RMM, 14

CERT-RMM not establishing, delivering or managing, 14

concept of, 27–29

defined, 984

establish relationship between assets and, 130–131

focus on high-value, 29

fueled by assets, 30–33

life-cycle of, 38–39

operational risk objectives, 25–27

prioritize external dependencies relative to, 348–349

prioritize information assets relative to, 516

services map, 753

service-support staff, 689

shared resilience requirements, 985

Shewhart cycle, 80

silos, 5


addressing gaps and deficiencies, 416–417

identifying gaps and deficiencies, 416

incident management plan and, 477–478

inventory or repository, 415–416, 985

service continuity plans and, 844

training needs and, 665

skills, training

Access Management, 167

Asset Definition and Management, 138, 140

Communications, 200–201

Compliance, 232–233

Controls Management, 262–263

Enterprise Focus, 331

Environmental Control, 297–298

External Dependencies Management, 371–372

Financial Resource Management, 403–404

generic goals and practices, 949–950

Human Resource Management, 439–440

Identity Management, 465–466

Incident Management and Control, 502–503

Knowledge and Information Management, 537, 540–541

Measurement and Analysis, 570–571

Monitoring, 599

Organizational Process Definition, 622

Organizational Process Focus, 646–647

Organizational Training and Awareness, 677–678

People Management, 708–709

Resilience Requirements Development, 762–763

Resilience Requirements Management, 784–785

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 820–821

Risk Management, 739

Service Continuity, 859

Technology Management, 906

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 934

SLAs (service level agreements), 985

sociopolitical events, controlling operational environment, 283


architecture and design guidelines, 801–802

assembly and integration guidelines, 805–807

errors, 891

execution of development plan, 810–812

implementation guidelines, 802–805

integrating selected resilience guidelines with development process for, 809–810

integrity of, 882

monitoring, 795

releasing resilient solutions into production, 812–813

resilience guidelines, 800–801

resilience requirements, 793–794

stress of managing as intangible asset, 22

tailoring resilience guidelines using selection criteria, 808–809

software assurance, using CERT-RMM

about the authors, 104–105

defined, 105

overview of, 105–110

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 8, 9–12

specific goals and practices

defined, 45–46, 48, 985

tags and numbering scheme for, 49

typographical and structural conventions, 50

using practice-level scope, 88–89

sponsorship. See also managers, review with higher-level

commit funding for operational resilience management, 383–384

for compliance program, 214, 231

establish scope of improvement, 84–85

of identity, 451

sponsorship, for operational resilience management

commit funding, 318–319

overview of, 317–318

promote resilience-aware culture, 319–320

standards and policies, 320–321


access controls for, 883–884

acquisition of, 418

assigning to service continuity plans, 842–843

defined, 985

document organizational and intellectual knowledge of, 532–533

establish vital, 687–690

incident response and, 490

for maintenance operations, 894–895

managing. See People Management (PM)

for operational resilience management program, 316–317

personnel services. See Human Resource Management (HRM)

post-incident review, 494

providing for incident closure, 492

resource provision and, 948

training. See training people

training in discovery of vulnerabilities, 923

verifying suitability of candidates, 418–419

staff, providing

Access Management, 163–164

Asset Definition and Management, 137

Communications, 186–188, 198–200

Compliance, 229–230

Controls Management, 260

Enterprise Focus, 329

Environmental Control, 293–294, 296–297

External Dependencies Management, 368–370

Financial Resource Management, 400–401

Human Resource Management, 436

Identity Management, 462–464

Incident Management and Control, 477–478, 499–500

Knowledge and Information Management, 537

Measurement and Analysis, 568

Monitoring, 596–597

Organizational Process Definition, 619–620

Organizational Process Focus, 644

Organizational Training and Awareness, 674

People Management, 704–705

Resilience Requirements Development, 759–760

Resilience Requirements Management, 781

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 817

Risk Management, 736–737

Service Continuity, 856

Technology Management, 902–903

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 931–932

staff availability

establish redundancy for vital staff, 694–695

managing, 693–694

perform succession planning, 695–697

plan for return-to-work following disruptive events, 700–701

plan to support staff during disruptive events, 698–700

prepare for redeployment, 697–698

staff risks

identify and assess, 691–692

mitigate, 692–693

overview of, 691


communicating measurement results to, 564–565

communicating to regarding incidents, 489

defined, 985

distributing collected information to, 592–593

escalation of incidents for input from, 487–488

in monitoring processes, 581–582

for performing resilience oversight, 324–325

stakeholders, identify and involve

Access Management, 168–169

Asset Definition and Management, 141–142

Communications, 177–181, 202–203

Compliance, 234–236

Controls Management, 264–265

Enterprise Focus, 332–333

Environmental Control, 299–300

External Dependencies Management, 373–374

Financial Resource Management, 404–406

generic goals and practices, 951

Human Resource Management, 441–442

Identity Management, 467–468

Incident Management and Control, 504–506

Knowledge and Information Management, 542–543

Measurement and Analysis, 571–573

Monitoring, 600–601

Organizational Process Definition, 623–624

Organizational Process Focus, 648–649

Organizational Training and Awareness, 679–680

People Management, 710–711

Resilience Requirements Development, 763–764

Resilience Requirements Management, 786–787

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 822–823

Risk Management, 740–741

Service Continuity, 860–862

Technology Management, 907–908

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 935–936

Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI), 92

standard processes

composition of, 607

defined, 978, 986

defined processes compared with, 954

deploying, 638

establishing, 608–610

measurement repository for, 612

monitoring implementation of, 639

tailoring and, 611–612

standards. See also guidelines

for communications, 181–184

Compliance, 214

for configuration management, 886

establishing standard processes, 608–610

interoperability, 898

managing. See Compliance (COMP)

for monitoring, 589–591

for service continuity, 835

sponsoring resilience, 320–321

test service continuity plans against, 847–848

validate service continuity plans against, 845–846

for work environments, 614–615

statistics, descriptive statistics in data analysis, 560

Stevens, James, 99–100


of compliance data, 220

of data, 563–564

data collection and, 557–559

of service continuity plans, 843–844

strategic planning

defined, 986

developing operational resilience management plan, 314–316

establish critical success factors, 310–312

establish organizational services, 312–314

establish scope of improvement, 84

establishing, 309–310

funding operational resilience management, 383–384

performing resilience oversight for, 323–324

using CERT-RMM to support, 78


establish operational risk management strategy, 720–721

establish vulnerability analysis and resolution strategy, 918–920

implement risk strategies, 731

for protecting/sustaining assets, 35–36

review and adjust asset-level risk strategies, 732

review and adjust service-level risk strategies, 732–733

for staff redundancy, 695

translating lessons into, 495–496

strengths and weaknesses, appraisal of organization, 632–633


causes of in operational resilience management, 2

CERT-RMM control of organizational behavior during, 21–23

managing operational resilience, 25–27

structural conventions, process areas, 49–51

subpractices, process area

defined, 47–48

typographical and structural conventions, 51

subprocesses, 986

succession planning

defined, 986

perform, 695–697

summary of specific goals and practices, process areas, 45

Supplier Management, Operations, 57

suppliers, 986


assess effectiveness of awareness program, 662

assess effectiveness of training program, 670


defined, 986

facility assets, 284–285

information, 35–36

services and assets, 131

technology assets, 891–894

sustainability planning, 285–286

Sustaining Operational Resiliency: A Process Improvement Approach to Security Management (Caralli 2006), 12


architecture and design guidelines, 801–802

assembly and integration guidelines, 805–807

execution of development plan, 810–812

implementation guidelines, 802–805

integrating selected resilience guidelines with development process for, 809–810

monitoring, 795

releasing resilient solutions into production, 812–813

resilience guidelines, 800–801

resilience requirements, 793–794

tailoring resilience guidelines using selection criteria, 808–809


tags, process area, 47–49, 50

targeted improvement profile (TIP)

capability level ratings overlaid on, 93–94

overview of, 91–92

targeted improvement roadmaps (TIRs)

for achieving FISMA compliance, 957–961

for Cloud Computing, 961–963

establishing improvement objective with, 88

for managing insider threats, 963

teams, establish rules and guidelines for integration of, 615–616

technical controls

defined, 986

at enterprise/service/asset levels, 248–250

for facility assets, 277–279

for information assets, 519–521

overview of, 246–247

for technology assets, 876–878

technical solutions. See Resilient Technical Solution Engineering (RTSE)

Technical Solutions, CMMI process area, 795

techniques. See tools, techniques, and methods

technology. See also Asset Definition and Management (ADM) and Technology Management (TM)

access privileges focusing on, 153

as asset in CERT-RMM, 31–32

assets, 986

identity management and, 448–449

interoperability. See interoperability

life-cycle of, 37

managing operational risk of, 23

objective views for, 60, 62

operational resilience management and, 2

protecting and sustaining, 35–36

resilience requirements for, 33–35

stress of managing operational risk of, 22

as traditional focus of operational risk management, 8–9

Technology Management (TM)

access controls for, 882–883

achieve specific goals, 899

assign resilience requirements, 875–876

assign responsibility for, 904–905

Cloud Computing and, 962–963

collect improvement information, 913–914

defined, 986

developing resilient software across life cycle with, 108

establish and implement controls, 876–878

establish defined process, 912–913

establish process governance, 899–901

establish resilience-focused technology assets, 873–874

FISMA compliance, 961

identify and assess risks, 879–880

identify and involve relevant stakeholders, 907–908

introductory notes, 869–870

maintain technology assets, 894–895

manage availability of technology assets, 890–891

manage integrity of technology assets, 881–882

manage risks, 878–879

manage technology capacity, 895–897

manage technology interoperability, 897–899

manage work product configurations, 906–907

mitigate risks, 880–881

monitor and control, 909–911

objectively evaluate adherence, 911–912

as Operations process area, 57

perform change management, 887–888

perform configuration management, 883–887

perform release management, 889–890

plan the process for, 901–902

prioritize technology assets, 871–873

protect technology assets, 874–875

provide resources for, 902–904

purpose of, 869

related process areas, 870

review status with higher-level managers, 912

summary of specific goals and practices, 870–871

sustain technology assets, 891–894

train people for, 905–906

termination, external dependencies management, 362

termination of employment

involuntary, 428

managing impact of position changes, 428–429

managing involuntary, 431–432

voluntary, 427

terms and conditions of employment, establishing, 420–422

test (exercise) service continuity plans

develop and document tests, 848

develop testing program and standards, 847–848

evaluate test results, 849–850

exercise tests, 849


guidelines for resilient software and systems, 803–805

release management and, 889–890

Threat, Vulnerability and Incident Management, Operations, 57

threat actor, 987

threat motive, 987

threats. See also vulnerabilities

defined, 986

manage insider threats, 963

monitoring software and systems for, 795

protecting information assets, 518–519

TIP (targeted improvement profile)

capability level ratings overlaid on, 93–94

overview of, 91–92

TIRs. See targeted improvement roadmaps (TIRs)

TM. See Technology Management (TM)

tools, techniques, and methods

Access Management, 164

Asset Definition and Management, 138

Communications, 199

Compliance, 230

Controls Management, 260–261

Enterprise Focus, 329–330

Environmental Control, 294–295

External Dependencies Management, 370

Financial Resource Management, 401–402

Human Resource Management, 437

Identity Management, 463–464

Incident Management and Control, 500

Knowledge and Information Management, 538

Measurement and Analysis, 568–569

for monitoring process, 597

Organizational Process Definition, 620

Organizational Process Focus, 644

Organizational Training and Awareness, 675

People Management, 705–706

Resilience Requirements Development, 760

Resilience Requirements Management, 782

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 817–818

Risk Management, 737

Service Continuity, 857

Technology Management, 903

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 932

traceability, of resilience requirements, 776–777


events in incident management, 480–481

resilience requirements, 777

training people

Access Management, 167

Asset Definition and Management, 138, 140

Communications, 200–201

Compliance, 232–233

Controls Management, 262–263

Enterprise Focus, 331

Environmental Control, 297–298

External Dependencies Management, 371–372

Financial Resource Management, 403–404

generic goals and practices, 949–950

Human Resource Management, 439–440

Identity Management, 465–466

Incident Management and Control, 502–503

Knowledge and Information Management, 540–541

Measurement and Analysis, 570–571

Monitoring, 598–599

Organizational Process Definition, 621–623

Organizational Process Focus, 646–647

Organizational Training and Awareness, 677–678

People Management, 707–709

Resilience Requirements Development, 761–763

Resilience Requirements Management, 783–785

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 820–821

Risk Management, 738–739

Service Continuity, 844, 858–859

Technology Management, 905–906

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 934

training programs. See also Organizational Training and Awareness (OTA)

assess effectiveness of, 670–671

conduct, 668

deliver resilience training, 668–669

establish capability for, 666–668

establish needs, 664–665

establish plan, 665–666

record, 669–670

triaging events, in incident management, 482–483

trusted access. See Identity Management (IM)

typical work products, process areas

defined, 46–48

typographical and structural conventions, 51

typographical conventions, 49–51


unplanned downtime, 890, 987


measurement and analysis objectives, 559

process definitions and development plans, 810

service continuity plans, 846

vulnerability repository, 925

user IDs, access control via, 525

users, 987

utility sector, CERT-RMM in

about the authors, 99–100

grid modernization and transformation, 103–104

regulation and peer pressure, 101–103

reliability and resilience in, 100–101



of compliance data, 221

of resilience requirements, 756

of service continuity plans, 845–846

validity and reliability, of information assets, 529–530

VAR. See Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution (VAR)


evaluating suitability of candidate staff, 418–420

managing access to assets during position changes, 430–431

version control, manage work product configurations and, 950

vital records

defined, 987

protecting, 513

vital resilience functions, 689

vital staff. See also staff, 987

voluntary termination, of employment, 427


analysis and resolution strategy for, 918–920

analyze, 923–925

defined, 987

discover, 921–923

establish scope of, 917–918

identify root causes, 927–928

identify sources of, 920–921

manage exposure to, 925–927

monitoring software and systems for, 795

overview of, 915–916

protecting information assets, 518–519

service continuity planning and, 832

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution (VAR)

achieve specific goals, 928

analyze vulnerabilities, 923–925

assign responsibility for, 933

collect improvement information, 940–941

defined, 987

discover vulnerabilities, 921–923

establish analysis and resolution strategy, 918–920

establish defined process, 940

establish process governance, 929–930

establish scope of assets and environments to be analyzed, 917–918

FISMA compliance, 961

identify and involve relevant stakeholders, 935–936

identify root causes, 927–928

identify sources of vulnerabilities, 920–921

insider threats and, 964

introductory notes, 915–916

manage exposure to vulnerabilities, 925–927

manage work product configurations, 935

monitor and control the process, 937–939

monitoring needs of, 586

objectively evaluate adherence, 939

plan the process, 930–931

prepare for vulnerability analysis and resolution, 917

provide resources for, 931–932

purpose of, 915

related process areas, 916

relationships driving threat/incident management, 57–58

review status with higher-level managers, 940

summary of specific goals and practices, 916

train people for, 934

vulnerability catalogs, 921

vulnerability data collection, 921

vulnerability management strategy, 987

vulnerability notification services, 921

vulnerability repository, 987

vulnerability resolution, 987


waivers, 987

White, David W., 999, xxiv

work environment standards, 614–615

work product configurations

Access Management, 168

Asset Definition and Management, 141

Communications, 202

Compliance, 234

Controls Management, 264

Enterprise Focus, 332

Environmental Control, 298–299

External Dependencies Management, 373

generic goals and practices, 950

Human Resource Management, 440–441

Identity Management, 466–467

Incident Management and Control, 504

Knowledge and Information Management, 541

Measurement and Analysis, 571

Monitoring, 599–600

Organizational Process Definition, 623

Organizational Process Focus, 647–648

Organizational Training and Awareness, 678–679

People Management, 709

Resilience Requirements Development, 763

Resilience Requirements Management, 785–786

Resilient Technical Solution Engineering, 821–822

Risk Management, 740

Service Continuity, 860

Technology Management, 906–907

Vulnerability Analysis and Resolution, 935

work products, typical

defined, 46–48

typographical and structural conventions, 51

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