
From Andrew Whitaker:

Many people contributed to the creation of this book. First, this book would never have been possible without the hard work of my coauthors, Keatron Evans and Jack Voth. Thank you both for being so dedicated to producing quality work. Second, I must acknowledge Brett Bartow and Drew Cupp. Brett, thank you for another opportunity; it’s always a pleasure to work with you. Drew, thank you for the many hours you put in editing our work. Other contributors to the editing of this book are Kevin Henry and Ralph Echemendia. Your feedback has significantly improved this book; it is an honor to work with both of you on this project. David Williams, thanks for the graphics idea for the corporate spying chapter and brainstorming chapter ideas with me at Defcon a few years back. I also thank Adrienne Felt, who provided assistance with information in the social networking chapter. Finally, special thanks to Steve Guadino, Chris Porter, and Dave Minutella at Training Camp for their support over this past year and their continued dedication to providing the best information security training on the planet.

From Keatron Evans:

I wish to extend a special thanks to the following people who were instrumental in helping to complete this writing. Sheilina Stingley, for her proofreading efforts when the writing was still just an idea. Brett Bartow and Andrew Cupp, for allowing us the flexibility to write the book the way we wanted to. Andrew Whitaker for sharing this wonderful opportunity. Jack Koziol for being my first security mentor and getting me “over the hump” many years ago. Vashun Cole for inspiration and motivation.

From Jack Voth:

I would like to say, for the record, that writing a book is a lot harder than it looks. With that said, thank you Andrew Whitaker and Brett Bartow for this opportunity.

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