
Absorption, of toxicants, 36–39

Acceptable risk, 12–14

Accident pyramid, 11

Accident(s) (see also Release(s); Toxic release)

case histories, 23–29, 535–556

consequence modeling procedure, 109, 110

definition, 21

fatal accident rate (FAR), for selected industries, 8

investigations, 515–532

OSHA definitions, 5–8

prevention, inherent safety and, 20–23

probit parameters for, 51

process incidents, selection criteria for, 160

process, nature of, 15–20

recreational, 9

source models, 109–159

statistics, 4–12

steps of, 18–19

types of, 15–18

worst-case scenario, 159, 160, 194, 364–365

Accumulation, 356–357

Acetal, as hazardous peroxide, 544


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Acetic acid

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

boiling point, 440

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 440, 567

heat of combustion, 440, 567

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists), 54–59, 200, 203

Acids, flash point estimation, 231


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 567

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

respiratory toxicity, 38

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Acrylic acid

ERPG values, 201

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

respiratory toxicity, 38

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Acrylyl chloride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Acute toxicity, 41

Additives, static electricity prevention and, 336

Adiabatic compression, 249–251

Adiabatic flow, 136–143

Adiabatic temperature increase, 250

Adipinic acid, St classes and combustion data, 261

AICHE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), 6

AIHA (American Industrial Hygiene Association), 200


heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

Air compressors, 249

Air flow, in hoods, 99–101

Air temperature, 175

AIT (autoignition temperature), 227, 249, 566–569

Alcohols, 39, 231

Aldehydes, flash point estimation, 231

Allyl alcohol, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Allylamine, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Allyl bromide

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Allyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Aluminum oxide, EEGL values, 204

Aluminum powders, St classes and combustion data, 262

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 54–59, 200, 203

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), 200

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE), 6

Amines, flash point estimation, 231


autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

combustible characteristic constant, 407

density, 154

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 568

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 246, 568

flash point, 568

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 568

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

probit correlation for exposure, 51

saturation vapor pressure, 154

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Ammonium hydroxide, respiratory toxicity, 38

Amyl acetate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Amyl alcohol

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Amyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Analyzers, 531–532


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

boiling point, 455

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Argon, heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

Arsenous trichloride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


EEGL values, 204

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Arson, 16

Asbestos, respiratory toxicity, 39

Atmospheric stability, 172, 175, 187

Attenuation and limitation, in inherent safety, 21–23

Audits, in process safety management (PSM), 71

Autoignition temperature (AIT), 227, 249, 566–569

Auto-oxidation, 249

Backpressure, 357

Backpressure correction factor (Kb), 388–389, 391, 392

Baker, Q. A., 274

Baker, W. E., 268

Balanced-bellows reliefs, 361–362

Balance of electrostatic charges, 324–330

Ball valves, 125

Barrow, G. M., 90

Bartknecht, W., 260, 263, 264, 265

Beaulieu, P. A., 260


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

description and potential hazard, 78

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 566

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

specific gravity, 115

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Benzyl chloride, ERPG values, 201

Bhopal, India, 25–26

Biphenyl, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Blast damage, 265–269

estimates for structures, 267

to people, 51, 279–280

TNT equivalency method, 269–270

Blast pressure, 265

BLEVE, 228, 282

Block valves, 529–530

Blood tests and toxicant concentrations, 36, 37, 40

Blowdown, 357

Blowout panels, 404–406

Boicourt, G. W., 537

Boiling-liquid expanding-vapor explosion (see BLEVE)

Boiling, liquid pools, model of, 157–158

Bonding and grounding, 332–335

Borgoyne, J. H., 252

Boron trichloride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Boron trifluoride/methyl ether, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Boron trifluoride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Boschung, P., 311

Boyle, W. J., Jr., 402

Briggs, G. A., 188, 189

Britter-McQuaid model, 195–199

Britter, R. E., 195, 210

Britton, L. G., 313

Brode, H. L., 276

Brode’s equation, 276–277, 278


boiling point, 440

ERPG values, 201

flash point, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

respiratory toxicity, 38

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Bromotrifluoromethane, EEGL values, 204

Bronze powders, St classes and combustion data, 262

Brush discharge, 309, 311, 331–332

Buoyancy, 172, 176, 212–213

Burson, J. L., 49

Butadienes, 546–547

boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

ERPG values, 201

flash point, 440

as hazardous peroxide, 544

heat of combustion, 440

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Butanol (see Butyl alcohol)


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash points, 566

heat of combustion, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Butyl acetate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Butyl acrylate, ERPG values, 201

Butyl alcohol

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Butyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Butyl isocyanate, ERPG values, 201

Calcium carbide

boiling point, 440

flash point, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

Calorimeters, 366

Capacitance and capacitors, electrostatic, 316–324

Caprolactam, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Carbon dioxide

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Carbon disulfide

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 568

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Carbon, materials strength, 525

Carbon monoxide

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

boiling point, 440

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 246, 568

flash point, 440, 568

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 568

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

probit correlation for exposure, 51

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Carbon oxysulfide

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Carbon tetrachloride

ERPG values, 201

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

Carcinogen, definition, 40

Carslaw, H. S., 182, 183

Case histories

Bhopal, India, 25–26

butadiene explosions, 546–547

centrifuge, explosion in, 536–537

chemical reactivity, 540–546

definitions for, 21

duct system, explosion in, 537

ethylene explosion, 546, 548

ethylene oxide explosion, 546, 548–549

Flixborough, England, 23–25

fuel-blending tank explosion, 555

hydrocarbon explosion, 547

leak testing a vessel, 552

nitrobenzene sulfonic acid decomposition, 540–541

organic oxidation, 541

Pasadena, Texas, 27–29

phenol-formaldehyde runaway reaction, 553–554

pigment and filter, 538

pump failure, 547–548

Seveso, Italy, 26–27

static electricity, 536–539

storage bin explosion, 537

toxic release, 25–27

vapor cloud explosions (VCE), 23–25, 27–29

vessels, workers in, 552

vinyl chloride explosions, 552–553

water, dangerous expansion of, 553

Ceiling limit (C), 55


decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

St classes and combustion data, 261

Centrifuge, explosion in, 536–537

Charge, electrostatic, 324–330

Chattering, 383

Check valves, 125

Chemical Exposure Index (CEI), 437, 445–447

Chemical hazards, definition, 2

Chemical reactivity

case histories, 540–546

functional groups, 541–542, 543

peroxides, 542, 543–544

Chen, N. H., 124

Chilton, C. H., 134, 525


boiling point, 440

EEGL values, 204

ERPG values, 201

flash point, 440

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

probit correlation for exposure, 51

respiratory toxicity, 38

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 56

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Chlorine dioxide, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Chlorine trifluoride

EEGL values, 204

ERPG values, 201

Chloroacetyl chloride, ERPG values, 201


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Chloroform, 39

decomposition temperature, 545

EEGL values, 204

energy of activation, 545

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Chloromethyl ether, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Chloromethyl methyl ether, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Chloropicrin, ERPG values, 201

Chloroprene, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Chlorosulfonic acid, ERPG values, 201


ERPG values, 201

as hazardous peroxide, 544

Choked pressure and flow, 132–134, 139–140, 146–151

Chronic toxicity, 41

Clancey, V. J., 267, 279

Cleveland open-cup flash point determination, 230

Coal and coal products, St classes and combustion data, 261

Coco, J. C., 225

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 65

Codes of ethics, 6

Coincidence, probability of, 484–485

Combined pressure-vacuum purging, 297–299

Combustible characteristic constant, 407

Combustion (see Fire(s))

Condensers, 376

Confined explosion, 228, 255–265

Conical pile discharge, 309, 310–311, 331

Consequence analysis, 439, 471, 499–507

Consequence, definition, 21

Consequence modeling procedure, 109, 110, 159–161, 213

Conservative analysis, 159–161


accident prevention, 27

precautions used, 23

relief systems, 371

of toxicants and dusts, 95

Contractors, and process safety management (PSM), 70

Control (see Prevention and control)

Control phase, of industrial hygiene, 63–64, 94–103

Control systems

failure rate, probability theory and, 474–480

recommendations, from investigations, 528–529

Conversion factors, units of measurement, 561–563

Corona discharge, 309, 311

Craig, D. K., 206

Craven, A. D., 518

Critical flow, 132–133

Cross, J. A., 308


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Crowl, D. A., 73, 233, 234, 241, 275, 277, 278, 304, 486

Crozier, R. A., 412

Cubic law, 259–260

Cumene, as hazardous peroxide, 544


autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Cyanogen chloride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

boiling point, 440

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 440, 567

Flixborough accident, 23–24

as hazardous peroxide, 544

heat of combustion, 440, 567

material factor (MF), 440

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Cyclohexanol, 80

boiling point, 440

flash point, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Cyclohexanone, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Cyclohexene, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Cyclohexylamine, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Cyclopentane, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 246, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248


from blasts, 265–269

estimates for common structures, 267

Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI) estimation, 441442

missile, 279

Darby, R., 386

Darcy formula, 140

Davenport, J. A., 346, 547

Davis, J. S., 206

dBA (decibels), 84–85

dB (decibels), 84

Deaths (see Fatalities)


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566

Decibels (dB), dBA), 84–85

Deflagration index, 259–260

Deflagrations, 228, 253–255, 522–523

Deflagration to detonation transition (DDT), 255

Deflagration venting, 404–411

Deluge sprinkler system, 344

DEMCO valve, 28

Department of Defense, 202

Dermal absorption, of toxicants, 36, 37–38

Dermatotoxic, definition, 40

De Roo, J. L., 345


blowout panels, 404–406

explosion-proof (XP) areas, 340

fire and explosion prevention, 346

losses from, 16

redundancy, 486

release mitigation, 214

relief systems, 365–368, 371

static electricity prevention, 331–332

system safety, 546–551

user-friendly, 529

Detonations, 228, 253–255, 523

Detoxification (liver), 39

Deuterium, flammability limits in pure oxygen, 246

DeVore, R., 206

Diacetylene, as hazardous peroxide, 544


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Dichlorodifluoromethane, EEGL values, 204

Dichloroethane, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Dichloroethylene, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Dichlorofluoromethane, EEGL values, 204

Dichlorotetrafluoroethane, EEGL values, 204

Dicyclopentadiene, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Dielectric constants, 314

Diesel fuel

boiling point, 440

flash point, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Diethylbenzene, limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Diethyl ether

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 246, 567

flash point, 567

as hazardous peroxide, 544

heat of combustion, 567

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

Diethyl ketone, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Diethyl peroxide

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

Diketene, ERPG values, 201

Dilution ventilation, as control technique, 95, 102–103


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Dimethylchlorosilane, ERPG values, 201

Dimethyldichlorosilane, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Dimethyl disulfide, ERPG values, 201

Dimethyl ether, ISOCs and OSFCs, 304


EEGL values, 204

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566


autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

as hazardous peroxide, 544

heat of combustion, 568

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Dioxins, 27

Dip pipes, 333–336

Discharge coefficient (C), 113–115

Discharges (see Release(s))

Disopropyl ether

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Dispersion coefficient, 186, 189–190

Dispersion models, 109, 110 (see also Plumes and plume models; Puffs and puff models)

Britter-McQuaid model, 195–199

dense gases, 195–199

neutrally buoyant, 176–195

parameters affecting, 172–176

Distillation system, 378

Divinyl acetylene, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Divinyl ether

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 246, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Documentation (see Records and record keeping)

Doolittle, C. M., 274

Dose-response curve, 4748, 55

Double block and bleed systems, 530

Dow Chemical Exposure Index (CEI), 437, 445–447

Dow Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI), 432, 437–445

Drag coefficient, 373

Draining, 127–130

Drivas, P. J., 89, 177

Duct system, explosion in, 537

Duriron, materials strength, 525

Dust explosions, 228


combustible characteristic constant, 407

control techniques, 95

deflagration index and maximum pressures (table), 259–260

explosion apparatus, 256–258

explosion behavior, 262–263

explosions, deflagration venting for, 404–411

exposure, evaluation of, 83

flammable process classifications, 339–340

lower explosion limit, 265

minimization, wet methods and, 95

particle size and inhalation of, 39

respirator use with, 96–97

St classes and combustion data, 260–262

units of exposure, 56

Dyes, St classes and combustion data, 262

Eardrum ruptures, 51, 52–53

Early warning systems, 214

Eckoff, R. K., 262

ED50, 48

Eddy diffusivity (Kj), 183–184

Effective dose (ED) curve, 48

Effect models, 109, 110

Eichel, F. G., 315, 332, 333, 334–335

Eisenberg, N. A., 52

Electrical equipment, 337, 339–340

Electrostatics, 315–330

Elimination, of toxicants, 39–40

Emergency exposure guidance levels (EEGLs), 200, 202–203, 204

Emergency planning and response, in process safety management (PSM), 71, 73–74, 214

Emergency response planning guidelines (ERPGs), 200, 201–202

Employee participation, in process safety management (PSM), 68

Enclosures, as control technique, 95


of chemical explosions, 274–276

from electrostatic discharges, 311–313

of explosion (table), 566–569

kinetic, 130

measures of, conversion factors, 562

mechanical energy balance, 112

of mechanical explosions, 276–278

Energy of explosion values, 275

Engineering ethics, 4, 5

Environmental controls, 95–103

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 64

risk management plan (RMP), 71–74, 159, 160

toxic endpoints, 200, 203, 205

EPA (see Environmental Protection Agency (EPA))


ERPG values, 201

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Epstein, M., 406

Equations, for flammability diagrams, 571–579

Equipment and hardware, 376

Equipment and instrumentation (see also Relief devices and systems; Valves)

air compressors, 249

analyzers, 531–532

balance of charges, 324–330

bonding and grounding of, 333–336

calorimeters, 366

capacitance of, 317, 321–324

centrifuge, explosion in, 536–537

distillation system, 378

explosion apparatus, 255–258

explosion-proof, 337, 339–340

extraction system, 378

failure, losses from, 17

failure rate, probability theory and, 472–486

frequency, initiating events of failure, 504

as ignition sources for fires, 251–252

masks, 97

parallel linkages, 474–480

personal protection, 95–97

process units, failure/reliability of, 474–480

pump vibration, 547

reactive system screening tool (RSST), 425

respirators, 96–97

safety interlock systems (SIS), 507

series linkages, 474–480

simplification of, 22, 23

sprinkler systems, 343–347

ventilation hoods, 99–102

vent sizing package (VSP), 366–368

ERPG values, 200, 201–202

Esters, flash point estimation, 231


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 246, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

liquid pool evaporation or boiling, 158

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

Ethanolamine, EEGL values, 204

Ethene, minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248


description and potential hazard, 78

flash point estimation, 231

Ethics, 4, 5


minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ethyl alcohol (see Ethanol)

Ethyl amine

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ethyl benzene

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ethyl bromide

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ethyl butanol, limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Ethyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ethylene, 546

autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 566

explosions, 546, 548

flammability diagram, 245

flammability limits, 246, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

liquid pool evaporation or boiling, 158

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

Ethylene chloride, limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Ethylenediamine, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Ethylene dichloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Ethylene glycol, EEGL values, 204

Ethyleneimine, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Ethylene oxide, 546

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

decomposition temperature, 545

EEGL values, 204

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 568

ERPG values, 201

explosions, 546, 548–549

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

probit correlation for exposure, 51

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Ethyl ether

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ethyl formate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Ethyl mercaptan, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Evaluation phase, of industrial hygiene, 63–64, 78–94

Evaporation, liquid pools, model of, 157–158

Event trees, 486–491, 498499

Excretion, 39

Exothermic reactor, 452–454

Expansion factor, 142–143

Explosion-proof (XP) areas, 339–340

Explosion(s) (see also BLEVE; Vapor cloud explosions (VCE))

accident investigations, 522–523

behavior of, 252–282

butadiene, 546–547

characteristics, 258–265

confined, 228, 255–265

definition, 228

deflagration venting for, 404–411

detonation and deflagration, 253–255

in duct systems, 537

dust, 228, 262–263

energy of, 274–276

energy released by, 275

ethylene, 546, 548

ethylene oxide, 546

fires vs., 227

fuel-blending tank, 555

hydrocarbons, 547

isopropyl ether, 540

losses from, 15–16

mechanical, energy of, 276–278

models, 109, 110

nitrobenzene sulfonic acid decomposition, 540–541

organic oxidation, 541

from peroxidation reactions, 542–546

pigment and filter, 538

prevention methods, 291–347

probit parameters for, 51

pump failure, 547–548

pump vibration, 547

secondary, 264

as secondary reaction, 554–555

in storage bin, 537

tank car loading, 536

test apparatus, 255–258

thermodynamic availability and, 275

TNO multi-energy method, 271–274

unconfined, 228

vinyl chloride, 552–553

water, dangerous expansion of, 553

Extraction system, 378

Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation, 251

Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA), 460

Failure rate, probability theory and, 472–486


coincidence and, 484–485

common mode, 486

event trees, 486–491, 498499

initiating events, frequency of, 504

probability of failure on demand (PFD), 503–507

pump, explosion from, 547–548

revealed and unrevealed, 480–484

Fanning friction factor, 122–123

Fatal accident rate (FAR), 7–9


accidental, 12

accident rate (FAR), computation of, 7

probit parameters for, 51

rate, for selected industries, 8

recordable cases, 6

recreational, 9

voluntary and involuntary activities, 9

in the workplace, 13

Fatty tissues, 39–40

Fault trees, 491499

Fauske, H. K., 154, 397, 401, 402, 403

Fawcett, H. H., 1, 518, 521

Federal Register, 65

Filling operations, toxicant exposure, evaluation of, 92–94

Finney, D. J., 49, 50

Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI), 432, 437–445

Fire point, 227


accident investigations, 522

definition, 227

diagnosis of ignition, 522

explosions vs., 227

flammability diagram, 240–248

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239–240

losses from, 15

major, ignition sources of, 251–252

models, 109, 110

prevention methods, 291–347

probit parameters for, 51

sprinkler systems for, 343–347

triangle, 225–227

venting for, 411– 415

First aid, OSHA definition, 6

Fisher, H. G, 365, 366, 403

Fitzgerald, G. A., 274

Flammability characteristics, of gases and liquids, 229–238

Flammability diagrams, 240–248, 301–307, 571–579

Flammability limits, 228, 233–238, 252, 301–307

for hydrocarbons (table), 566–569

Flammable materials

combustible characteristic constant, 407

fire and explosion models, 109

flammable process classifications, 339–340

handling solids, 337, 338

hydrocarbons, flammability data for, 566–569

properties, relationships among, 229

ventilation data, 342

Flanges, bonding and grounding of, 335

Flares, 375–376

Flashing liquids, 151–157

Flash point (FP), 227, 230–232, 566–569

Flixborough, England, 23–25


of gases through pipes, 136–151

from liquid pools, model of, 157–158

of liquids through pipes, 121–130

of liquids through spring-type relief, 385

Flow-through spring reliefs, 384–389

Fluids (see Liquids)


EEGL values, 204

respiratory toxicity, 38

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

FMECA (failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis), 460


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

phenol, runaway reaction, 553–554

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Formal safety review, 456–459, 581–589

Formic acid, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Forms (see Records and record keeping)

Forrest, H. S., 366

Free expansion release, 130–132

Frequency analysis, 503–507

Friction factor, 122–125

Fuel oils

boiling point, 440

flash points, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

Fuels, 226 (see also Gasoline)

diesel, 440

Dow F&EI data, 440

flammability diagram, 241

JP fuels, 239, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

out-of-service concentration (OSFCs), 303, 304

Functional groups (chemistry), structure of, 542


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Furan, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Furfural, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Fussell, J. B., 495

Garrison, W. G., 547

Gases and vapors

adiabatic flow, 136–143

autoignition temperature (AIT), 566–569

boiling point, 440

choked pressure and flow, 132–134

combustible characteristic constant, 407

deflagration index and maximum pressures (table), 259–260

dense gas dispersion model, 195–199

dispersion models, 176–199

Dow Chemical Exposure Index (CEI), 440

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 274–278, 566–569

equations, for flammability diagrams, 571–579

ERPG values, 201–202

explosion apparatus, 255–256, 257

explosions, deflagration venting for, 404–411

explosions of, 252

exposure, evaluation of, 79–83, 85–94

flammability characteristics, 233

flammability limits, 566–569

flammable process classifications, 339–340

flammable properties, 229

flammable, solids handing and, 337, 338

flash points, 440, 566–569

free expansion release, 130–132

heat capacity ratios (table), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566–569

holes, flow through, 130–135

ideal gas constants (Rg), 563

isothermal flow, 143–151

leaks of, 111–112

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

molecular weights (table), 134

pipes, flow through, 136–151

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

service systems, reliefs for, 389–393, 394–395

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

units of exposure, 56

vapor mixtures, flammability characteristics, 233–235


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

boiling point, 440

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 440, 569

heat of combustion, 440, 569

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Gastrointestinal tract, 36, 37

Gate valves, 125

Gifford, F. A., 187

Gior, M., 310

Glassman, I., 248

Glass, materials strength, 525

Globe valves, 125

Glor, M., 312

Glycerin, thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

Glyme, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Government (see also Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA); OSHA)

laws and regulations, 64–68

toxic effect criteria, 200–207

Graham, K. J., 268

Graphite, St classes and combustion data, 262

Gravitational constant (gc), 563

Green, D. W., 115

Griffiths, R. F., 188, 189

Grinding, 315

Grolmes, M. A., 397

Grossel, S. S., 366, 372, 486

Ground conditions, 172, 175–176, 187–188

Grounding, 332–335

Halides, 38, 51

Halogens, flash point estimation, 231

Hanna, S. R., 89, 177

Hansen, D. J., 206

Hardware (see Equipment and instrumentation)

Hastelloy C, materials strength, 525

Hazard analysis, 429

Hazard assessment, in risk management plan (RMP), 72


definition, 2, 21

process hazard analysis (PHA), in process safety management (PSM), 69–70

reaction hazard index (RHI), 542, 544–546

toxic, 35–36

Hazards and operability (HAZOP) study, 69, 431, 448–454, 471

Hazards identification, 74–78, 429–460 (see also Risk assessment)

procedure, 429–431

Hazards surveys, 431, 432, 437–447

HAZOP (Hazards and operability study), 69, 431, 448–454, 471

Hearing, 84–85

Heat capacity ratios (γ), 134

Heat measures, conversion factors, 562

Heat of combustion (table), 566–569

Helium, heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

Hemotoxic, definition, 40

Hepatotoxic, definition, 40


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Hexachlorobutadiene, ERPG values, 201

Hexachloroethane, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Hexafluoroacetone, ERPG values, 201

Hexafluoropropylene, ERPG values, 201


autoignition temperature (AIT), 250, 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Hilgner, W., 311

Himmelblau, D. M., 82

Hodge-Sterner table, for degree of toxicity, 54

Holland formula, 212

Hoods, ventilation, 99–102

Hooper, W. B., 124, 125, 126

Horizontal knockout drums, 371–375

Hot work permits, in process safety management (PSM), 70–71

Housings, explosion-proof, 339

Huff, J. E., 366, 399

Human error, 16–17

Human error analysis, 460

Hydraulic failures, accident investigations, 523


decomposition temperature, 545

EEGL values, 204

energy of activation, 545

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566–569

combustible characteristic constant, 407

energy of explosion, 274, 566–569

explosions, 547

flammability data (table), 566–569

flash point estimation, 231

flash points, 566–569

heat of combustion, 566–569

liquid pool evaporation or boiling, 158

Hydrochloric acid, description and potential hazard, 78

Hydrocyanic acid

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

boiling point, 440

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 246, 568

flash point, 440, 568

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 568

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

Hydrogen bromide, respiratory toxicity, 38

Hydrogen chloride

EEGL values, 204

ERPG values, 201

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

probit correlation for exposure, 51

respiratory toxicity, 38

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Hydrogen cyanide

ERPG values, 201

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Hydrogen fluoride

ERPG values, 201

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Hydrogen halides, respiratory toxicity, 38

Hydrogen peroxide, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Hydrogen selenide, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Hydrogen sulfide

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 568

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 568

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

respiratory toxicity, 39

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Hydroxides, respiratory toxicity, 38

Icmesa Chemical Company, 26–27

Ideal gas constants (Rg), 563

Identification phase, of industrial hygiene, 63, 74–78

IDLH (immediately dangerous to life and health), 56, 200, 202


adiabatic compression, 249–251

autoignition temperature (AIT), 227, 249, 566–569

definition, 227

flammability diagram, 241

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

sources of, 226, 251–252

static electricity as source of, 252, 307–330

vapor cloud explosions (VCE), 281

vessel deflagration and, 523

Incidence rate, accidents, 5–7, 8

Incident, definition, 21

Incident identification, 471

Incident investigation, in process safety management (PSM), 71

Independent protection layers (IPL), 501, 504–507

Industrial accident rates, 8

Industrial hygiene

control phase of, 63–64, 94–103

definition, 35, 63

evaluation phase, 63–64, 78–94

identification phase, 63, 74–78

laws and regulations, 64–68

prevention methods, 36, 68–74

Inerting, 242, 292–307

Informal safety review, 455–456

Ingestion, of toxicants, 36–37

Inhalation, of toxicants, 36, 38–39

Inherent safety, 20–23, 214

Initiation, in accident process, 18–19

Injection, of toxicants, 36, 37–38

In-service oxygen concentrations (ISOCs), 304

Inspections, OSHA’s rights to, 66

Instrumentation (see Equipment and instrumentation)

Intensification, in inherent safety, 21–22

Investigations, accident, 515–532

Iodine, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Iron, pentacarbonyl-, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Iron, St classes and combustion data, 262

Isaacs, M., 354, 359, 394

Isentropic expansion method, 277, 278

Isoamyl alcohol

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

Isobutene, limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Isobutyl alcohol, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Isobutyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Isobutyl formate

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Isobutylnitrile, ERPG values, 201

Isobutyronitrile, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

ISOC (In-service oxygen concentrations), 304

Isocyanatoethyl methylacrylate, ERPG values, 201


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Isopropanol (see Isopropyl alcohol)

Isopropyl acetate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Isopropyl alcohol

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Isopropyl chloroformate, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Isopropyl ether

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

explosion, 540

as hazardous peroxide, 544

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

Isothermal expansion method, 277, 278

Isothermal flow, 143–151

Jackson, H. L., 542, 543

Jaeger, J. C., 182, 183

James, R. C., 55

Jennett, E., 369

Johnson, R. W., 213, 214

Jones, G. W., 236

Jones, T. B., 309

JP fuels

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Kelly, R. J., 543

Kern, D. Q., 376

Kern, R., 357

Kerosine, limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Ketene, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Ketones, flash point estimation, 231

K-factors, 125

Kidneys, 39, 40, 41

Kinetic energy, 130

King, J. L., 309

Kinney, G. F., 268

Kirby, D. C., 345

Kletz, T. A., 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 156, 516, 518, 520

Koide, K., 237

Kuchta, J. M., 233

Lambiris, S., 235

Laminar flow, 122, 124

Laws, 64, 66, 67–68 (see also Regulations)

Layered investigations, 516–518

Layer of protection analysis (LOPA), 499, 500–503

LC (lethal concentration), 48

LD50, 48, 54

Le Chatelier, H., 233

Le Chatelier’s equation, 233–234

Lees, F. P., 8, 9, 51, 114, 184, 186, 252, 263, 265, 281, 282, 523

Lethal concentration (LC), 48

Lethal dose (LD) curve, 47–48

Leung, J. C., 384, 397, 398, 399, 402, 412, 414

Levenspiel, O., 122, 123, 138, 144, 145, 146

Lewis, B., 246

Lewis, R. I., 78

Lightning-like discharge, 309, 311, 332

Likelihood, definition, 21

Limited aperture releases

definition, 111

liquid flow through hole, 112–116

tank, liquid flow through hole, 116–121

vapors through holes, 130–135

Limiting oxygen concentration (LOC), 239–240, 292

Linear measures, conversion factors, 562


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566–569

BLEVE, 282

boiling point, 440

Dow Chemical Exposure Index (CEI), 440

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 566–569

ERPG values, 201–202

flammability characteristics, 230–232

flammability limits, 566–569

flashing, 151–157

flash point determination, 230–232

flash points, 440, 566–569

flow, release models, 112–121

heat capacity ratios (table), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566–569

leaks, 111–112

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

mixtures, flash point determination, 231–232

pipes, flow through, 121–130

pool evaporation or boiling, 157–158

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

service systems, reliefs for, 384–389, 394

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

thermal expansion coefficients (β) for, 417

thermal expansion reliefs, 415–418

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

vaporization rate of, 88–92

Liquified natural gas (LNG), 158

Lithium bromide, EEGL values, 204

Lithium chromate, EEGL values, 204

Lithium hydride, ERPG values, 201

Liver, 39, 40, 41

Local ventilation, as control technique, 95, 99–102


definition, 11

economic, 15

industrial, distribution of, 17

Loss of life (see Fatalities)

Loss prevention, 2

Lost workdays, OSHA definition, 6

Louvar, J. F., 537

Lower explosion limit, 265

Lower flammability limits (LFL), 233–238, 246, 304

Lubricating oils, 250

Lungs, 39, 40

Luttgens, G., 311

Mach numbers, 138, 145

Magnesium, St classes and combustion data, 262


mechanical failures and, 16

preventive, 530–531

Maleic anhydride, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Management of change, in process safety management (PSM), 71

Management, process safety, 68–71

Mancini, R. A., 315, 317

Mashuga, C. W., 233, 234, 241, 244, 245, 278, 304

Masks, 97

Mass equivalents, conversion factors, 561

Material factor (MF), 437, 438

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), 74–78

Materials strength, of vessels, 524–525

Mathematical models (see Models and modeling)

Matthiessen, R. C., 88, 90, 93, 107

Maurer, B., 310, 311, 312, 537

Maximum allowable accumulated pressure (MAAP), 357

Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), 356

Maximum probable days outage (MPDO), 441–442, 471

Maximum probable property damage (MPPD), 441– 442, 471

McCormack, W. B., 543

McQuaid, J., 195, 210

Mean time between coincidences (MTBC), 485–486

Mean time between failures (MTBF), 473

Measurement units, conversion factors, 561–563

Mechanical energy balance, 112

Mechanical explosion, 228

Mechanical failure, 16

Mechanical hazards, definition, 2

Mechanical integrity, in process safety management (PSM), 70

Medical evidence, investigations and, 525

Medical treatment, OSHA definition, 6

Mercury (liquid), thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

Mercury (vapor)

EEGL values, 204

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

combustible characteristic constant, 407

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 566

flammability diagram, 241, 244

flammability limits, 246, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

lower flammability limit (LFL), 304

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

boiling point, 440

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 567

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 233, 567

flash point, 232, 440, 567

heat of combustion, 440, 567

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

molecular weight, 232

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Methyl acetate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 57

Methyl acetylene

as hazardous peroxide, 544

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Methyl alcohol (see Methanol)

Methyl amine

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Methyl bromide

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Methyl butene

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Methyl butyl ketone

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

as hazardous peroxide, 544

heat of combustion, 567

Methyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

ERPG values, 201

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 568

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Methyl chloroform, limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Methyl cyanide, respiratory toxicity, 39


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Methylcyclopentane, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Methylene chloride

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Methylene chloride, ERPG values, 201

Methyl ether/boron trifluoride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Methyl ethyl ketone

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Methyl formate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58


EEGL values, 204

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Methyl iodide, ERPG values, 201

Methyl isocyanate (MIC)

Bhopal, India accident, 25–26

ERPG values, 202

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Methyl mercaptan

ERPG values, 202

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Methyl methacrylate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Methylpropene, ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

Methyl propyl ketone

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Methyl thiocyanate, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


ERPG values, 202

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Micronizing, 315

Mineral oil

boiling point, 440

flash point, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

Minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248, 312–313

Missile damage, 279

Mists and sprays, 252

Mitigation, release, 213–214

Models and modeling, 259–260

blast damage, 267–269

choked flow, 147–151

consequence modeling procedure, 109, 110

conservative analysis, 159–161

dispersion models, 109, 110, 176–199

effect models, 109

electrostatics, 315–330

energy of explosion, 276–277

explosions, 258–265

flashing liquids, 151–157

gas and vapor service systems, reliefs for, 389–393, 389–394

gas flow through pipes, 136–151

horizontal knockout drum design, 371–375

liquid flow through hole, 112–116

liquid pool evaporation or boiling, 157–158

liquid service systems, reliefs for, 384–389, 394

nomograph method, relief sizing, 401–404

Pasquill-Gifford model, 186–195

release mitigation, 213–214

source models, 109–159

tank, liquid flow through hole, 116–121

TNO multi-energy method, 271–274

TNT equivalency, 269–270

2-K method, 124–130

uncertainty in, 159–161

vapor flow through holes, 130–135

worst-case scenario, 159, 160

Molavi, K., 386

Momentum and buoyancy, 172, 176, 212–213

Monitoring, industrial hygiene, role of, 63

Monomethylamine, ERPG values, 202

MSA masks and respirators, 97

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), 74–78

MTBC (mean time between coincidences), 485–486

Muller, A. R., 366

Mutagen, definition, 40


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569


St classes and combustion data, 261

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 200

National Electric Code (NEC), 339–340

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 65, 96–97, 200, 202

National Research Council (NRC), 200, 202–203, 204

Natural gas

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Natural hazards, 16

Nephrotoxic, definition, 40

Nervous system, 40

Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), 271

Neurotoxic, definition, 40

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 200, 203

Nickel carbonyl, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Nickel, materials strength, 525

NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), 65, 96–97, 200, 202

Nitric acid

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Nitric oxide

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Nitrobenzene sulfonic acid, decomposition, case history, 540–541

Nitrobenzene, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58


heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

vacuum and pressure purging with, 297–299

Nitrogen-containing compounds, flash point estimation, 231

Nitrogen dioxide

EEGL values, 204

probit correlation for exposure, 51

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Nitrogen oxides, respiratory toxicity, 38


boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

flash point, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

Nitromethane, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Nitrous oxide

EEGL values, 204

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

Noise, exposure, evaluation of, 84–85

Nomograph method, relief sizing, 401–404


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat of combustion, 566

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Normal (Gaussian) distribution curve, 42–46

Noronha, J. A., 366

Nypro Limited, 23–25

Occupational illness, OSHA definition, 6

Occupational injury, OSHA definition, 6

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct, 1970), 65

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (see OSHA)


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat of combustion, 440, 566

material factor (MF), 440

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash points, 566

heat of combustion, 566

Oleum, ERPG values, 202

Olishifski, J. B., 65

Open-air plants, 340–341

Operating pressure, 356

Operating procedures, in process safety management (PSM), 70

Operator error, 16–17

Organic oxidation, 541–546

OSFC (Out-of-service fuel concentrations), 304


accident statistics, 5–8

definitions, 6

enforcement, right of, 66

Pasadena, Texas, explosion investigation, 28–29

permissible exposure level (PEL), 54–59, 200

“Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals”, 17–18, 68–71

respirator use standards, 96–97

role of, 5, 64, 65

Out-of-service fuel concentrations (OSFCs), 304

Overpressure correction factor (Kp), 386–387

Overpressures (see also Pressure)

blast damage from, 265–269

damage estimates for structures, 267

definition, 356–357

estimating, 269

explosions, 52–53, 229

relief sizing, 383–418

Sachs-scaled blast side-on, 272–274

Oxalic acid, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58


auto-oxidation, 249

organic, 541–546

peroxidation, 542–546

Oxides, respiratory toxicity, 38

Oxidizers, for fires, 226, 241


heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

in-service concentrations (ISOCs), 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239–240


EEGL values, 204

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Pan, L. C., 524

Paracelsus, 35


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash points, 566

heat of combustion, 566

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Parallel linkage of components, 474–480

Particle size, 39, 83

Pasadena, Texas, 27–29

Pasquill, F., 190

Pasquill-Gifford model, 186–195

PEL (permissible exposure level), 54–59

Pentacarbonyl-iron, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash points, 440, 566

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash points, 566

heat of combustion, 566


blast damage to, 51, 279–280

capacitance of, 317

health hazard assessment, CEI, 445–447

vessels, working in, 552

Peracetic acid, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Perchloromethylmercaptan, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Perfluoroisobutylene, ERPG values, 202

Permissible exposure level (PEL), 54–59

Peroxidation, 543–546

Peroxides, 542, 543–544

Perry, J. H., 314

Perry, R. H., 115, 134, 525

Personal protection, as control technique, 95–97

Petrocchi, A. J., 206

Petroleum (crude)

boiling point, 440

flash point, 440

heat of combustion, 440

material factor (MF), 440

Petroleum fractions, flash point estimation, 231

Phenol, 38

autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

description and potential hazard, 78

energy of explosion, 567

ERPG values, 202

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

formaldehyde, runaway reaction, 553–554

heat of combustion, 567

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58


boiling point, 455

EEGL values, 204

ERPG values, 202

probit correlation for exposure, 51

respiratory toxicity, 39

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Phosphoric acid, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Phosphorus compounds, flash point estimation, 231

Phosphorus oxychloride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Phosphorus pentoxide, ERPG values, 202

Phthalic anhydride, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Pipe fittings, 124–125

Piperidine, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Pipes, 136–151

bonding and grounding of, 335

gases, flow through, 136–151

liquids, flow through, 121–130

roughness factors, 122

Plants inside buildings, 341–343

Plog, B. A., 84–85

Plug valves, 125

Plumes and plume models, 173, 176–177 (see also Dispersion models)

Britter-McQuaid model, 195–199

dense gases, 195–199

non-steady-state, no wind, 182

steady-state continuous, above ground, with wind, 192–193

steady-state continuous, ground level, with wind, 191–192

steady-state continuous, at height above ground, 186

steady-state continuous, no wind, 179–181, 207–208

steady-state continuous, with wind, 183, 184, 210–212

steady-state, ground source, 185

worst-case scenario, 194

Pneumatic failures, accident investigations, 523

Pneumatic transport, of solids, 315

Poise, 563

Poison, definition, 35

Polymerization reactors, 360, 361

Polymers and plastics, St classes and combustion data, 261

Potassium, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Potassium hydroxide, respiratory toxicity, 38

Pouring, 315

Powell, T. J., 206

Power equivalents, conversion factors, 562

ppm (parts per million), 56

Pressure (see also Overpressures; Relief devices and systems)

backpressure, 357

effects, accident investigations and, 523–525

flammability limits and, 233, 235

maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), 356

measures of, conversion factors, 562

operating, 356

set, 356

time curves for runaway reactions, 354–355

Pressure fronts, 253–255

Pressure purging, 295–297, 299

Pre-startup safety review, in process safety management (PSM), 70

Prevention and control

of explosions, 291–347, 337–347

of fires, 291–347, 343–347

of static electricity, 330–337

vapor cloud explosions (VCE), 281–282

Prevention programs

industrial hygiene, 26, 68–74

preventive maintenance, 530–531

process hazard analysis (PHA), in process safety management (PSM), 68–71

risk management plan (RMP), 71–74

Preventive maintenance, 530–531

Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), 429

Probability of failure on demand (PFD), 503–507

Probability theory, 472–486

Probit method, for dose-response curves, 49–53

Process components, failure rate, probability theory and, 474–480

Process design, 20–23

Processes, electrostatic charge buildup for, 315

Process hazard analysis (PHA), in process safety management (PSM), 69–70

Process hazards checklist, 431, 432, 433–436

Process safety information, in process safety management (PSM), 68–69

“Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals” (OSHA), 17–18, 68

Process Safety Management (PSM), 68–71, 214

Process upsets, 16

Production losses, 11

Propagating brush discharge, 309–310, 331

Propagation, in accident process, 18–19


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

energy of explosion, 274, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 566

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

minimum ignition energy (mJ), 248


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Propene (see Propylene)


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

Property damage, 11, 441–442

Propionitrile, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Propyl acetate

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Propyl amine

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Propyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

Propyl chloroformate, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 246, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat capacity ratio (γ), 134

heat of combustion, 440, 566

ISOCs and OSFCs, 304

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

Propylene dichloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Propyleneimine, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Propylene oxide, 80

autoignition temperature (AIT), 568

energy of explosion, 568

ERPG values, 202

flammability limits, 568

flash point, 568

heat of combustion, 568

probit correlation for exposure, 51

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Prugh, R. W., 213, 214, 281

Public opinion, 3, 14–15

Puffs and puff models, 174, 176–179 (see also Dispersion models)

above ground source, fixed coordinate system, 194

above ground source, moving coordinate system, 193–194

Britter-McQuaid model, 195–199

dense gases, 195–199

ground source, no wind, 185

ground source, with wind, 190–191, 208–210

Pasquill-Gifford dispersion coefficients, 189–190

with wind, 185

without wind, 181–182, 183–184

worst-case scenario, 194

Pulmonotoxic, definition, 40

Pumps, 547–548

Purgh, R. W., 51

Purging, 292–301

Pyrex, properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

Pyridine, TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA), 429, 499–500

Quartz dust, 83

Raoult’s law, 232

Reaction hazard index (RHI), 542, 544–546

Reactive system screening tool (RSST), 425

Recommendations, from investigations, 528–532

Recordable cases, OSHA definition, 6

Recordable fatality cases, OSHA definition, 6

Records and record keeping

accident report, 19

accident summary, 519–521

consequence analysis, 439

Dow Chemical Exposure Index (CEI), 446

Dow Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI), 443

event trees, 488–490

fault trees, 492–493, 495

Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI), 438

formal safety review, 457, 581–589

HAZOP, 451, 453

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), 74–78

process safety checklist, 433–436

safety programs, 3–4

Redundancy, in design, 486

Regulations, 64–68

OSHA, 17–18

risk management plan (RMP), 71–74

table of, 66

Relative toxicity, 54

Relaxation, 332

Release mitigation, 213–214

Release(s) (see also Accident(s); Toxic release)

choked, 132–134

free expansion, 130–132

limited aperture, 111–112

process incidents, selection criteria for, 160

source models, 109–159

throttling, 130

toxic effect criteria, 200–207

wide aperture, 111–112

worst-case scenario, 159, 160

Reliability, probability theory and, 473

Relief devices and systems

concept of, 353–356

condensers, 376

definition, 357

deflagration venting, 404–411

flares, 375–376

horizontal knockout drums, 371–375

installation of, 353–354, 368, 369–370

location specifications and guidelines, 357–360

scrubbers, 376

sizing, data for, 365–368

thermal expansion, 415–418

types of, 360–364

vent area calculation, 383

vents, 408–415

Relief events, 364–365

Relief pressures, guidelines for, 358

Relief sizing, 383–418 (see also Vents)

Relief valve, 363

Reproductive hazard, definition, 40

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 73–74

Respirators, 95–97

Respiratory system, 36, 38–39, 40

Revealed failures, 480–482

Reynolds number, 113–115, 122–123

RHI (reaction hazard index), 542, 544–546

Rijnsdorp, J. E., 472

Risk analysis and assessment, 471–507

definition, 21, 471, 499

event trees, 486–491

fault trees, 491–499

hazards identification and, 429–431, 471

layer of protection analysis (LOPA), 499, 500–503

probability theory and failures, 472–486

quantitative risk analysis (QRA), 499–500

Risk management plan (RMP, EPA), 71–74, 159, 160, 203

Risk reduction, 21–23


acceptable, 12–14

definition, 2, 21

Roffel, B., 472

Rondestvedt, C. S., 543


properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

St classes and combustion data, 261

Runaway reactions, 355–356

phenol-formaldehyde, 553–554

relief, two-phase flow during, 395–404

relief vent sizing, 366–368

Runes equation, 406

Rupture disc relief systems, 362–363, 394–395

Rural releases, 187–188

Sabotage and arson, 16

Sachs-scaled blast side-on overpressure, 272–274


definition, 2

expenditures, diminishing returns, 11

inherent, 20–23

reviews, 70

Safety interlock systems (SIS), 507

Safety programs, 2–4, 551–556

Safety relief valve, 363

Safety review, 431, 454–459

Safety valve, 363

Salicylic acid, St classes and combustion data, 261

Saturation vapor pressure data, 591

Sax, N. I., 54, 99, 100, 102, 105

Scenario, definition, 21

Scenario identification, 429

Schwab, R. R., 406

Scott, G. S., 235

Scrubbers, 376

Senecal, J. A., 260

Series linkage of components, 474–480

Set pressure, 356

Seveso, Italy, 26–27

Shaw, D. A., 366

Shock waves, 229, 265

Short-term exposure limit (STEL), 55

Short-term public emergency guidance levels (SPEGLs), 200

Sieving, 315

Silica, respiratory toxicity, 39

Silicon, St classes and combustion data, 262

Simplification, in inherent safety, 21–23

Siphon purging, 301

Skin, 36, 37–38, 40

Slate, properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

Sliding, of solids, 315

Slye, O. M., 345, 346

Smeltz, K. C., 543

Smith, J. M., 154

Sodium amide, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Sodium chloride, description and potential hazard, 78

Sodium hydroxide

description and potential hazard, 78

EEGL values, 204

Sodium oxide, respiratory toxicity, 38

Solids, handling and transporting, 315, 337, 338

Solow, R. M., 1

Sonic flow, 132–133

Sonic pressure drop, 142–143

Sonic velocity, 136, 139

Soot, respiratory toxicity, 39

Source models, 109–159

Spark discharge, 309, 331

Specific conductivity, 314

SPEGLs, 200, 203

Spills (see Release(s))

Spirometer, 40

Sprays and mists, 252

Spring-loaded pressure reliefs, 363

Spring-operated reliefs, 361, 362, 383, 384–393

Sprinkler systems, 343–347

Stainless steels, materials strength, 525

Standards, 65

“Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals”, 68–71

respirator use standards, 96–97

Static electricity

case histories, 536–539

charge buildup and accumulation, 307–308, 328–330

control of, 330–337

discharges, types and energy from, 309–312

electrostatics, 315–330

electrostatic values for calculations, 315

as ignition source, 307–330

from sprays and mists, 252


accident, 4–12

normal distribution, 42–46

probit method for dose-response curves, 49–53

St classes and values, 259–262

Storage bin explosion, 537

Storage, in fatty tissues, 39–40

Streaming current, 313–315, 332

Strelzoff, S., 524

Stull, D. R., 542


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 569

ERPG values, 202

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 440, 569

as hazardous peroxide, 544

heat of combustion, 440, 569

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Substitution, in inherent safety, 21–22

Sulfonic acid, ERPG values, 202


flash point estimation, 231

St classes and combustion data, 262

Sulfur dioxide

EEGL values, 204

ERPG values, 202

probit correlation for exposure, 51

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Sulfuric acid

EEGL values, 204

ERPG values, 202

Sulfur oxides, respiratory toxicity, 38

Sulfur tetrafluoride, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Sulfur trioxide

ERPG values, 202

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Sussman, M. V., 275

Sutton, O. G., 186

Suzuki, T., 237

Sweep-through purging, 299–301

Swift-Epstein equation, 406–407

Swift, I., 406

Talc dust, 83

Tang, M. J., 274


bonding and grounding of, 333–335

capacitance of, 321–324

dip pipes, 333–336

models of release from, 116–121

Tan, S. H., 375

TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin), 27

TD curve, 48

Teflon, properties for electrostatic calculations, 314


adiabatic temperature increase, 250

flammability limits and, 235

Tempering, 396

Teratogen, definition, 40

Termination, in accident process, 18–19

Tetrafluoroethylene, ERPG values, 202

Tetrahydrofluoroethylene, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Tetrahydrofuran, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Tetrahydronaphthalene, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Tetramethyl lead, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Tetranitromethane, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Thermal expansion coefficient (β), 415–417

Thermal expansion reliefs, 415–418

Thermodynamic availability, 275, 277, 278

Thibodeaux, L. J., 90

Threshold limit values (TLVs), 54–59

Throttling release, 130

Tilley, B. J., 366

Time-weighted average (TWA), 55, 79–80

Titanium tetrachloride

ERPG values, 202

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

TLV-C, 55, 200, 203

TLV-STEL, 55, 200, 203

TLV (threshold limit values), 54–59

TLV-TWA, 55, 56–58, 79–80

TNO multi-energy method, 271–274

TNT equivalency, 268, 269–270


autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

decomposition temperature, 545

description and potential hazard, 78

EEGL values, 204

energy of activation, 545

energy of explosion, 566

ERPG values, 202

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat of combustion, 440, 566

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

material factor (MF), 440

maximum pressure and deflagration index, 260

molecular weight, 91

probit correlation for exposure, 51

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

splash filling (example), 94

TLV for, 81

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Toluene diisocyanates, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Toner, St classes and combustion data, 262

Tou, J. C., 366

Townsend, D. I., 366

Toxicants (see also Dusts)

absorption of, 36–39

biological entry routes, 36–39

dose-response curves, 47–48

EEGLs (table), 204

elimination, from biological systems, 39–40

EPA toxic endpoints (table), 205

ERPGs (table), 201–202

guidelines, recommended hierarchy, 205

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), 74–78

PELs, table of, 56–58

threshold limit values (TLVs), 54–59

TLV-TWA, table of, 56–58

toxic effect criteria, 199–212

upper respiratory tract, 38–39

volatile, exposure to, 79–83

Toxic dose (TD) curve, 48

Toxic hazard, definition, 35–36


acute, 41

chronic, 41

definition, 35

diagnosis of, 40–41

dose vs. response, 42–48

Hodge-Sterner table, 54

individual variation in, 42–48

relative, 54

reversible/irreversible, definitions of, 40

Toxicity dispersion (TXDS) methods, 200, 203

Toxicological studies, 41

Toxicology, 35–59

Toxic release, 15, 16 (see also Accident(s);


Bhopal, India, 25–26

models (see Dispersion models)

probit parameters for, 51

Seveso, Italy, 26–27

Trade secrets, in process safety management (PSM), 71

Training programs, in process safety management (PSM), 70

Treybal, R. E., 376


EEGL values, 204

limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Trichlorofluoromethane, EEGL values, 204

Trichlorotrifluoroethane, EEGL values, 204


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58


autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

energy of explosion, 569

ERPG values, 202

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 569

heat of combustion, 569

Trimethylchlorosilane, toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205

Trinitrotoluene (TNT) (see TNT equivalency)

Turbulent flow, 122–123

Turner, D. B., 175, 212


autoignition temperature (AIT), 567

energy of explosion, 567

flammability limits, 567

flash point, 567

heat of combustion, 567

thermal expansion coefficients (β), 417

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

TWA (time-weighted average), 55, 79–80

2-K method, 124–130

TXDS (toxicity dispersion) methods, 200

Uncertainty, in models, 159–161

Unconfined explosion, 228

Union Carbide, 25–26

United States Code (USC), 64

Units, of exposure, 56

Units of measurement, conversion factors, 561–563

Unrevealed failures, 482–484

Upper flammability limits (UFL), 233–238, 246

Uranium hexafluoride, ERPG values, 202

Urban releases, 188

Vacuum purging, 292–295, 299

Valves, 124–125

balanced-bellows, 361–362

block, 529–530

bonding and grounding of, 335

spring-operated, 361, 362

Van Ness, H. C., 154

Vapor cloud explosions (VCE), 281–282

with BLEVE, 282

Flixborough, England, 23–25

losses from, 15–16

Pasadena, Texas, 27–29

prevention methods, 281–282

TNO multi-energy method, 271–274

TNT equivalency method, 270

Vaporization, liquid pools, model of, 157–158

Vaporization rate, of liquids, 88–92

Vapors (see Gases and vapors)

VCE (see Vapor cloud explosions (VCE))

Ventilation, 95, 97–103, 340–343


for external fires, 411–415

high-pressure structures, 408–411

low-pressure structures, 406–408

vent sizing package (VSP), 366–368

Vesely, W. E., 495

Vessel filling, toxicant exposure, evaluation of, 92–94


bonding and grounding of, 333–335

capacitance of, 321–324

deflagration of, ignition source and, 523

dip pipes, 333–336

electrostatic charge buildup and accumulation, 328–330

fuel-blending tank explosion, 555

ignition sources, accident investigations and, 523

leak testing, 552

materials strength, 524–525

placing in-service, 304–307, 576–579

pressure effects, accident investigations and, 523–525

taking out of service, 301–303, 576–579

venting for external fires, 411–415

water cooling systems, 345

workers in, 552

Vibration, 547

Viele, I. E., 543

Vinyl acetate

ERPG values, 202

as hazardous peroxide, 544

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

toxic endpoints (EPA RMP), 205


decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

as hazardous peroxide, 544

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

Vinyl chloride

autoignition temperature (AIT), 569

boiling point, 440

energy of explosion, 569

explosions, 552–553

flammability limits, 569

flash point, 440, 569

as hazardous peroxide, 544

heat of combustion, 440, 569

material factor (MF), 440

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Vinyl ethers, as hazardous peroxides, 544

Vinyl ethyl ether

decomposition temperature, 545

energy of activation, 545

reaction hazard index (RHI), 545

Vinylidene chloride, EEGL values, 204

Vinylidine chloride, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Vinyl pyridine, as hazardous peroxide, 544

Vinyltoluene, limiting oxygen concentrations (LOC), 239

Viscosity correction factor (Kv), 386–387

Volatile toxicants, exposure, evaluation of, 79–83

Voltage drops, electrostatic, 316

Volume equivalents, conversion factors, 561

von Elbe, G., 246

Walsh-Healey Act (1936), 65


dangerous expansion of, 553

molecular weight, 232

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

static electricity prevention, 336

Webb, H. E., 433

Wet methods, as control technique, 95

Wet-pipe sprinkler system, 343

What-if analysis, 459

Wide aperture releases, definition, 111

Wider, A., 311

Williams, P. L., 49

Wind and wind speed, 172, 175–176

Wong, W. Y., 413


properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

St classes and combustion data, 261

Wood, W. S., 1, 518, 521

Workplace fatalities, 13

Work units, conversion factors, 562

Worst-case scenario, 159, 160, 194, 364–365

XP (explosion-proof) areas, 339–340

Xylene, 102–103

autoignition temperature (AIT), 566

boiling point, 440

EEGL values, 204

energy of explosion, 566

flammability limits, 566

flash point, 440, 566

heat of combustion, 440, 566

material factor (MF), 440

properties for electrostatic calculations, 314

TLV-TWA and PEL values, 58

Zabetakis, M. G., 235, 236

Zinc dust, St classes and combustion data, 262

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