An illustration shows bubbles of different sizes and brightness shining.

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Figures and tables are indicated by f and t following page numbers.


Accessibility, designing for, 279

Account management, 70

Account provisioning, 70

ADP, SaaS solution, 27

Alertra system uptime monitoring, 305306, 305f

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), 8

Amazon pricing calculator, 262

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), 10

Amazon Web Services (AWS), 910, 45, 92

Antivirus software, 141142, 141f, 163

Apache Hadoop Distributed File System, 8789, 88f

API (application program interface), 33, 183, 233, 237, 237f

Apple iCloud, 23, 3f, 8182, 82f

Application characteristics, 221

Application program interface (API), 33, 183, 233, 237, 237f


defined, 233

web applications vs., 235236, 236f

Architecture, 182

"as-a-service" solutions, 195197, 196f

Audit capabilities, 202

Auditing, 279280. See also specific applications

Auditing process, 249, 249f

Audit logging process, 70

Augmented reality, 322, 322f

Authentication, 69

Authorization, 69

Availability, designing for, 280

Azure, Windows PaaS solution, 45, 47, 47f, 91, 91f



cloud-based systems, 8688, 87f

designing for, 280

functions of, 160

product solutions, 2829, 29f

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC), 14

Berkeley view of cloud computing, 320

Big data, 87, 88f

Black box, 186

Blade servers, 44, 44f, 120, 122123, 122123f

Blockchain, 323324

Block storage, 92

Blogs (web logs), 109110, 110f

Bottleneck, defined, 303

Bring your own device (BYOD), 239

Budget factors, 224, 283

Business continuity, 157176. See also Security

defined, 164

disaster recovery plan, 170174, 281

overview, 157158

risk mitigation, 170, 171t

service-level agreements, 169170, 194, 308

threats. See Threats

Business impact and economics, 259271

chargebacks, 267

concepts, 260270

data centers, 268, 268f

key performance indicators, 268, 269270t

marketing, 270, 270f

Moore's Law, 267

overview, 259260

right sizing, 267268

Business strategy, 246, 247, 249

BYOD (Bring your own device), 239


Caching, 309

CADF (Cloud Auditing Data Federation), 15

Calendar management, 113114, 114f

California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), 204, 204f

Call centers as a service (CCaaS), 17, 169

Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 248, 248t

Capacity planning, 206207, 280, 308

Capital expenditures (CAPEX), 263

Carbonite cloud-based backup software, 8688, 88f

Carbonite, SaaS solution, 2829, 29f

CCaaS (Call centers as a service), 17

CCPA (California Consumer Protection Act), 204, 204f

CDMI (Cloud Data Management Interface), 92, 93f

CDNs (Content delivery networks), 92

Cell phones, 234, 234f, 235t

Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge, 147

Chargebacks, 267

Cisco, IBSG presentation, 321, 321f

Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF), 15

Cloud-based block storage devices, 92

Cloud-based database, 47

Cloud-based data storage systems, 8187

Cloud-based network-attached storage (CloudNAS) devices, 6061, 61, 61f

Cloud bursting, 225, 225f

Cloud computing, 118

defined, 13

governance. See Governance issues

grid computing, 1416, 14f

scalability. See Scalability

types of, 610

uses of, 10

virtualization. See Virtualization

Cloud consultants, 220221

Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI), 92, 93f

Cloud economics, 260, 260f

Cloud elasticity, 11

Cloud Management Work Group (CMWG), 15

Cloud migration. See Migrating to cloud

Cloud-native applications, 293

Cloud provisioning, 198

Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), 147, 148f

Cloud service models, 710, 7t

Cloud sprawl, 198

Cloud Standards Customer Council (CSCC), 16

Cloud Standards Wiki, 15, 15f

CloudTimes, publishing, 322

CMM (Capability Maturity Model), 248, 248t

CMWG (Cloud Management Work Group), 15

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology), 251, 252f

Coding, 291299

browser, 296, 296f

cloud-native applications, 293

cloud solution, 292, 292f, 295

complexity of, 309310

continuous deployment, 293

domain names, 294295

function codes, 185

Google App Engine, 4041, 40f, 41f

Hello, Cloud World!, 295, 295f

load testing, 293

open-source solutions, 293

overview, 291

PaaS providers, 296297

serverless computing, 297, 297f

simple e-commerce solution, 294

Wix editor, 294, 294f

Cold storage, 92

Collaboration, 99116

calendar management, 113114, 114f

file sharing, 83, 105109, 106108f

instant messaging, 102103, 102103f

meetings, 2728, 28f, 111, 111f

overview, 99100, 100f

phone and fax systems, 103105, 104105f, 169, 234, 234f, 235t

presentations and lectures, 112, 112f

social media, 113

streaming media and video, 114115

tools, 100

web-based, 101, 101f

web logs, 109110, 110f

Colocation, 59, 59f, 161162

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 250251t

Community cloud, 6t, 7

Computer viruses, 163, 163f

Configuration management, 281

Containerization, 133

Content delivery networks (CDNs), 92

Continuous deployment, 293

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), 251, 252f

Corporate Auditing, Accountability, and Responsibility Act (2002), 254

Corporate governance, 246252, 246f. See also Governance issues

COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations), 250251t

Coupling, 185

cPanel interface, 46, 46f

CSA (Cloud Security Alliance), 147, 148f

CSCC (Cloud Standards Customer Council), 16

Customer relationship management (CRM), 24


Database as a Service (DBaas), 17

Database operations, 306307

Database solutions, 8991, 9091f

Database system failures, 168169, 168f

Data centers, 5455, 5456f, 268, 268f

Datadog cloud monitoring, 206, 206f

Datadog performance benchmark, 307, 307f

Data integration, 202

Data logging requirements, 307308

Data privacy requirements, 203205

Data protection, 219220

Data redundancy, 56, 58f

Data storage, 7995

backup systems (See Backups)

block storage, 92

cloud-based systems, 8187, 160, 160f

content delivery networks, 92

database solutions, 8991, 9091f

file systems, 80, 81, 8789, 88f

hot vs. cold storage, 92

industry-specific, 89, 89f

network storage, 8081, 8081f

off-site solutions, 2829, 29f, 59, 159

overview, 79

virtualization, 120, 132133, 132f

Data-storage wiping, 142143, 143f

DBaas (Database as a Service), 17

DDos (Distributed denial-of-service) attacks, 143144, 144f

Dedicated virtual servers, 62

Denial-of-service attacks, 143

Deployment models, 67, 6f, 6t

Deployment of applications, 223224, 281

Designing solutions, 277288

development environment, 278279

overview, 277

process, 279286

scalability, 303308, 304f

system requirements, 278

team identification, 278

Desktop failures, 166

Desktop virtualization, 12, 12f, 120, 125129, 126129f

Development environment, 278279

Device screens, 145

Diminishing returns, 308309, 309f

Disaster recovery, 281

Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS), 17, 162

Disaster recovery plan (DRP), 170174

Disgruntled employees, 165

Disk failures, 158160

Distributed denial-of-service (DDos) attacks, 143144, 144f

Distributed Management Task Force Inc. (DMTF), 15, 201, 201f

Docker container, 132133

Document management, 3132, 31f, 32f

Document sharing, 107, 107f

Domain names, 294295

Domain-name server (DNS), 57

DRaaS (Disaster recovery as a service), 17

Dropbox, file sharing and synchronization, 83

DRP (disaster recovery plan), 170174. See also Security

Dumb terminals, 42

Dynatrace cloud monitoring, 310, 310f


EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud), 8

Economics, defined, 259. See also Business impact and economics

Economies of scale, 262263

Ecosystem, 235236

eFax, 104, 104f

Email, 239

Employees, disgruntled or malicious, 145146, 165

Energy aware appliances, 323

Environmental concerns, 122, 282

Equipment losses, 165166

European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), 149, 149f


Facebook, 34

Fax systems, 103105, 104105f

Federated identity management (FIDM), 6970

File backups. See Backups

File sharing, 83, 105109, 106108f

File systems, 61, 80, 81, 8789, 88f

File transfer protocol (FTP), 44, 292, 292f, 296, 296f

Fire threats, 163164

5G phone, 234235

5 Rs, of cloud migration, 223

Flood threats, 164165, 164f

4G phone, 234235

framework, defined, 218

FTP (File transfer protocol), 44, 292, 292f, 296, 296f

Functional requirements, 278

Function codes, 185

Future of cloud computing, 315325

Berkeley view of, 320

blockchain, 323324

intelligent fabrics, 319320

Internet of Things, 316, 316f

location-aware applications, 319

mobile applications, 323324, 324f

operating systems, 318319

overview, 315, 317318f

smart devices, 323

social media, 321

television, 321, 321f

time to market and, 324

video games and augmented reality, 322, 322f


GAE (Google App Engine), 4041, 40f, 41f

Ganglia Monitoring System, 303

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 203

Generation designations of cell phone technology, 235, 235t

Geolocation, 238239, 240f

Global positioning system (GPS), 319

Gmail, 13

Goals and requirements of system, 217218

GoDaddy, PaaS solution, 46, 46f

Google App Engine (GAE), 4041, 40f, 41f

Google Calendar, 114, 114f

Google Cloud, 220, 220f

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), 13

Google Cloud Platform calculator, 265266, 265f

Google Docs, 13, 107, 107f

Google voice phone system, 104, 105f

GoToMeeting, 112

Governance issues, 245256

cloud computing and, 225, 254255

corporate environment and, 246252, 246f

information technology and, 253255, 253f

overview, 245

web services and, 189

GPS (global positioning system), 319

Graphics-intensive applications, 133

Green computing, 122, 282

Grid computing, 1416, 14f

Guest-hopping attacks, 146, 147f


Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), 89

Halon systems, 164

Hardware requirements and virtualization, 133

Healthcare medical records systems, 89, 89f

Hello, Cloud World!, 295, 295f

Help desk procedures and solutions, 202, 222, 222f

Holograms, 322, 322f

Horizontal scaling, 303, 304f

Hot storage, 92

Hula, streaming content, 115

Human resources management, 26, 27

Hybrid cloud, 6t, 7

Hyperjacking attack, 146

Hypervisor, 125

Hypervisor attacks, 146, 146f

Hyper-V technology, Microsoft, 124125, 128, 129f


IBSG (Internet Business Solutions Group), 321, 321f

iCloud, Apple, 23, 3f, 8182, 82f

IDaaS (Identification as a Service), 17

Identification as a Service (IDaaS), 17, 6775

mobile-identity management, 7374

multifactor authentication, 7072, 71f

OpenID, 7273, 73f

overview, 67

single sign-on, 6869f, 6870

Identity theft, 74, 165

ID management as a service (IDaaS). See Identification as a Service (IDaaS)

IM (instant messaging), 102103, 102103f

Inadequate device resources, 74

Industry-specific data storage, 89, 89f

Information Systems Audit Control Association (ISACA), 251

Information technology, 4245, 4245f, 253255, 253f

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 208

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 5364

advantages of, 61

characteristics, 7t, 8, 9f

cloud-based NAS devices, 6061, 61f

load balancing, 5658, 5758f

overview, 5356, 5456f

redundancy, 5, 5960, 5960f

server types, 62, 62f

Infrastructure as code (IaC), 198, 281

Instant messaging (IM), 102103, 102103f

Integrated development environment (IDE), 47

Intelligent fabrics, 319320

Internal controls, 249, 249f

Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), 321, 321f

Internet of Things (IoT), 316, 316f

Internet Protocol (IP) address, 295

Internet service providers (ISPs), 4344, 43f

Interoperability, 186188, 282

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs), 150

Iron Mountain, off-site tape vaulting, 159

ISACA (Information Systems Audit Control Association), 251

ISPs (Internet service providers), 43, 43f

IT governance, 253

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), 208

iTunes, 2


Jitterbit cloud integration, 202


Kayako, help desk solutions, 222, 222f

Key performance indicators, 268, 269270t


Language, SAML, 70, 70f

Leveraging managed service solutions, 195197, 196f

Load-balancing, 5658, 5758f , 302303, 302f

Load testing, 207, 293

Local area network (LAN), 129, 130f

Location-aware applications, 319

Loosely coupled web services, 185


macOS, parallels desktop virtualization for, 126, 127f

Mainframe computers, 42, 42f

Maintainability, 282283

Malicious employees, security and, 145146

Managed service, 286

Managing the cloud, 193209

argument, 195

"as-a-service" solutions, 195197, 196f

backups. See Backups

capacity planning, 206207, 280, 308

cloud provisioning, 198

data privacy requirements, 203205

economics, 205206

help-desk procedures, 202

ITIL, 208

logs and audit capabilities, 202

overview, 193

return on investment, 205206, 224, 264266

scaling capabilities, 185, 186f, 206207, 303

security policies and procedures, 203

service-level agreements, 169170, 194195, 195f, 308

shared responsibility, 197198

solution testing and validation, 207

source code-escrow agreement, 199, 200f

system backups, 200201

system's dataflow, 197, 198f

technical support, 202

training procedures, 202203

vendor lock-in, 199

Man-in-the-middle attacks, 74, 145, 145f

Marketing, 270, 270f

Markup languages, 70, 70f

Mashups, 29, 30f

McAfee Security, as a Service, 141142, 141f

Mean time between failure (MTBF), 158159

Media presentations, 112, 114115

Meetings, 2728, 28f, 111, 111f

Memory, 120, 121, 121f

Methods (remote-procedure calls), 182

MFA (Multifactor authentication), 7072, 71f, 238, 239f

Microservices, 183

Microsoft Azure platform, 45, 5f

Microsoft Azure pricing calculator, 264, 264f

Microsoft Azure SQL, 91, 91f

Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework, for Azure, 218, 218f

Microsoft Exchange, in Azure, 101

Microsoft Hyper-V technology, 124125

Microsoft, impact of cloud computing, 319

Microsoft Office 365, 3132, 31f, 32f, 107108, 108f

Microsoft OneDrive, 8385, 8485f

Microsoft SharePoint Online, 108109

Middleware, 282

Migrating to cloud, 215226

application characteristics, 221

budget factors, 224, 283

change-management practices, 226

cloud bursting, 225, 225f

cloud consultants, 220221

components of, 216217

data protection, 219220

deployment schedule, 223224

formalizing criteria, 219

goals and requirements, 217218

governance issues, 225, 254255

help desk procedures and solutions, 222, 222f

overview, 215216

reserved instances, 224

training requirements, 223

vendor lock-in, 221222

working with vendors, 219

Migration to Google Cloud, 220, 220f

Mobile cloud, defined, 233

Mobile collaboration, 237, 237f

Mobile computing, 233242

BYOD, 239

collaboration, 237, 237f

document storage and access, 238, 238f

ecosystem of, 235236

evolution of, 234

future of, 323324, 324f

4G and 5G, 234235

geolocation, 238239, 240f

mobile applications, 236237, 237f

multifactor authentication, 238, 239f

native-mode applications, 236

overview, 233

software development considerations, 240241

streaming video content, 240, 241f

Mobile-identity management, 7374


device screens, 145

systems for, 303, 305306, 306f

Moore's Law, 267

MTBF (mean time between failure), 158159

Multifactor authentication (MFA), 7072, 71f, 238, 239f

Multitenant solutions, 2426, 25f


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 6, 6f

Native-mode applications, 236

Network-attached storage (NAS), 59, 6061, 60f, 8081, 81f, 166, 167f

Network failures, 167168

Network storage, 8081, 8081f

Network virtualization, 120, 129131, 130131f

New Relic cloud-performance monitoring, 204205, 205f

Nonfunctional requirements, 278


Object Management Group (OMG), 1516, 16f

Office 365, Microsoft, 3132, 31f, 32f

Off-site storage solutions, 2829, 29f, 59, 159

Okta, IDaaS solution, 7273

On-demand operating system, 127, 128f

OneDrive, Microsoft, 8385, 8485f

Online schools, SaaS solutions, 3031, 30f

OpenID, 7273, 73f

OpenSaaS solutions, 2629

Open-source solutions, 293

Operating systems, future of, 318319

Operational expenses (OPEX), 263264

Oracle MySQL Cloud, 196

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 247, 247f

Outsourced server management, 5


Packet sniffing, 144, 144f

Paging and page files, 121

Parallels Desktop 4 Windows and Linux, 126, 127f

Pareto principle, 302

Password bank, IDaaS solution, 7172

Payroll processing, 27

PC-based servers, 4243, 43f

Performance benchmarks, 307, 307f

Performance, designing for, 283

Performance indicators (business), 268, 269270t

Performance of web services, 183185

Performance tuning, 309

Personal health information (PHI), 203

Personally identifiable data (PII), 203

Phishing, 74, 141

Phone systems, 103105, 104105f, 169, 234, 234f, 235t

Physical security, 149151, 150f

Physical servers, 62

Pingdom site monitoring, 306, 306f

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 3949

benefits of, 45

characteristics, 7t, 8, 8f

disadvantages of, 46

Google App Engine, 4041, 40f, 41f

IT evolution leading to, 4245, 4245f

overview, 3940

providers, 296297

Platform, defined, 47

Point of diminishing returns, 308309, 309f

Portability, 284

Power-aware appliances, 323

Power failures or disruptions, 160162, 161162f

Presentations and lectures, 112, 112f

Price, designing for, 283

Privacy requirements, 283284

Private cloud, 6, 6t

Profit margin, 266267

Provisioning, 70

Public cloud, 6, 6t

Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act, 253


Rackspace, IaaS solution, 60

Recovery, designing for, 284

Recovery point objective (RPO), 158, 201

Recovery time objective (RTO), 158, 201

Redundancy, 5, 5960, 5960f

Redundant array of independent (or inexpensive) disks (RAID), 159160

Reliability, 7, 284

Reliable Adaptive Distributed Systems Laboratory, 320

Remote-procedure calls (methods), 182

Reserved instances, 224

Response time, 284285

Responsive web application, 236

RESTful services, 188189

Return on investment (ROI), 205206, 224, 264266

Right sizing, 267268

RingCentral, cloud-based phone system, 170

Risk mitigation, 170, 171t. See also Threats

Robustness, 9, 285

80/20 rule (Pareto principle), 302


S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service), 10, 10, 24, 25f, 113

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), 70, 70f

SANs (Storage area networks), 80, 80f

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002), 253254, 253f

Scalability, 5, 301311

capacity planning vs., 308

complex coding and, 309310

defined, 11, 11f

designing for, 303308, 304f

diminishing returns and, 308309, 309f

load-balancing, 302303, 302f

overview, 301

Pareto principle, 302

performance tuning, 309

web services and, 185, 186f

Security, 139152

advantages, 140

business continuity and disaster recovery, 142

data-storage wiping, 142143, 143f

denial-of-service attacks, 143

designing for, 285

disadvantages, 140141

guest-hopping attacks, 146, 147f

hypervisor attacks, 146, 146f

malicious employees and, 145146

man-in-the-middle attacks, 145, 145f

monitoring device screens, 145

packet sniffing, 144, 144f

physical security, 149151, 150f

policies and procedures, 203

product solutions, 141

SQL-injection attacks, 148

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), 70, 70f

Security hardening, 142

Self-service, 8

Serverless computing, 297, 297f

Servers. See also Load-balancing

blade servers, 44, 44f, 120, 122123, 122123f

failure of, 166167, 167f

infrastructure as, 62, 62f

PC-based, 4243, 43f

physical servers, 62

virtualization, 11, 12f, 120, 122124f, 122125

virtual servers, 62, 120

Service-level agreements (SLAs), 169170, 194195, 195f, 308

Service-oriented architecture (SOA), 29, 3233, 33f, 182, 182f. See also Web services

Shared responsibility, 197198

Shared virtual servers, 62

SharePoint, Microsoft, 108109

Single sign-on (SSO), 6869f, 6870

Site evaluation systems, 304

Skype, VoIP messaging, 102, 103f

SLAs (service-level agreements), 169170, 194195, 195f, 308

Smart appliances, 323

Smart devices, 323

SNIA (Storage Networking Industry Association), 15, 16f

Social attacks, 74

Social media, 113, 321

Software as a Service (SaaS), 2335

characteristics, 78, 7f, 7t

cloud-based backup systems, 86, 87f

multitenant nature of, 2426, 25f

OpenSaaS solutions, 2629

overview, 2324

service-oriented architecture, 29, 3233, 33f

Software-defined storage, 92

Solution testing and validation, 207

Source code, 292

Source code-escrow agreement, 199, 200f

Splunk, system monitoring using, 207

SQL Azure, 47, 47f, 91, 91f

SQL-injection attacks, 148

SSO (Single sign-on), 6869f, 6870

Standards organizations, 4, 4f, 1516, 16f

Storage area networks (SANs), 80, 80f

Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), 15, 16f, 92, 93f

Storage redundancy, 5960, 5960f

Streaming media and video, 114115

Streaming video content, 240, 241f

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, 196197, 197f

System redundancy, 5960, 5960f

System requirements, 278

System's dataflow, 197, 198f


Taleo, cloud-based talent management system, 26

Tape vaulting, 159

TCO (total cost of ownership), 260262

Technical support, 202


future applications, 321, 321f

streaming content, 114115

Testability, 285

Testing, 207, 285

Thin operating system, 319

Threats, 158169. See also Security

computer viruses, 163, 163f

database system failures, 168169, 168f

desktop failures, 166

disgruntled employees, 165

disk failures, 158160

equipment loss, 165166

fire, 163164

floods, 164165, 164f

network failures, 167168

overview, 158159

phone system failures, 169

power failures or disruptions, 160162, 161162f

server failures, 166167, 167f

Total cost of ownership (TCO), 260262

Training, 223

Training procedures, 202203

Treadway Commission, 250

Type 1 hypervisor, 125

Type 2 hypervisor, 125


Uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 161, 161f

University of California, Berkeley, 14

UPS (Uninterruptible power supply), 161, 161f

Uptime software, 207

Usability, 286


Validation testing, 207

Vendor lock-in, 199, 221222

Vertical scaling, 303

Video games, 322, 322f

Virtual desktop, 126

Virtualization, 119135

blade servers, 120, 122123, 122123f

characteristics, 1113, 12f

data storage, 120, 132133, 132f

desktops, 12, 12f, 120, 125129, 126129f

hardware requirements and, 133

history of, 120, 121, 121f

networks, 120, 129131, 130131f

overview, 119120

servers, 11, 12f, 120, 122124f, 122125

Virtual local area network (VLAN), 129

Virtual machine, 120

Virtual meetings, 2728, 28f, 111, 111f

Virtual memory, 120, 121, 121f

Virtual networks, 120, 129131, 130131f

Virtual presentations, 112, 112f

Virtual private network (VPN), 120, 129131, 130131f, 130f

Virtual-server environment, 125

Virtual servers, 62, 120

Viruses, 163, 163f

antivirus software, 141142, 141f

VMware, virtual-server environment, 125

Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), 102, 103f

VPN (virtual private network), 129131, 130131f

Vulnerability assessment, 151


War driving, 316

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) guidelines, 279

Web 2.0, 35, 3t, 4f

Web applications, vs. apps, 235236, 236f

Web-based collaboration, 101, 101f

WebEx, SaaS solution, 2728, 28f

Web logs (blogs), 109110, 110f

WebPagetest, site evaluation system, 304305, 304f

Web services

Amazon and, 910

as black box, 186

coupling and, 185

governance and, 189

interoperability, 186188

overview, 182183, 183f

performance, 183185

RESTful services, 188189

reuse and, 185

scaling, 185, 186f

SOA and, 3233, 33f

Wiki, described, 105, 106f

Wikipedia, 105, 106f

Windows Azure, PaaS solution, 45, 47, 47f, 91, 91f

Windows VPN support, 130, 131f

Wix editor, 294, 294f

WordPress, 109, 110f

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines, 279


YouTube, 114


Zentation, virtual presentations, 112, 112f

Zoom virtual meetings, 111, 111f

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