Chapter 6
Practice Exam

  1. Which command enables you to view the current IRQ assignments?

    1. view /proc/irq
    2. cat /proc/interrupts
    3. cat /dev/irq
    4. less /dev/irq
  2. Configuration of udev devices is done by working with files in which directory?

    1. /udev/devices
    2. /devices/
    3. /udev/config
    4. /etc/udev
  3. Which command is used to automatically load a module and its dependencies?

    1. modprobe
    2. lsmod
    3. insmod
    4. rmmod
  4. During boot of a system with GRUB, which key can be pressed to display the GRUB menu?

    1. Shift
    2. E
    3. V
    4. H
  5. Which command can be used to view the kernel ring buffer in order to troubleshoot the boot process?

    1. lsboot
    2. boot-log
    3. krblog
    4. dmesg
  6. Which statement best describes the following, displayed using the ls -la command?

    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 35 Jul 8 2014 .fetchmailrc -> .configs/fetchmail/.fetchmailrc

    1. It is a file called .fetchmailrc that is linked using a symbolic link.
    2. It is a file called .configs/fetchmail/.fetchmailrc that is owned by lrwxrwxrwx.
    3. It is a directory called .fetchmailrc that is owned by user Jul.
    4. It is a local directory called .configs/fetchmail/.fetchmailrc.
  7. Which command is used with systemd in order to list the available service units?

    1. systemd list-units
    2. systemctl list-units
    3. systemd unit-list
    4. systemctl show-units
  8. Which option to lspci is used to display both numeric codes and device names?

    1. -numdev
    2. -n
    3. -nn
    4. -devnum
  9. Which command and option can be used to determine whether a given service is currently loaded?

    1. systemctl --ls
    2. telinit
    3. systemctl status
    4. sysctl -a
  10. When partitioning a disk for a mail server running postfix, which partition/mounted directory should be the largest in order to allow for mail storage?

    1. /etc
    2. /usr/bin
    3. /mail
    4. /var
  11. Which YUM option displays the dependencies for the package specified?

    1. list
    2. deplist
    3. dependencies
    4. listdeps
  12. Which options for an rpm command will display verbose output for an installation along with progress of the installation?

    1. -ivh
    2. -wvh
    3. --avh
    4. --ins-verbose
  13. Which command will search for a package named zsh on a Debian system?

    1. apt-cache search zsh
    2. apt-get search zsh
    3. apt-cache locate zsh
    4. apt-search zsh
  14. Which rpm option can be used to verify that no files have been altered since installation?

    1. -V
    2. -v
    3. --verbose
    4. --filesum
  15. Which of the following command lines would monitor a single process called nagios in a continuous manner?

    1. top -n 1
    2. top -p 23
    3. ps -nagios
    4. top -p`pidof nagios`
  16. Which option to xfs_metadump displays a progress indicator?

    1. -g
    2. -p
    3. -f
    4. -v
  17. The SAN has crashed again, and one of the filesystems in a Linux server has become significantly corrupt as a result. Which command and option can be used to attempt to examine the contents of the drive without causing more damage?

    1. fdisk -f
    2. mke2fs -c
    3. debugfs -c
    4. ls -a
  18. Which of the following commands helps you to determine information about a given window within an X session, including information on the window size and its position?

    1. xkbinfo
    2. xdspy
    3. xwininfo
    4. xver
  19. Which file is used to indicate the local time zone on a Linux server?

    1. /etc/timez
    2. /etc/timezoneconfig
    3. /etc/localtime
    4. /etc/localtz
  20. Within which directory will you find files related to the time zone for various regions?

    1. /etc/timezoneinfo
    2. /etc/zoneinfo
    3. /var/zoneinfo
    4. /usr/share/zoneinfo
  21. Within which directory should you place files in order for the files to be copied to a user’s home directory when the user is created?

    1. /etc/skel
    2. /etc/homedir
    3. /home/usertemplate
    4. /etc/template
  22. Which command displays a list of jobs currently scheduled with at?

    1. atlist
    2. atq
    3. atl
    4. at --jobs
  23. Which of the following encodings provides a multibyte representation of characters?

    1. ISO-8859
    2. UTF-8
    3. ISO-L
    4. UFTMulti
  24. On which port does LDAP over SSL operate?

    1. Port 53
    2. Port 389
    3. Port 636
    4. Port 443
  25. Which of the following commands will set an account to expire based on the number of days elapsed since January 1, 1970?

    1. passwd -e
    2. chage -E
    3. usermod -l
    4. chguser
  26. Which option to SSH enables the use of a key for authentication?

    1. -i
    2. -k
    3. -f
    4. --key
  27. In a scripting scenario, you need to prevent sudo from prompting for credentials or for any other reason. Which option to sudo is used to indicate this?

    1. -n
    2. --noprompt
    3. -i
    4. -q
  28. Which runlevel is typically used for single user mode, as indicated in /etc/inittab?

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 5
    4. 6
  29. Which of the following commands provides an overview of the current memory usage along with swap space and its current utilization?

    1. mem
    2. free
    3. pstat
    4. swap
  30. Which of the following commands can be used to display the current disk utilization, including free space?

    1. df
    2. du
    3. diskutil
    4. diskuse
  31. Which of the following commands displays CPU-related performance information a total of 10 times gathered every two seconds?

    1. sar -u 2 10
    2. sar -u 10 2
    3. sar -u 2
    4. uptime -t
  32. Which option to iostat causes the display to output in megabytes?

    1. -k
    2. -l
    3. -m
    4. -o m
  33. You are working with a legacy CentOS 5 system and need to re-create the initial RAM disk. Which of the following commands is used for this purpose?

    1. mkinitrd
    2. mkramdisk
    3. mkdisk --init
    4. mkfs.init
  34. Which compression method is used for creation of a bzImage?

    1. zip
    2. bzip3
    3. gzip
    4. Cannot be determined
  35. Which options to the fsck command will find and automatically assume that it should repair errors that it finds?

    1. -ry
    2. -vy
    3. -my
    4. -xy
  36. What is the name of the unit to which a systemd system is booted in order to start other levels?

  37. Which command is used to format a swap partition?

    1. mkfs -swap
    2. mkswap
    3. format -swap
    4. mksw
  38. You see the word defaults within /etc/fstab. Which options are encompassed within the defaults?

    1. ro, exec, auto
    2. rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, async
    3. rw, exec, auto, nouser, async
    4. rw, exec, nouser, async, noauto, suid
  39. Which command is used to remove unused filesystem blocks from thinly provisioned storage?

    1. thintrim
    2. thtrim
    3. fstrim
    4. fsclean
  40. Which option to mdadm is used to create a new array?

    1. --create
    2. --start
    3. --begin
    4. --construct
  41. Which of the following commands creates a logical volume with LVM?

    1. lvc
    2. lvcreate
    3. lvlist
    4. lvmake
  42. Which of the following commands shows network sockets and their allocated memory?

    1. ss -m
    2. mpas
    3. mem
    4. free
  43. When troubleshooting a potential hardware problem, you need to determine which physical interface is being used for a certain address. One way to accomplish this is with the ping command in order to monitor the activity lights on the device. Which of the following options to ping will flood the interface with ECHO_REQUEST packets?

    1. -e
    2. -a
    3. -c
    4. -f
  44. Which of the following dd commands reads and writes bytes one megabyte at a time?

    1. dd bsl=1024M
    2. dd size=1M
    3. dd bs=1M
    4. dd rw=1M
  45. Which option to the rsync command examines only the file size as a means of determining whether the file should be synchronized?

    1. --filesize
    2. --size-only
    3. --list-size
    4. --file-size
  46. When creating MX records for a zone, which of the following is the highest-priority mail exchanger?

    1. 0
    2. 10
    3. 20
    4. 100
  47. On which protocol and port are zone transfer requests sent?

    1. UDP/53
    2. ICMP/53
    3. TCP/143
    4. TCP/53
  48. Which type can be used with the dig command to test a zone transfer?

    1. xfr
    2. transfer
    3. zxfr
    4. axfr
  49. Which of the following files is used to define the filesystems shared by NFS?

    1. /etc/nfs.cfg
    2. /etc/nfs.conf
    3. /etc/export.nfs
    4. /etc/exports
  50. Which option in dhcpd.conf specifies the maximum amount of time that a client is allowed to have a DHCP lease?

    1. max-time
    2. max-lease-time
    3. lease-max
    4. maximum-lease-duration
  51. You are troubleshooting an authentication issue for a user. You believe the system uses local files and LDAP for authentication. Which of the following lines in /etc/nsswitch.conf shows those authentication mechanisms?

    1. passwd: files ldap
    2. passwd [files ldap]
    3. auth: local ldap
    4. auth: localfiles ldap
  52. Which of the following commands can be used to generate a private and public key pair for authentication with SSH?

    1. ssh-createkey
    2. sshkey
    3. ssh-key
    4. ssh-keygen
  53. Which file contains a list of keys that will be accepted for authentication for a given user?

    1. ~/ssh/keys
    2. ~/.ssh/pubkeys
    3. ~/.ssh/keyauth
    4. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  54. A newly added SATA disk is not showing up during the boot process. Where can you check to begin troubleshooting this issue?

    1. Using system logging
    2. Using debugfs
    3. Within the fdisk utility
    4. Within the computer BIOS or firmware
  55. Which of the following commands will set the environment variable JAVA_PATH equal to /home/user/java2 when using the bash shell?

    1. invoke JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
    2. export JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
    3. envvar JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
    4. echo JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
  56. Which option in .bashrc sets the number of commands to keep in the .bash_history file?

    4. HISTNUM
  57. You are creating a bash script of user information. Which of the following commands prints the username and real name of all users in /etc/passwd in a tab-separated format?

    1. cut -d: -f 1,6 /etc/passwd
    2. sed ’s/://’ /etc/passwd
    3. awk -F: ’{print $1,$5}’ OFS=" " /etc/passwd
    4. cat -o " " /etc/passwd
  58. Which git clone command will clone a repository called portalutils into a directory called utils?

    1. git clone ssh://sourcehost/portalutils -d utils
    2. git clone ssh://sourcehost:/portalutils utils
    3. git clone ssh://sourcehost/:portalutils utils
    4. git clone ssh://sourcehost::portalutils -d utils
  59. Which of the following commands is necessary for making a variable defined in your current shell available to child processes?

    1. export
    2. source
    3. let
    4. def
  60. You are watching another administrator perform some work on a server. As part of that work, the admin uses the following command: .

    • Which of the following is the equivalent of .

    1. let
    2. set
    3. source
    4. var
  61. Which of the following shows a valid bash function called sayHello?

    1. function sayHello() { echo "hello"; }
    2. function sayHello{}
    3. function sayHello() { echo Hello }
    4. function sayHello() { echo Hello } ;
  62. Which option to useradd sets the number of days between password expiration and when the account is disabled?

    1. -n
    2. -f
    3. -e
    4. -g
  63. Which command option can be used to remove all cron jobs for a given user using the crontab command?

    1. -d
    2. -e
    3. -r
    4. -l
  64. Which command is used to parse log-file entries on a systemd-based system?

    1. logger
    2. journalentry
    3. jrnctl
    4. journalctl
  65. Which of the following syslog facilities captures messages from the lp printing facility?

    1. auth
    2. messages
    3. lpr
    4. root
  66. Which port needs to be allowed through the firewall for standard LDAP traffic to be received by the server?

    1. TCP port 25
    2. TCP port 443
    3. TCP port 143
    4. TCP port 389
  67. Which of the following is the correct syntax to connect to using SSH on port 2200?

    1. ssh -l 2200
    2. ssh host;
    3. ssh
    4. ssh host:2200 -d
  68. Which option to the tar command preserves permissions?

    1. -x
    2. -v
    3. -z
    4. -p
  69. When working with a patch file, which option can be used to have the patching process ignore whitespace?

    1. -w
    2. -i
    3. -e
    4. -p
  70. When using the dm-crypt command, which type of encryption is used by default?

    1. plain
    2. SHA-256
    3. LUKS
    4. loop
  71. Which option to journalctl displays the output in reverse, with newest entries first?

    1. -n
    2. -r
    3. -f
    4. -b
  72. Which systemd target can be used as an alternative to rescue mode when recovery is not possible in rescue mode?

    1. emerg
    2. recover
    3. control-recover
    4. emergency
  73. When performing an rsync across devices, you receive errors that file ownership cannot be preserved, likely due to missing users or groups on the destination system. Which option should be removed from the rsync options in order to not preserve user and group ownership?

    1. -go
    2. -o
    3. -no-ownership
    4. -remove-owners
  74. Which option to ping enables the bypass of the routing tables?

    1. -q
    2. -r
    3. -b
    4. -A
  75. Which option to the patch command makes a backup of files?

    1. -d
    2. -b
    3. -s
    4. -c
  76. A piece of software on client machines that listens for connections and executes commands on behalf of the server in an orchestration is commonly known as which of the following?

    1. Executor
    2. Runner
    3. Agent
    4. Host
  77. Which escape characters represent a carriage return and newline in bash?

    1. enter
    2. c
  78. Which file test within a bash script checks to see if the file exists?

    1. -f
    2. -o
    3. -l
    4. -p
  79. Which of the following will execute a bash script called even if the execute bit is not set?

    1. ./
    2. --execute
    3. bash
    4. run
  80. When testing an exclude pattern for a .gitignore file, which git command and option can be used to see the results of what will be ignored?

    1. git ls-files -i --exclude-standard
    2. git ls-files --ignored
    3. git show-ignored
    4. git -ls ignored
  81. Which of the following characters is used to redirect STDIN, sending the contents of a file called file.txt into a script called

    1. < file.txt
    2. | file.txt
    3. file.txt |
    4. ./ > file.txt
  82. Which option to the tune2fs command sets the maximum mount count before the system will automatically run fsck on the partition on boot?

    1. -b
    2. -c
    3. -C
    4. -a
  83. Which option to the mount command can be used to simulate the mount process without actually mounting the filesystem?

    1. -q
    2. -v
    3. -l
    4. -f
  84. Which of the following commands shows the current default route without performing DNS lookups on the IP address(es) involved?

    1. netstat -rn
    2. netstat -n
    3. netstat -r
    4. netstat -f
  85. Which tool can be used to measure the memory usage of individual processes in order to aid in capacity planning?

    1. ps
    2. iotop
    3. iostat
    4. ifconfig
  86. When viewing statistics with vmstat, which statistic represents the time that the CPU spent waiting for I/O?

    1. sy
    2. us
    3. wa
    4. io
  87. What time intervals are represented by the three numbers in the load-average output obtained with the uptime command?

    1. 1, 5, and 15 minutes
    2. 5, 10, and 15 minutes
    3. 10, 30, and 60 seconds
    4. 1, 3, and 5 minutes
  88. Which option to sysctl displays all values and their current settings?

    1. -a
    2. -b
    3. -d
    4. -c
  89. When using systemctl to kill a process, what is the default signal sent to a process?

    1. SIGKILL
    2. SIGTERM
    3. SIGINT
    4. SIGCALL
  90. You are having difficulty with shared libraries on the system. Which of the following commands will print the current directories and libraries in the cache?

    1. ldconfig -C
    2. ldd -f
    3. ldconfig -p
    4. ldd -b
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