BasÍlIca de Nuestra Senora de los Angeles

Calle 15/17 Ave Central/1, Cartago @ From San José (Calle 5) # 6am–7pm daily santuarionacional.org

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t Bishops expressing penitence and devotion in one of the panels of modern stained glass

Cartago’s well-restored basilica, built in 1639 and partially destroyed by an earthquake in 1926, bears a unique mix of colonial architecture and 19th-century Byzantine style. The current building was built largely in 1939.

EXPERIENCE Central Highlands

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t The gilt-painted Moorish-style arches and fluted pilasters of Cartago’s well-preserved basilica

Named in honor of the country’s patron saint, the Virgin of Los Angeles, Cartago’s Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is Costa Rica’s most important church. According to legend, in 1635 a peasant girl found a small figurine of a dark-skinned Virgin Mary on a rock. The statue, also called La Negrita, was moved twice and mysteriously returned to the rock both times. The statue, now an important pilgrimage shrine, is housed in the basilica, which was built to mark the spot. The church was destroyed by earthquakes so many times during its construction that the church was relocated to where the statue was found and the building was finally completed unscathed. The impressive Byzantine-style edifice features a decorated façade and is topped by a octagonal cupola.

What Else to See in Cartago

Costa Rica’s first city and original colonial capital, founded in 1563, has been plagued by earthquakes for much of its history. The town is not especially attractive, but the ruins of the Iglesia de la Parroquia are lovely. Originally built in 1575 and destroyed five times by earthquakes, the mossy ruins now form the centerpiece of a small, pretty garden that runs alongside the stark central plaza. The Museo Municipal de Cartago, in the former army barracks, hosts revolving art exhibitions and has become a place to learn more about the area’s natural and cultural heritage.

Did You Know?

A spring running underneath the basilica is believed to have curative powers.

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