Before The Object-Oriented Paradigm: Functional Decomposition

Let's start out by examining a common approach to software development. If I were to give you the task of writing code to access a description of shapes that were stored in a database and then display them, it would be natural to think in terms of the steps required. For example, you might think that you would solve the problem by doing the following:

Locate the list of shapes in the database.

Open up the list of shapes.

Sort the list according to some rules.

Display the individual shapes on the monitor.

You could take any one of these steps and further break down the steps required to implement it. For example, you could break down Step 4 as follows:

For each shape in the list, do the following:

4a. Identify type of shape.

4b. Get location of shape.

4c. Call appropriate function that will display shape, giving it the shape's location.

This is called functional decomposition because the analyst breaks down (decomposes) the problem into the functional steps that compose it. You and I do this because it is easier to deal with smaller pieces than it is to deal with the problem in its entirety. It is the same approach I might use to write a recipe for making lasagna, or instructions to assemble a bicycle. We use this approach so often and so naturally that we seldom question it or ask if there are other alternatives.

The problem with functional decomposition is that it does not help us prepare the code for possible changes in the future, for a graceful evolution. When change is required, it is often because I want to add a new variation to an existing theme. For example, I might have to deal with new shapes or new ways to display shapes. If I have put all of the logic that implements the steps into one large function or module, then virtually any change to the steps will require changes to that function or module.

And change creates opportunities for mistakes and unintended consequences. Or, as I like to say,

Many bugs originate with changes to code.

Verify this assertion for yourself. Think of a time when you wanted to make a change to your code, but were afraid to put it in because you knew that modifying the code in one place could break it somewhere else. Why might this happen? Must the code pay attention to all of its functions and how they might be used? How might the functions interact with one another? Were there too many details for the function to pay attention to, such as the logic it was trying to implement, the things with which it was interacting, the data it was using? As it is with people, trying to focus on too many things at once begs for errors when anything changes.

And no matter how hard you try, no matter how well you do your analysis, you can never get all of the requirements from the user. Too much is unknown about the future. Things change. They always do …

And nothing you can do will stop change. But you do not have to be overcome by it.

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