Moving from Architectural to Software Design Patterns

What does all of this architectural stuff have to do with us software developers?

Well, in the early 1990s some smart developers happened upon Alexander's work in patterns. They wondered if what was true for architectural patterns would also be true for software design.[5]

[5] The ESPRIT consortium in Europe was doing similar work in the 1980s. ESPRIT's Project 1098 and Project 5248 developed a pattern-based design methodology called Knowledge Analysis and Design Support (KADS) that was focused on patterns for creating expert systems. Karen Gardner extended the KADS analysis patterns to object orientation. See Gardner, K., Cognitive Patterns: Problem-Solving Frameworks for Object Technology, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

  • Were there problems in software that occur over and over again that could be solved in somewhat the same manner?

  • Was it possible to design software in terms of patterns, creating specific solutions based on these patterns only after the patterns had been identified?

The group felt the answer to both of these questions was “unequivocally yes.” The next step was to identify several patterns and develop standards for cataloging new ones.

Although many people were working on design patterns in the early 1990s, the book that had the greatest influence on this fledging community was Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software[6] by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides. In recognition of their important work, these four authors are commonly and affectionately known as the Gang of Four.

[6] Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1995.

This book served several purposes:

  • It applied the idea of design patterns to software design.

  • It described a structure within which to catalog and describe design patterns.

  • It cataloged 23 such patterns.

  • It postulated object-oriented strategies and approaches based on these design patterns.

It is important to realize that the authors did not create the patterns described in the book. Rather, the authors identified these patterns as already existing within the software community, patterns that reflected what had been learned about high-quality designs for specific problems (note the similarity to Alexander's work).

Today, there are several different forms for describing design patterns. Since this is not a book about writing design patterns, I will not offer an opinion on the best structure for describing patterns; however, the following items listed in Table 5-2 need to be included in any description.

For each pattern that I present in this book, I present a one-page summary of the key features that describes that pattern.

Table 5-2. Key Features of Patterns
Item Description
Name All patterns have a unique name that identifies them.
Intent The purpose of the pattern.
Problem The problem that the pattern is trying to solve.
Solution How the pattern provides a solution to the problem in the context in which it shows up.
Participants and Collaborators The entities involved in the pattern.
Consequences The consequences of using the pattern. Investigates the forces at play in the pattern.
Implementation How the pattern can be implemented. Note: Implementations are just concrete manifestations of the pattern and should not be construed as the pattern itself.
GoF Reference Where to look in the Gang of Four text to get more information.


The term consequences is used in design patterns and is often misunderstood. In everyday usage, consequences usually carries a negative connotation. (You never hear someone say, “I won the lottery! As a consequence, I now do not have to go to work!”) Within the design pattern community, on the other hand, consequences simply refers to cause and effect. That is, if you implement this pattern in such-and-such a way, this is how it will affect and be affected by the forces present.

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