Chapter 12. Extending and Embedding XSLT

I think everybody should have a great Wonderbra. There’s so many ways to enhance them, everybody does it.

Christina Aguilera

Truly ambitious programmers are never satisfied with what they are given and are obsessively driven to enhance what they have. I say “ambitious” rather than “great” because greatness, in my opinion, comes from knowing when it is wiser to work within the system versus when it is best to extend the system. Nevertheless, this chapter is dedicated to extending the system both from the perspective of XSLT needing functionality best implemented in another language and from the perspective of other languages needing XSLT.

Extending XSLT is, by definition, a facility on the fringes of the specification. Extensions decrease the portability of the XSLT script. This is definitely a hazard when you use extensions provided natively by your XSLT processor or when implementing your own extension. It is true even if you implement your extensions in a highly portable language like Java. The most obvious reason is that some XSLT processors are not written in Java and are thus unlikely ever to support Java-based extensions. However, even if you only want your extensions to work in Java-based XSLT processors, you might still find that the extension mechanism of XSLT was not fully standardized in Version 1.0. This state of affairs improved in Version 1.1, but 1.1 is no longer an official XSLT release and many processors do not support it. Surprisingly, XSLT 2.0 does not promise any standardization with respect to extensions. is a portal dedicated to establishing standards XSLT implementers can follow when implementing common extensions. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 mentioned EXSLT with respect to math extensions and date extensions. also organized other extension categories, some of which this chapter touches upon. It is certainly a site worth visiting before going off and implementing your own extension. There is a good chance that someone either developed such an extension or put some thought into how the extension should work.

In contrast to extending XSLT, embedding XSLT involves invoking XSLT transformations from another language without forking your XSLT processor in a separate process. You will see how XSLT can be accessed from within Java- and Perl-based programs.

When writing this chapter, it quickly became apparent that you could easily dedicate a whole book to extension and embedding—especially when you consider the cross between implementations, extension languages, and interesting examples. To keep this chapter manageable, I compromised by alternating between Xalan Java 2 and Saxon and sticking mostly to Java and JavaScript. This chapter also discusses MSXML.

To prevent repetition, this section explains how to use extensions in both Saxon and Xalan Java 2.

Saxon Extension Functions

Saxon lets you access extension junctions written in Java by using the interface defined in the XSLT 1.1 draft standard. Although this feature was dropped from XSLT 2.0, it will probably remain in Saxon since vendors can do what they please on the 2.0 standard’s extensibility front. However, the element’s namespace could be changed.

Java is the only extension language currently supported by Saxon, so extension function bindings are defined along the lines of the following example:

  <xsl:script implements-prefix="Math"

Here the naming convention used for the namespace is not strictly required. However, if followed, it makes the xsl:script element optional. Hence, if you need to access an extension only once, you can write something like:

 <xsl:variable name="PI" select="4 * Math:atan(1.0)" 
<!-- ... -->

Here the namespace encodes the binding to the Java implementation rather than the xsl:script. Note that these binding techniques are independent; if you use the xsl:script element, then the namespace’s content does not matter. On the other hand, if you omit the xsl:script, the namespace has the sole responsibility of binding the Java implementation.

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