
Table 10.2 summarizes the characteristics of the sorting methods discussed in this chapter.

Table 10.2. Sorting Method Characteristics
Sorting Method Average Worst Case Stable In Place Remark
Insertion O(n^2) O(n^2) Yes Yes Good for few items and teaching purposes
Bubble O(n^2) O(n^2) Yes Yes Good for teaching purposes and easily maintainable code
Shell O(n^1.25) O(n^1.5) No Yes Good for general purpose and time-critical systems
Heap sort O(nlog2 n) O(nlog2 n) No Yes Best for time-critical systems and large lists
Quick sort O(nlog2 n) O(n^2) No No Best for many strings
Radix sort O(m*n) O(m*n) No No Perfect for large lists with numbers

Note that often interesting results can be gained by combining sorting algorithms. Think, for instance, of a quick sort implementation that calls insertion sort when it receives an array with a small number of elements or a sorting algorithm that uses radix sort for small keys and quick sort for longer keys. The best mix-and-match for you to use depends, of course, on the data set you are using and the way in which you want to use it. The best advice here is to experiment.

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