Part II. Web Server Administration

In this part you’ll find the essential tasks for administering World Wide Web servers running Internet Information Services (IIS). Chapter 3 details management techniques for Web sites and servers. There, you’ll also learn how to create and manage virtual directories. Shaping the content of your Web server to suit your particular needs is the focus of Chapter 4, where you’ll also learn about managing individual pages, browser redirection techniques, custom headers and footers, server error messages, and Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types. In Chapter 5, you’ll learn about IIS application options and how to configure essential application components. In Chapter 6, you’ll learn how to manage worker processes and application pools. Chapter 7 covers Web site and server security. To manage server security, you’ll create user logins, configure directory permissions, and assign operators. Chapter 8, the final chapter in this section, explores server certificates and server extensions.

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