Scott McLean

Scott McLean started programming computers on an Atari 400. After mastering Atari BASIC, he taught himself 6502 assembler. A few years later, he enlisted in the United States Navy, where he served six years as a Navy “Nuke” on a fast- attack submarine. After receiving an honorable discharge from the Navy, Scott went back to school and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at the University of Georgia.

Now a software engineer at XcelleNet, Inc., he focuses on enterprise server application architecture and distributed systems development. He’s developed a variety of applications using multithreading, sockets, I/O completion ports, COM, ATL, and .NET. His other publications include an article on .NET Remoting for .NET Magazine Online, and he’s a coauthor of Visual C++.NET: A Primer for .NET Developers, by WROX Press, Ltd. Scott is a cofounder of and contributer to, an online resource for .NET developers.

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