Configuration and workload
This appendix shows the configurations of the different platform environments that are used during this project and the DayTrader application workload.
This appendix covers the following topics:
B.1 Configurations
This section describes the environment in which we performed our tests. Figure B-1 shows our starting z/OS configurations. We used a DB2 10 for z/OS data sharing configuration that contains two members, D0Z1 and D0Z2, on LPARs SC63 and SC64. The processors on WTSCPLX2 were shared across all LPARs. We also built a WebSphere Application Server V 8.5 network deployment cell across these two LPARS and a cluster named MZSR014.
Figure B-1 Our DB2 for z/OS configuration
B.2 The DayTrader application workload
This section provides a description of the DayTrader application workload, which was used for our tests.
B.2.1 The IBM DayTrader performance benchmark sample for WebSphere Application Server
The IBM DayTrader performance benchmark sample provides a suite of IBM-developed workloads for characterizing the performance of the WebSphere Application Server. The workloads consist of an end-to-end web application and a full set of primitives. The applications are a collection of Java classes, Java servlets, JavaServer Pages, web services, and Enterprise beans that are built to open Java Platform, Enterprise Edition APIs. Together, these provide versatile and portable test cases that measure aspects of scalability
and performance.
Figure B-2 provides an overview of the DayTrader application workload.
Figure B-2 DayTrader overview
Our environment
The environment consists of the following elements:
z/OS R13
WebSphere Application Server V8.5
IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ Fix Pack 6
Note: The steps show the installation of trade application with the assumption that the software was installed.
DayTrader installation
Download your copy of the DayTrader application from the following web page:
Extract the files from the downloaded package.
DB2 for z/OS
Create the DayTrader database by completing the following steps. The skeleton JCL is prepared in the DayTrader package.
1. Upload the trade6db_pakage.jcl file in the tradeinstall/zOS directory to a data set in your TSO environment on your z/OS system.
Note: The trade6db_pakage.jcl is stored in EBCDIC format, so no conversions
are necessary.
2. Customize the JCL by following the instructions in the JCL.
3. Submit the job to create the table spaces, tables, and indexes for the DayTrader database.
Installing the DayTrader application on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V8.5
The DayTrader application installation script defines and installs the necessary resources in your installation of WebSphere Application Server. The script provides the following
installation options:
DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (type 4 driver)
DB2 for z/OS (type 2 driver)
Tip: You cannot choose an option to use a type 4 driver for DB2 for z/OS. But you must choose DB2 for z/OS or your application will not run. After you run the installation script, you can modify your data source setting from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. We show how to change them later.
This is the user ID that is used to install the DayTrader application; in our example, we
used “mzadmin”.
This is the password for the user name.
WebSphere Application Server installation
If you are using global security or cluster installation, you are prompted by this option.
WebSphere Application Server node
Installing the nodes for the DayTrader application
Now, you have lists of nodes to choose from. In our example, we used a cluster that is named “mzsr014””. You have the following options:
Backend DB type
Choose from db2, oracle, or db2zos. You must choose “db2zos” when running against DB2 for z/OS server.
DB driver path
Enter the path for your type 4 driver path. In our installation, we used /usr/lpp/db2/d0zg/jdbc/classes/db2jcc.jar and /usr/lpp/db2/d0zg/jdbc/classes/db2jcc_lisence_cisuz.jar.
DB name
The location name of DB2 for z/OS. In our installation, “D0ZG” is the location name for our DB2 data sharing group.
DB username
The user ID that is used to connect to DB2 for z/OS. In our installation, we used “Rajesh”.
DB password
The password that is associated with the DB username.
Tip: If your scripts do not complete, check your WebSphere Application Server administrative console to see whether any of configurations or installations are done. If you rerun your script, you manually must delete what is configured or installed from your
last installation.
After you are done with running scripts, go to your WebSphere Application Server administrative console. The DayTrader application should be installed, but it might not be started, as shown in Figure B-3, after the installation. You do not need to start the DayTrader
application now.
Figure B-3 WebSphere Application Server admin console after installation
After running the scripts, the administration console of WebSphere Application Server opens. Click Resources → JDBC → JDBC Provider. You should see a new JDBC provider that is defined, as shown in Figure B-4.
Figure B-4 JDBC Provider that is defined by the configuration script
Customize your data source settings so you can connect to DB2 for z/OS through the network, where the default installation for “db2zos” is the type 2 driver. In our example, we also performed the setup for sysplex workload balancing and a type 4 connection.
In the administration console of WebSphere Application Server, click Resources → JDBC → JDBC Provider. You see lists of data sources that are defined in your installation. You should see “TradeDataSource”; if not, check your scope match with a node that you specify at script or “All scopes”.
Figure B-5 shows the data source for our example.
Figure B-5 TradeDataSource from WebSphere Application Server administration console
Click TradeDataSource to access the settings for your DayTrader application data source. At the bottom, you find the Driver type, Server name, and Port number. Change Driver type to “4”, Server name to an IP address or the domain name for your DB2 for z/OS, and change the Port number to the DRDA service port. In our example, the settings are the ones that are shown in Figure B-6. In addition, we added two properties that are related to sysplex workload balancing in the data source custom properties.
Figure B-6 Modify the data source for the type 4 connection
Go to Servers → Application servers, and restart the application server in which the DayTrader application is installed. After restarting, navigate to Applications → Enterprise Application to verify that the DayTrader application started.
Your DayTrader application should be accessible from your browser. You must access your installation of the DayTrader application to finish your installation.
Navigate to Configuration (Re)-populate Trade Database to finish your installation. This populates your DayTrader database with fictitious users and stocks, as shown in Figure B-7. This step takes some time. You can close your browser, but you cannot see the status if you
do so.
Figure B-7 Finish installation by populating the DayTrader database
Tip: If your application does not work, you might need to ask your WebSphere Application Server administrator for help.
To work through issues on your own, see Approach to Problem Determination in WebSphere Application Server V6, REDP-4073, found at:
In addition, WebSphere Application Server V6: Default Messaging Provider Problem Determination, REDP-4076, found at the following web page, might be useful:
B.3 Using the DayTrader application
In this section, we briefly explain how the DayTrader application works.
Click Go Trade! from the left menu pane of the window shown in Figure B-8.
Figure B-8 Go Trade! window
The window that is shown in Figure B-9 opens. Click Log in (the Username and Password are already entered) to get started, or create an account by clicking Register With Trade.
Figure B-9 Verify your installation by logging in to the DayTrader application
After you log in to the DayTrader application, you see the DayTrader Home window (Figure B-10). Click Portfolio to start trading.
Figure B-10 DayTrader Home window
After you verify your installation (by clicking all the menus), you can start your workload by using the Test Trade Scenario.
Click Configuration in the left menu pane (shown in Figure B-8 on page 519) and then click Test Trade Scenario, as shown in Figure B-11. A new window opens. In that window,
click Reload.
Figure B-11 Test Trade scenario
You can use any load testing tool to create a workload to run by clicking Test Trade Scenario. For our test, we used Apache JMeter. This is a Java -based application that tests functional behavior and measures performance. It is available from the following web page:
Apache JMeter can load and performance test various server types, but because the DayTrader application provides the Test Trade Scenario, you can use it to test a scenario by using an HTTP request.
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