SMF 120 records subtypes 1, 3, 7, and 8
This appendix contains sample output of the SMF Browser program that can be used to format the SMF record type 120 records that are created by WebSphere applications.
We provide sample output for the following subtypes:
E.1 Server activity record: Subtype 1
As described in 8.3.1, “Using SMF 120 records” on page 377, we used the following commands to generate a summary and a detailed report of the SMF 120 records that were collected during one of the runs using the DayTrader sample application:
java -cp bbomsmfv.jar:batchsmf.jar 'INFILE(BART.WAS.TEST1.SMF120)' 'PLUGIN(PERFSUM,/tmp/smf120sum.txt)'
java -cp bbomsmfv.jar:batchsmf.jar 'INFILE(BART.WAS.TEST1.SMF120)' 'PLUGIN(DEFAULT,/tmp/smf120detail.txt)'
The second parm of the PLUGIN option indicates the file that the output is directed to.
We provide this information to give you a better feel for the different types of information that is available through the different SMF 120 subtype records. We provide both the summary and the detailed output for each of the subtype records that are mentioned above.
Example E-1 shows the summary output of an SMF 120 subtype 1 (120.1) server
activity record.
Example E-1 Subtype 1 summary
============================================ = Date:Fri Aug 10 19:58:06 EDT 2012 SysID: SC64, Page: 136
SMF -Record Time Server Bean/WebAppName Bytes Bytes # of El.Time CPU_Time(uSec) Other SMF 120.9
Numbr -Type hh:mm:ss Instance Method/Servlet toSvr frSvr Calls (msec) Tot-CPU zAAP Sections Present
1---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+ ----------------
  679 120.1 19:58:06 MZSR014 882
942 8038
Example E-2 shows the detailed output of an SMF 120 subtype 1 (120.1) server activity record. It is the detailed output of the same record that is shown in Example E-1.
Example E-2 Subtype 1 detail
Record#: 679;
Type: 120; Size: 480; Date: Fri Aug 10 19:58:06 EDT 2012;
SystemID: SC64; SubsystemID: WAS; Flag: 94;
#Triplets: 4;
Triplet #: 1; offsetDec: 76; offsetHex: 4c; lengthDec: 32; lengthHex: 20; count: 1;
Triplet #: 2; offsetDec: 108; offsetHex: 6c; lengthDec: 216; lengthHex: d8; count: 1;
Triplet #: 3; offsetDec: 324; offsetHex: 144; lengthDec: 100; lengthHex: 64; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4; offsetDec: 424; offsetHex: 1a8; lengthDec: 28; lengthHex: 1c; count: 2;
Triplet #: 1; Type: ProductSection;
Version: 4; Codeset: IBM-1047; Endian: 1; TimeStampFormat: 1 (S390STCK64);
IndexOfThisRecord: 1; Total # records: 1; Total # triplets: 4;
Triplet #: 2; Type: ServerActivitySection;
HostName : WTSC64;
ServerName : MZSR01;
ServerInstanceName: MZSR014;
ServerType : J2EE Server;
CellName : MZCELL;
NodeName : MZNODE4;
#ServerRegions: 1;
ASID1: 252; ASID2: 0; ASID3: 0; ASID4: 0; ASID5: 0;
UserCredentials: ;
ActivityType: 1 (method request);
ActivityID * ca00265f 3cf7d4eb 000002a4 00000062 *
* 090c0609 -------- -------- -------- *
WlmEnclaveToken * 0000011c 012075bf -------- -------- *
ActivityStartTime * ca00265f 3cf7d4eb 00000000 00000000 *
ActivityStopTime * ca00265f 418d6820 00000000 00000000 *
#InputMethods : 1;
#GlobalTransactions: 0;
#LocalTransactions : 2;
WLM enclave CPU time: 882;
Triplet #: 3; Type: CommSessionSection;
CommSessionHandle * 08a1e8d0 00000000 -------- -------- *
CommSessionAddress: ip addr= port=24012;
CommSessionOptimization: 5 (HTTP session optimization);
DataReceived: 942; DataTransferred: 8038;
DataReceived 8 byte field: 942;
DataTransferred 8 byte field: 8038;
Triplet #: 4; Type: JvmHeapSection;
Server Region ASID: 252;
Heap Type: 3;
Garbage Collection Count: 313;
free Storage : 30751064;
total Storage: 63307776;
Triplet #: 5; Type: JvmHeapSection;
Server Region ASID: 252;
Heap Type: 4;
Garbage Collection Count: 0;
free Storage : 78369816;
total Storage: 201326592;
E.2 Server interval record: Subtype 3
Example E-3 shows the summary output of an SMF 120 subtype 3 (120.3) server interval record. It contains similar information to subtype 1, but it is created only at the SMF interval (server_SMF_interval_length) that you specified (3 minutes in our case). Interval records are a good starting point to get a quick idea about how the work is doing while having a minimum impact, but when you must drill deeper, or when the interval is too wide, it is not as useful.
Example E-3 Subtype 3 summary
SMF -Record Time Server Bean/WebAppName Bytes Bytes # of El.Time CPU_Time(uSec) Other SMF 120.9
Numbr -Type hh:mm:ss Instance Method/Servlet toSvr frSvr Calls (msec) Tot-CPU zAAP Sections Present
1---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+ ----------------
5622 120.3 19:58:06 MZSR014 2851637 26988724 2917645
Example E-4 shows the detailed output of an SMF 120 subtype 3 (120.3) server interval record. It is the detailed output of the same record that is shown in Example E-3 on page 547.
Example E-4 Subtype 3 detail
Record#: 5622;
Type: 120; Size: 548; Date: Fri Aug 10 19:58:06 EDT 2012;
SystemID: SC64; SubsystemID: WAS; Flag: 94;
#Triplets: 3;
Triplet #: 1; offsetDec: 64; offsetHex: 40; lengthDec: 32; lengthHex: 20; count: 1;
Triplet #: 2; offsetDec: 96; offsetHex: 60; lengthDec: 308; lengthHex: 134; count: 1;
Triplet #: 3; offsetDec: 404; offsetHex: 194; lengthDec: 144; lengthHex: 90; count: 1;
Triplet #: 1; Type: ProductSection;
Version: 4; Codeset: IBM-1047; Endian: 1; TimeStampFormat: 1 (S390STCK64);
IndexOfThisRecord: 1; Total # records: 1; Total # triplets: 3;
Triplet #: 2; Type: ServerIntervalSection;
HostName : WTSC64;
ServerName : MZSR01;
ServerInstanceName: MZSR014;
ServerType : J2EE Server;
CellName : MZCELL;
NodeName : MZNODE4;
SampleStartTime * ca00265e 5809c227 00000000 00000000 *
SampleStopTime * ca002661 347fb56b 00000000 00000000 *
#GlobalTransactions: 0; #LocalTransactions: 8773;
#Active CS: 41;
#ActiveLocal CS: 0;
#ActiveRemote CS: 0;
# Bytes transferred 4 byte fields
ToServer: 2851637; FromServer: 26988724;
LocalToServer: 0; LocalFromServer: 0;
RemoteToServer: 0; RemoteFromServer: 0;
Transferred to Server from http clients: 2851637;
Transferred from Server to http clients: 26988724;
Transferred to Server from SIP clients: 0;
Transferred from Server to SIP clients: 0;
#Http Communication Sessions attached and active during interval: 41;
#SIP Communication Sessions attached and active during interval: 0;
Total WLM enclave CPU time: 2917645;
# Bytes transferred 8 byte fields
ToServer: 2851637;
FromServer: 26988724;
LocalToServer: 0;
LocalFromServer: 0;
RemoteToServer: 0;
RemoteFromServer: 0;
Transferred to Server from http clients: 2851637;
Transferred from Server to http clients: 26988724;
Transferred to Server from SIP clients: 0;
Transferred from Server to SIP clients: 0;
Triplet #: 3; Type: ServerRegionSection;
ASID * 000000fc -------- -------- -------- *
#HeapIdSections: 2;
Triplet #: 3.1; offsetDec: 32; offsetHex: 20; length: 56; count: 1;
Triplet #: 3.2; offsetDec: 88; offsetHex: 58; length: 56; count: 1;
Triplet #: 1; Type: HeapIdSection;
HeapID * 00000003 -------- -------- -------- *
Total Garbage Collection Count: 9;
Minimum Total Storage: 63307776;
Maximum Total Storage: 63307776;
Average Total Storage: 63307776;
Minimum Free Storage : 14107448;
Maximum Free Storage : 59786912;
Average Free Storage : 29656271;
Triplet #: 2; Type: HeapIdSection;
HeapID * 00000004 -------- -------- -------- *
Total Garbage Collection Count: 0;
Minimum Total Storage: 201326592;
Maximum Total Storage: 201326592;
Average Total Storage: 201326592;
Minimum Free Storage : 77059096;
Maximum Free Storage : 78894104;
Average Free Storage : 77984765;
E.3 WebContainer activity record: Subtype 7
Example E-5 shows the summary output of an SMF 120 subtype 7 (120.7) WebContainer activity record.
Example E-5 Subtype 7 summary
SMF -Record Time Server Bean/WebAppName Bytes Bytes # of El.Time CPU_Time(uSec) Other SMF 120.9
Numbr -Type hh:mm:ss Instance Method/Servlet toSvr frSvr Calls (msec) Tot-CPU zAAP Sections Present
1---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+ ----------------
  680 120.7 19:58:06 MZSR014
/account.jsp 0 32
TradeAppServlet 13 591
Example E-6 shows the detailed output of an SMF 120 subtype 7 (120.7) WebContainer activity record. It is the detailed output of the same record that is shown in Example E-5.
Example E-6 Subtype 7 detail
Record#: 680;
Type: 120; Size: 1148; Date: Fri Aug 10 19:58:06 EDT 2012;
SystemID: SC64; SubsystemID: WAS; Flag: 94;
# Triplets: 4;
Triplet #: 1; offsetDec: 76; offsetHex: 4c; lengthDec: 32; lengthHex: 20; count: 1;
Triplet #: 2; offsetDec: 108; offsetHex: 6c; lengthDec: 156; lengthHex: 9c; count: 1;
Triplet #: 3; offsetDec: 264; offsetHex: 108; lengthDec: 16; lengthHex: 10; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4; offsetDec: 280; offsetHex: 118; lengthDec: 868; lengthHex: 364; count: 1;
Triplet #: 1; Type: ProductSection;
Version: 2; Codeset: Unicode; Endian: 1; TimeStampFormat: 1 (S390STCK64);
IndexOfThisRecord: 1; Total # records: 1; Total # triplets: 4;
Triplet #: 2; Type: WebContainerActivitySection;
HostName : WTSC64;
ServerName : MZSR01;
ServerInstanceName: MZSR014;
CellName : MZCELL;
NodeName : MZNODE4;
WlmEnclaveToken * 0000011c 012075bf -------- -------- * ......Í×........ * Cp1047
ActivityID * ca00265f 3cf7d4eb 000002a4 00000062 * ­..¬.7MÔ...u... * Cp1047
* 090c0609 -------- -------- -------- * ................ * Cp1047
ActivityStartTime * ca00265f 3cf7d4eb 00000000 00000000 *
ActivityStopTime * ca00265f 418d6820 00000000 00000000 *
Triplet #: 3; Type: HttpSessionManagerActivitySection;
# http sessions created: 0; # http sessions invalidated: 0; # http sessions active: 0; Average session life time: 0                                                                                                           Ýsec*10**-3¨
Triplet #: 4; Type: WebApplicationActivitySection;
Name: DayTrader-EE6#web.war;
# Servlets: 2;
Triplet #: 4.1; offsetDec: 284; offsetHex: 11c; length: 292; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.2; offsetDec: 576; offsetHex: 240; length: 292; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.1; Type: ServletActivitySection;
Name: /account.jsp;
ResponseTime: 0 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded by this request: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79b14;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
CPU Time: 32;
Triplet #: 4.2; Type: ServletActivitySection;
Name: TradeAppServlet;
ResponseTime: 13 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded by this request: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79a56;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
CPU Time: 591;
E.4 WebContainer activity record: Subtype 8
Example E-7 shows the summary output of an SMF 120 subtype 8 (120.8) WebContainer interval record. It contains information that is similar to subtype 7, but it is written only at the specified server_SMF_interval_length (every 3 minutes, in our case).
Example E-7 Subtype 8 summary
SMF -Record Time Server Bean/WebAppName Bytes Bytes # of El.Time CPU_Time(uSec) Other SMF 120.9
Numbr -Type hh:mm:ss Instance Method/Servlet toSvr frSvr Calls (msec) Tot-CPU zAAP Sections Present
1---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+ ----------------
5623 120.8 19:58:06 MZSR014
/tradehome.jsp 84 1 90 -Av
/marketSummary.jsp 39 1 38 -Av
/order.jsp 5 1 32 -Av
/account.jsp 19 1 33 -Av
/register.jsp 2 1 20 -Av
/displayQuote.jsp 1155 3 205 -Av
TradeAppServlet 3386 11 555 -Av
/welcome.jsp 2 1 9 -Av
/portfolio.jsp 38 1 70 -Av
/quote.jsp 1155 3 262 -Av
Example E-8 shows the detailed output of an SMF 120 subtype 8 (120.8) WebContainer interval record. It is the detailed output of the same record that is shown in Example E-7 on page 550.
Example E-8 Subtype 8 detail
Record#: 5623;
Type: 120; Size: 3824; Date: Fri Aug 10 19:58:06 EDT 2012;
SystemID: SC64; SubsystemID: WAS; Flag: 94;
# Triplets: 4;
Triplet #: 1; offsetDec: 76; offsetHex: 4c; lengthDec: 32; lengthHex: 20; count: 1;
Triplet #: 2; offsetDec: 108; offsetHex: 6c; lengthDec: 128; lengthHex: 80; count: 1;
Triplet #: 3; offsetDec: 236; offsetHex: ec; lengthDec: 44; lengthHex: 2c; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4; offsetDec: 280; offsetHex: 118; lengthDec: 3544; lengthHex: dd8; count: 1;
Triplet #: 1; Type: ProductSection;
Version: 2; Codeset: Unicode; Endian: 1; TimeStampFormat: 1 (S390STCK64);
IndexOfThisRecord: 1; Total # records: 1; Total # triplets: 4;
Triplet #: 2; Type: WebContainerIntervalSection;
HostName : WTSC64;
ServerName : MZSR01;
ServerInstanceName: MZSR014;
CellName : MZCELL;
NodeName : MZNODE4;
SampleStartTime * ca00265e 5809c227 00000000 00000000 *
SampleStopTime * ca002661 347fb56b 00000000 00000000 *
Triplet #: 3; Type: HttpSessionManagerIntervalSection;
http sessions #created: 233; #invalidated: 0;
http sessions #active: 0; Min #active: 0; Max #active: 0;
Average session life time: 0;
Average session invalidate time: 0;
http sessions #finalized: 0; #tracked: 0;
http sessions #min live: 0; #max live: 0;
Triplet #: 4; Type: WebApplicationIntervalSection;
Name: DayTrader-EE6#web.war;
# Servlets loaded: 0;
# Servlets: 10;
Triplet #: 4.1; offsetDec: 384; offsetHex: 180; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.2; offsetDec: 700; offsetHex: 2bc; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.3; offsetDec: 1016; offsetHex: 3f8; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.4; offsetDec: 1332; offsetHex: 534; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.5; offsetDec: 1648; offsetHex: 670; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.6; offsetDec: 1964; offsetHex: 7ac; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.7; offsetDec: 2280; offsetHex: 8e8; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.8; offsetDec: 2596; offsetHex: a24; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.9; offsetDec: 2912; offsetHex: b60; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.10; offsetDec: 3228; offsetHex: c9c; length: 316; count: 1;
Triplet #: 4.1; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /tradehome.jsp;
# requests: 84;
AverageResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 8 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79ad3;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 90;
Minimum CPU Time: 66;
Maximum CPU Time: 1053;
Triplet #: 4.2; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /marketSummary.jsp;
# requests: 39;
AverageResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 8 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79ade;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 38;
Minimum CPU Time: 28;
Maximum CPU Time: 995;
Triplet #: 4.3; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /order.jsp;
# requests: 5;
AverageResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79bed;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 32;
Minimum CPU Time: 25;
Maximum CPU Time: 59;
Triplet #: 4.4; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /account.jsp;
# requests: 19;
AverageResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79b14;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 33;
Minimum CPU Time: 24;
Maximum CPU Time: 80;
Triplet #: 4.5; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /register.jsp;
# requests: 2;
AverageResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 2 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79d7d;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:21 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 20;
Minimum CPU Time: 13;
Maximum CPU Time: 38;
Triplet #: 4.6; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /displayQuote.jsp;
# requests: 1155;
AverageResponseTime: 3 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 48 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79b2c;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 205;
Minimum CPU Time: 154;
Maximum CPU Time: 333;
Triplet #: 4.7; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: TradeAppServlet;
# requests: 3386;
AverageResponseTime: 11 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 323 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79a56;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 555;
Minimum CPU Time: 199;
Maximum CPU Time: 5739;
Triplet #: 4.8; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /welcome.jsp;
# requests: 2;
AverageResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79b92;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 9;
Minimum CPU Time: 7;
Maximum CPU Time: 26;
Triplet #: 4.9; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /portfolio.jsp;
# requests: 38;
AverageResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 2 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79b38;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 70;
Minimum CPU Time: 32;
Maximum CPU Time: 145;
Triplet #: 4.10; Type: ServletIntervalSection;
Name: /quote.jsp;
# requests: 1155;
AverageResponseTime: 3 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MinimumResponseTime: 1 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
MaximumResponseTime: 48 Ýsec*10**-3¨;
# errors: 0;
Loaded since (raw): 13912f79b23;
Loaded since: Fri Aug 10 19:56:20 EDT 2012;
Average CPU Time: 262;
Minimum CPU Time: 203;
Maximum CPU Time: 414;
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